chair for computer lab

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Chair For Computer Lab


Added by Ryan Gay, last edited by Ryan Gay on Jul 30, 2014 Elon University provides computer labs across campus for use by faculty, staff, and students. Additionally, Campus Technology Support maintains and supports computers, supplies, and maintenance requests for these areas in support of the University's mission. By using University computer labs, users agree to abide by the guidelines listed below. Additional policies may also apply to specific systems (such as acceptable usage, email, and Web) and are posted on the Technology Policies page. Any questions regarding this and other policies should be addressed to the Assistant Vice President for Technology. This policy applies to all users of Elon University computer labs. When logging onto computers in a University lab, make sure to log in with your credentials. Your account and network connection are for your individual use. A computer account is to be used only by the person to whom it has been issued. You are responsible for all actions originating through your account or network connections on a computer in a University lab.

You must not impersonate others, misrepresent yourself, or conceal your identity in actions performed on these machines. If a user is in a lab and a class starts, the user will need to find another location to work. 3.2 Respect the privacy and security of others Unless information is specifically made public or accessible to you, you should assume anything on the network is private. If a previous user has forgotten to log out of a lab computer, you should log out of that user's account and log in with your own credentials. Any attempt to circumvent computer, network, or file security is prohibited. Additionally, if you are using a computer lab outside of class, you should be mindful of others in the lab in regards to noise and activity. 3.3 Respect the property and rooms utilized for computer labs The computer labs are designed to be spaces for classes and as places for students to utilize for schoolwork in a quiet, peaceful environment. In order for computer labs to remain useful to the University population, they must be well cared for and maintained.

In order to do this, there are several things Instructional & Campus Technologies asks of the Elon community: General Care of Labs: It is an expectation of all Elon University students, faculty, and staff that the computer labs are to be respected and cared for at all times. Computer labs should be left as they are found. If there have been any alterations to a computer lab, we ask the university community to take the proper steps to restore labs to their proper order. This means that users of computer labs should not remove or unplug any items such as keyboards, mice, monitors, DVD drives, or CPUs. Chairs: Chairs in computer labs should not be removed. Supplies: Computer lab supplies are monitored by Campus Technology Support staff. Do not remove supplies from the computer labs. If supplies are missing, contact the Technology Service Desk. Food & Drink: Food & Drink are not allowed in Elon University computer labs. Doors: Doors to the computer labs should be left unlocked, unless otherwise specified.

Cleanliness: Keeping the computer labs clean is a community effort. Please be mindful of cleaning up after yourself. If something is damaged, destroyed, or dirty, please report these issues to the Technology Service Desk. Computer Maintenance: Lab computers are maintained by Campus Technology Support. If you are experiencing problems with computers located in a lab, you should report them to the Technology Service Desk. Cables: There is no reason for students, faculty, or staff to alter any cabling in a computer lab without the supervision of a CTS professional staff member. Cabling should not be untied, nor should cable cubbies be taken down. If you have a problem with cabling in a computer lab, contact the Technology Service Desk for assistance. Do Not Unplug Equipment: Equipment in University computer labs should not be unplugged for any reason. The computers in labs are there for use by university members, so there is no need for faculty, students, or staff to unplug university computer lab equipment in favor of using their own personal devices.

Turn Off Equipment When Finished: In order to conserve energy and extend the life of lab equipment, we ask that individuals using the computer lab turn off all lights and equipment when they are finished using the room. This includes shutting down projectors and AV units through the Crestron panel. To address problems or concerns with the issues outlined above, contact the Technology Service Desk at 278-5200 or at for assistance. 3.4 Computer Lab Reservations Computer Labs may be reserved through SPACES on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please note that classes needing a computer lab will take precedence over other requests. Looking for a label? Office of the RegistrarRegistrarAcademic SchedulingClassroom ListA&R General Fund Classrooms ComplimentProblem Suggestion OtherFeedback CategoryHow to improve the websiteHow to improve the contentHow to improve the user experienceOtherLogin account or access problemSearch or search results issueWebsite performance or usabilityReport an information security concernOther12345Feedback RatingSend Feedback

Social Sciences 1, Mac Lab Social Sciences 1 [map], Rm 135 (View lab layout) (831) 459-5140 (on campus: 9-5140) Apple iMac (21.5", Mid 2011) Intel Core i5 2.5 GHz Processor, 12 GB Memory, 500 GB HD 1 black & white laser, 1 color laser printer Projector, Screen, & Audio M-F 9am-6pm, M-Th 9pm-12pm, Sat-Sun 12-6pm Privacy Policy & Terms of Use Sexual Violence Prevention & ResponseSkip to main content Home » Campus & Community, Mobile Computer Lab and IT Staff Start New Chapter in NECC Library Submitted by Ellen Small Davis on January 19, 2016 – 9:13 pm Whether a student is  researching and writing a paper on “Wuthering Heights” or wondering about connecting to campus wi-fi, assistance can now be found at the new computer lab on the second floor of the Bentley Library on the Haverhill campus. The new 6,230 square foot space is designed to allow for immediate access to both the librarians and computer help desk staff.

NECC’s IT Client Services team (formerly located in the B building) now permanently resides in this space, separated from the computer area by a full-length glass wall. This new space is a pioneering effort to merge academic literacy with technology, says Mike Hearn, director of library services at NECC. “It seemed like a natural thing to do from a practical point of view,” Hearn says. “All academic and technical services are met at the same time at one location.” The sun-washed space, with brightly painted accent walls, is home to 46 Dell computers and 14 Mac computers, energy efficient LED lighting, two black and white printers and one color printer, three “huddles spaces” with circular tables and chairs for collaborative projects, a group study room (that is temporarily being used as office space), and a dozen upholstered arm chairs that provide comfortable seating for reading, studying, and relaxing. Students sign in with their NECC student identification at the centrally located desk staffed by librarian assistant Fred Curty, assistant librarian Susan Leonardi, or the student assistant on staff.

They handle all information literacy questions while just feet away, the IT staff is available for technical issues including the two most commonly asked questions – “What is my password” and “How do I access the Northern Essex wifi?” “This new design streamlines and improves the student experience,” says Hearn. The new computer lab space includes a separate 30-seat/computer library classroom that will be used primarily by librarians who teach the 125 information literacy classes each academic year. The front wall serves as a floor to ceiling writable surface while doubling as a viewing screen for two-overhead projectors that can be used simultaneously. “My staff is very excited about having dedicated instructional space that offers two projectors so they can be showing a PowerPoint presentation on one side of the screen and pull up an outside source using the second projector,” he says. A new location for the computer lab was the result of the upcoming, year-long renovation of the Spurk Building.

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