can vitamin e oil help eczema

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Can Vitamin E Oil Help Eczema


Eczema -- a chronic inflammatory skin condition -- can cause intense itching; in severe cases, your skin may thicken and crack. Doctors often treat eczema with medications, including corticosteroids, antihistamines and immunomodulating drugs. Natural healers sometimes recommend vitamin E to alleviate eczema. Scientific research supports the benefits of a diet high in vitamin E in preventing eczema. In addition, vitamin E's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects may also help alleviate eczema when applied topically. Consult your doctor before taking vitamin E for eczema. Eczema -- also called atopic dermatitis -- usually affects your hands and feet, insides of elbows, backs of knees, wrists, upper chest, neck and face. Doctors aren't sure exactly what causes eczema but believe an immune system malfunction may be to blame. The severity of the disease can range from very mild and barely noticeable to disfiguring, painful and debilitating; symptoms may subside and then flare unpredictably.

In addition to itching, symptoms may include patches of reddish-brown or grayish-brown skin; small, fluid-filled blisters may form and "weep" -- or ooze fluid -- and then crust over. Dry skin, stress, solvents, harsh detergents and wool fabrics can all exacerbate eczema. If your eczema is very painful or infected or interferes with your sleep or daily routine, see your doctor. Vitamin E is the collective name for a group of related fat-soluble compounds that possess antioxidant activity. Alpha-tocopherol is a natural form of vitamin E obtained through diet. In addition to its antioxidant properties, vitamin E plays an important role in immune system function and the formation of red blood cells. It also inhibits platelet aggregation, in which platelets stick together and cause artery-clogging plaque that can lead to atherosclerosis. According to the Office of Dietary Supplements, adults need 14 mg of vitamin E a day, with breastfeeding women requiring 19 mg. Topical applications of vitamin E have long been recommended by natural healers to promote healing of the inflamed skin that can accompany dermatitis.

The Whole Health Center endorses lotions containing vitamin E as a natural remedy to help soothe eczema. Although cases of allergic dermatitis resulting from use of topical vitamin E have been reported, these are rare. In a scientific review published in 2010 in "Dermatitis," the authors concluded that allergic dermatitis from vitamin E is extremely uncommon. Noting topical vitamin E's beneficial effects, the authors recommended that it remain an ingredient in skin-care products. Dietary vitamin E may also help prevent eczema from developing. In a study of 396 Japanese schoolchildren published in 2006 in "Pediatric Allergy and Immunology," researchers found that children with the highest level of tocopherols -- or vitamin E-related compounds -- in their blood experienced 67 percent less risk of eczema and asthma than children with the lowest levels. You can amp up your levels of dietary vitamin E by eating tocopherol-rich nuts, seeds and green leafy vegetables. Vegetable oils and fortified cereals also contain vitamin E. Wheat germ oil -- with 1 tbsp. providing 20.3 mg -- is an excellent source of vitamin E, providing more than 100 percent of the daily value for adults.

Sunflower seeds, at 7.4 mg per ounce, provide healthy amounts as well; peanut butter, with 2.9 mg in every 2 tbsp, is also a good bet. The 1.9 mg of vitamin E in a tablespoon of corn oil may seem a modest amount, but it still constitutes well over 10 percent of the recommended daily value. University of Maryland Medical Center reports that the usual dosage for vitamin E supplementation in adults is 400 to 800 international units a day. However, experts recommend getting your vitamin E from dietary sources. Consult your doctor before taking supplementary vitamin E. 4 Ways to Treat an Itch How Omega 3 Helps Eczema Can You Use Baking Soda for Itching Skin? Oatmeal Bath for Itchy Skin Apexicon E Cream for Itchy Skin Vitamins & Supplements for Eczema Bad Effects of Steroid Inhalers for Asthma Patients Corticosteroid Cream for Acne Herbal Tea & Eczema Calendula Oil for Eczema What Can You Put on a Skin Rash if Allergic to Hydrocortisone?

How to Dry Eczema How to Treat Eczema & Psoriasis with Banana Peels The Eczema Detox DietVitamin E is an antioxidant that mainly protects the skin from effects of UV rays. When you eat food that is filled with vitamin E the nutrient will pass through the cell membranes of the skin to add to the body's natural defenses. Many Vitamin E oils are produced from oils like canola, soya or corn directly through distillation. The oil itself is heavy, thick and has a shelf life of three-years. It the Vitamin E oil was exposed to excess heat or air, it can react with oxygen and becomes unusable. Therefore, the oil should always be stored carefully and protected from these elements.Applying vitamin E to your skin will help to promote elastin and collagen production to help maintain the elasticity of skin. Vitamin E can also be used to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and age spots and the antioxidant properties in the oil will help prevent new lines from appearing.

Solve Dry Skin Problems. Vitamin E protects the skin from water loss so it can remain moist and healthy. It can also be used to help balance oil levels.Applying vitamin E topically will allow the skin to absorb it readily into the epidermis to heal the UV damage caused to the skin. This will help soothe the tenderness of the pain and provide protection to avoid additional damage to the skin.Vitamin E can be applied to scars, burns, bruises or other damage to the skin to help them fade more quickly. Established scars will fade away within months as the damaged cells die out and are replaced with healthier ones.Similarly to treating scars; vitamin E can be placed on stretch marks to help limit the itchiness that can develop in these areas. Those with established stretch marks can use vitamin E oil to return the elasticity to the skin, helping the marks to fade away and heal.Psoriasis patches can be repaired by the application of vitamin E oil to the affected areas. Those that suffer from eczema also find that the antioxidants in vitamin E can help relieve the itchiness and reduce the inflammation caused by this condition.

Vitamin E can be used both as a toning agent and cleanser for the face. Rubbing the oil into the face in a circular motion with a cotton ball will help to remove dirt and contaminants that cling to the skin throughout the day. Relieve Chapped Lips and Cold Sores. Placing a few drops of vitamin E oil on lips that are chapped will help to relieve the damage. It is also ideal for speeding the healing process to remove unsightly cold sores. You can apply vitamin E oil directly to the skin in areas that you would like to correct. The oil will easily absorb into the epidermis to provide quick relief. Vitamin E oil can feel a bit sticky on the skin so those that will be going outdoors may prefer to use a lotion or sunscreen that contains vitamin E instead. Apply these products 30 minutes before going outdoors to give them time to take effect. If you will be using vitamin E to lighten marks or scars, open a vitamin E capsule and rub the oil directly on the area with a cotton swab. Do not massage the oil in but allow it to absorb on its own.

It may take months before this takes the full effects.Massaging vitamin E into the scalp on a regular basis will help improve the circulation to this area and improve the immune system. Taking vitamin E supplements will also provide these benefits. Supplements tend to provide more benefits for hair than applying the oil directly. Taking supplements regularly will improve the growth of hair. Make Your Hair Shiny. Massaging vitamin E into the hair starting at the root and moving down to the shaft will help to nourish the hair and stimulate sebum production to make the hair look shinier. It may take a few months to get the desired results.Massaging the hair with vitamin E and leaving it in place overnight will help to repair damaged strands and split ends. The next morning, wash away, massage the hair again and rinse away any excess oil. Using a conditioner that contains vitamin E will help encourage these effects. There are many hair products including shampoo and conditioner that contain vitamin E.

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