chicony driver dc-2110

chicony driver dc-2110


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Published: icroworkraft1973

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chicony driver dc-2110

Q-Chess will impress!Less work to achieve demonstrably higher and professional quality!Using Q-Chess Mobile Food .you can quickly monitor compliance with internal and legislative specifications with a single tap you can identify production metrics for individual inspection points in an instant, and immediately evaluate these on your PC supports adherence to inspection intervals and automatically records failures it is easy to record the condition of the created products (e.g. labels or packaging) by photo you can identify defects and corrective actions using your tablet and clearly monitor the progress on your PC you ensure that all the necessary steps were taken and can be traced in the event of malfunctions and production defects. you can evaluate all the captured data, inspection results and photos on your PC at any time. you can identify trends and correlations in quality development at a glance the documentation you need to support your certifications (e.g. IFS, BRC, ISO) is more or less created as a side effect!"Better quality with less effort" Q-Chess Mobile saves you work and sets new quality standards."Checks and self-inspections under control" Using Q-Chess Mobile Food you have all your checks and inspections under control at all times. You know at any given time.which checks/self-inspections still need to be carried out and which have already been performed, which results were achieved and whether improvements are required."Identify hotspots and act quickly!" Using Q-Chess you benefit from professional defect and response management. You know at any given time.who is processing which defect/corrective action, whether a corrective action is complete and whether this was effective - or not."Using key metrics to improve quality" By using standardised assessment criteria and objective key metrics you always know whether your quality requirements are being met - or not. Q-Chess makes it possible to measure and compare quality!"Results ready to hand at all times!" No more searching for inspection results, audit protocols, microbiological analysis results or other QM-related documentation. Q-Chess Mobile Food ensures you have access to all the data and results in one place."Demonstrable quality!" Easily compare results and create reports with a few clicks of your mouse. Using Q-Chess Mobile Food you will delight in every audit - guaranteed.Capabilities.Responsibilities and time frames Determine who should be carrying out an inspection and when – and whether these need to be repeated on a regular basis.Contents You can save as many checklists as you need for each inspection. The checklist defines what needs to be checked.Complete and Comprehensive By selecting an inspection option you define that omitted inspections need to be justified (for example if production ceased as a result of a technical defect).Responsibilities At the click of a mouse specify which employees have which authorisations. This enables you to define who may perform inspections and who may change the contents of an inspection.Start an inspection from where you are right now. Start the inspection on your PC and add necessary documents (such as lab results). Then proceed with the inspection using your tablet in the production area.Or start using your tablet in the production area and record what conditions you find there and finish the inspection on your PC. You can easily add the required documents using your PC.Have you found any defects during inspection? Record these with a single tap on your tablet and document the defects with a photo. Later on you can analyse all the defects, record the corresponding corrective actions and assign their implementation.Would you like something to be dealt with immediately? No problem. Record a corrective action directly on your tablet and task someone with its implementation. The relevant person will be notified immediately by e-mail.Quickly and easily record the implementation of a corrective action. There's nothing easier. Call up the corrective action on your tablet and record the result by taking a photo. You can directly compare the “Before/After” images to see what has been done.What has changed since the last inspection? The tablet displays the results of the last inspections. You can apply the last result to the current inspection with a single tap.Need it quicker? Then use QR codes. These can be read easily by your tablet and integrated in inspections. The inspection/checklist to which the QR code is assigned is displayed instantly.Evaluate what is important to you. Are you only interested in the inspection results? Then only look at these. Simple. No frills.Do you need the results displayed graphically? Using Q-Chess you can create reports with tables, images and charts (e.g. bar charts, pie charts, spider diagrams) and send these as PDF files as required.Are you interested in trends and changes? Then you'll find exactly what you're looking for under quality analysis: inspection results and key metrics on the time axis as a line or bar chart.Do you want more details? Correlate the data or evaluate it using separate functions. To do this select the time frame and inspections that interest you under “Operating log” and choose to export to Excel.Integration in existing IT systems Q-Chess is not an island and double data storage is not a good idea.Do you already have an ERP system? Let's assume you use SAP for inventory management and have recorded all your operating equipment as so-called “functional locations”. If you need to use these in inspections then we can set up an interface and define which data should be imported and when.Do you have a sophisticated reporting system? Then you should integrate the data recorded in Q-Chess with this. Let's stick with the example of SAP. Do you want to use the Q-Chess data in SAP BW? Q-Chess provides web services that you can call up from SAP to use the required data.But SAP is just one example. Q-Chess supports many standards. Ask us and we'll integrate Q-Chess into your IT environment.

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