c-media cmi9739a 9761 driver

c-media cmi9739a 9761 driver


Category: Downloads

Published: scorvingparec1983

Language: English

DownLoad Link: https://is.gd/a5jQ8l

Mirror 1: https://is.gd/a5jQ8l

c-media cmi9739a 9761 driver

PyTube OverviewВ¶PyTube is a pure python library for accessing the YouTube Data API.ExampleВ¶Display the 50 most recent videos from the ‘mahalobaking’ user:Fetching V >Getting a Specific V > client.video( video_id ) Gets the video with youtube id video_id . If the video id doesn’t exist, or has been deleted, this will raise pytube.NoSuchVideoException . If the video is private and the client is not authenticated to a user with permission to see it, this will raise pytube.PrivateVideoException .Getting V > client.user_videos( username=’default ) Returns a video stream of videos in username ‘s channel. If the client is authenticated, you may omit the username to get the authenticated user’s stream.Searching for V > client.video_search( q=None, **query )Returns a VideoStream of videos matching the query parameters. You can perform a basic search very simply:AttributesВ¶Videos fetched from the API should have the following attributes available.id title author category category.label keywords published updated description duration aspect_ratio private - True if this is a private video, False otherwise access_control - a dictionary mapping ‘actions’ to ‘permissions’Possible AttributesВ¶The following attributes may not be set on video objects, depending on the privacy settings on the video you have fetched.like_count dislike_count favorite_count view_count comment_count uploaded - the datetime that the video was uploaded.Available StreamsВ¶Depending on the youtube API result, any or all of the following streams may be available on Video instances:Video.`related_videos` A stream of videos that youtube believes are related to this video. Video.`video_responses` A stream of videos that are video responses to this video. Video.`comments` A stream of comments made on this video.Updating A VideoВ¶Videos owned by a user who has authenticated this client can be updated. To update a video, you simply update it’s attributes and then call Video.`update`(). The following attributes may be updated this way:title description category keywords access_control private.







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