consuming amazon...

consuming amazon...

A silicone steamer in the shape of a melting pig’s face - Price: $24.94
This welcome alternative to using real salmon for a pillow - Price: $16.50
This Gummy Bear anatomy puzzle, or is possibly a Gummy Bear-shaped torture chamber filled with a tiny animal that died trying to escape it? - Price: $26.99
Price: $9.95. Also available for Kindle.
This vinyl wall decal of the torso of an Asian business person - Price: $25.09+. Available in six sizes
A headband with mullet hair attached to it - Price: $9.99. Also available in black mullet and blonde mullet. No ginger mullet though
A cookbook for your baby’s placenta - Price: $2.99 for Kindle
This air freshener that’ll remind you Jesus is always there for you and smells like fresh mountain air - Price: $5.98
A flayed man fleece throw blanket - Price: $29.97
A centaur finger puppet - “Great for classrooms!” —Product description - Price: $9.99. Also available in Handicorn, Handipug, Handihorse, and Handicat.
A plush tonsil - Price: $21.99. Available in 30+ anatomical parts.
This is a dick trophy - Price: $3.57
Nicolas Cage pillow cover - Price: $9.80
A set of small hands that you place on each finger - Price: $7.77 for five
A half-torso husband pillow, dressed in business casual attire - Price: $32.99
An afro wig for dogs - Price: $1.99. Available in two sizes
pocket-sized suture pad - Price: $19.99. Also available in extra large with wounds
two anthropomorphized bananas fucking - Price: $16.99
A pair of live Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches for $12 - "while supplies last"
a life-sized Bigfoot statue - review: “My Bigfoot’s name is Paul, after the apostle.” —chompy_jr - Price: $799.99. Available in two other sizes

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