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Cheap Standing Wheelchair


HomeAbout UpnRideFeaturesThe TeamLatest NewsContact Us Far more than a wheelchair Safe mobilityoutdoors & indoorswhile standing or sitting Auto-balancing assures safe driving even on slopes UPnRIDE is a wheeled robotic device, providing upright and seated mobility both for wheelchair users, and for anyone who is unable to, or has difficulty standing or walking. UPnRIDE offers numerous medical, psychological, and economic benefits, ensuring safety while standing, sitting, and shifting between positions, in practically any urban environment. Diminishes visibility of the disability Millions of disabled people and seniors worldwide suffering from impaired walking, are confined to a sedentary lifestyle in a wheelchair, causing health deterioration, poor quality of life, and high medical expenses - a burden for the disabled, their families and health insurers. Numerous studies have demonstrated the physical and mental health benefits of wheelchairs with a standing position, which enables users to mobilize body parts, and reduce falls when reaching for high objects.

As the number of wheelchair and scooter users grows, due to both increasing accidents and aging populations, many seek a smart mobility device that will provide fully-functional standing and sitting mobility, improve health, enhance social inclusion, and reduce healthcare and living expenses. Jointed braces and harnessing straps – safe support for disabled users Auto-balancing and unchanged center of gravity assure constant stability even on slopes Sophisticated algorithms minimize the risk of hazardous situations Slender, robust design for easy maneuverability UPnRIDE Robotics Ltd. is a developer of innovative life-changing mobility technologies intended for the disabled. Holding a patented technology and unique proprietary know-how, the company has spurred a significant leap forward in this field. The company's management team and advisory board include successful serial entrepreneurs and engineers with proven expertise in technological ventures, finance, healthcare, physical rehabilitation, biomedical engineering, and wheelchair manufacturing.

The team’s vast experience in developing, manufacturing and marketing medical and rehabilitation devices is demonstrated through its previous achievement -  the ReWalk™ exoskeleton. New wheelchair lets you cruise through town standing Stand-up wheelchair gives users outdoor mobility This wheelchair allows quadriplegics to stand One push of a button could completely change how quadriplegics see the world by allowing them to stand and sit at will. 15 ways Israel amazed and inspired the world in 2016 How did Israel make a remarkable global impact over the past 12 months? Let us count the ways. Un dispositivo per far tornare a camminare chi pensava di non poterlo fare più Si chiama UPnRIDE ed è il device per quadriplegici ideato da Upnride Robotics dopo lo straordinario successo dell'esoscheletro per disabili ReWalk Arte TV - Future Magazine C’est la 100ème de FutureMag, le magazine de toutes les innovations et de tous les futurs !

UPnRIDE aims to help wheelchair users stand tall Amit Goffer, creator of ReWalk, a bionic walking aid for paraplegics, now focusing on those paralyzed from neck down ReWalk inventor rolls out revolutionary standing wheelchair UPnRIDE can provide an economically viable means of mobility and social interaction for millions of people suffering from walking impairments. Amit Goffer’s Quest To Hold His Head High 12 Israeli Technologies Changing the Lives of the Disabled in 2015 UPnRIDE is essentially a Segway-like device that helps quadriplegics move standing up, providing all the health benefits vertical positioning provides. Taking ReWalk To The Next Level Now Quadriplegics Can ‘Walk’ Too With UPnRIDE. This can give so many people a better quality of life.Posted by Ashton Kutcher on Thursday, 15 September 2016 Innovative WheelchairThis wheelchair allows disabled people to stand while strolling the streets.Posted by Hashem Al-Ghaili on Sunday, 25 September 2016

Wheelchair lets you stand and sitA quadriplegic invented a wheelchair that lets you stand.Posted by INSIDER science on Wednesday, 26 October 2016 Kochav Yokneam Bld. (3rd floor)P.O. Box 253Yokneam Illit 2069204IsraelHans Werner suffers from a progressive condition and has been dependent on his wheelchair for five years. The reason a wheelchair with a standing function is so important to him is easy to see just by taking a look at his life. “When I became ill five years ago, I started to keep bees. However, to be able to continue with my hobby I need a power wheelchair with standing function. As many things are located at different heights, I need a wheelchair that will let me move myself into different positions. Another aspect is that there is a gym in our town that offers a lot of services for physically disabled people as well. With a power wheelchair that includes a standing function I would be able to take advantage of a lot more therapy options, I could use training equipment and get my circulation going again.”

Stand at ease with the C1000 SF Only a few products on the market enable a complete hip extension like the C1000 SF does. A special combination-function includes practically all of the methods available to help users stand independently and in a relaxed manner. In general, the process of standing up from almost any sitting position or from a semi-recumbent position to reach the important extension of the body can be performed comfortably. Why is standing so important? Among other things, standing activates the cardiovascular system, improves circulation, helps digestion and improves kidney and bladder function, promotes breathing and speech and enables eye-to-eye communication. Please see the local Ottobock subsidiary websites for further information. Go to Ottobock locationsPosted: Tuesday, May 19, 2015 5:44 pm By LAURA KEBEDE Richmond Times-Dispatch When multiple sclerosis took away Sid Cook’s ability to walk 13 years ago, he gave away his golf clubs. His beloved sport was not compatible with life in a wheelchair.

Wheelchair adaptations have been made for such sports as basketball, cycling, track and field events, tennis and even X Games. But Cook, who has lived with the autoimmune disease since 1973, figured he wouldn’t find a solution in his lifetime. Then in 2012, he found out about the Stand Up & Play Foundation, a national nonprofit based in Midlothian that provides paramobiles that allow paraplegics to stand securely to participate in various sports and activities.“His wife said it was the happiest she had seen him in 10 years,” said Jerry Yospin, the organization’s board chairman. “And now she gets upset because I play too much,” joked Cook, citing his visits to Windy Hill Sports Complex three to four times per week. To get in position to practice his swing, Cook is strapped in at his feet, ankles, waist and chest. With the push of a button, he is slowly raised to standing, which relieves pressure on his backside from sitting most of the time. That prevents bedsores, allows for increased blood flow and airflow to his lungs, and gives him the psychological satisfaction of being on eye level with the rest of the world.

The Stand Up & Play Foundation keeps a few paramobiles at the complex for paralyzed individuals who have been medically evaluated and approved for use. Founder Anthony Netto, a longtime avid golfer before and after the accident that paralyzed him, hopes to donate five devices in every state. Currently, paramobiles exist either privately owned or for facility use in 26 states, Washington, D.C., Marine Camp Butler in Japan, and three locations in Canada. “I issue a challenge to anyone who thinks they can’t stand up,” Netto said. “And we’ll show him he can.” The multiterrain vehicles run about $30,000, but the organization purchases them for about $22,000. Much of its funds are earmarked for veterans to own a paramobile for personal use, but it hopes to expand its reach to more children. Its partnership with Sheltering Arms Physical Rehabilitation Centers allows for therapy to happen at the same time as recreation. Clinics are held periodically at Windy Hill Sports Complex for training and evaluation, free of charge.

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