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Buy Bob Ross Lego Man


Sorry, the page you were looking for was not found.Hate RaisinsStupid RaisinsOatmeal RaisinsOatmeal Raisin CookiesThe OatmealOatmeal CookieTrue StoriesTruestorySotrueForwardAlong with bread that has olives baked in when they should be raisen's.Peg DollsDolls ToysIt S BobHappy CloudsRoss HappyThe HappyHappy MiniHappy BobLoved WatchingForwardI want one for every room in my house. the-awesomer: Happy little trees. Bob ross GemälAcrylgemäldeÖlgemäldeKünstlerAquarelllmalereiAcrylmalerei lektionenKunstMalerei-TutorialsLandschaftsmalereiMaltechnikenCharakterdesignAcrylmaltechnikenAbstraktbob+ross+paintings+for+sale | Home > Paintings > bob ross paintings > bob ross natures grandeur ...Mehr sehenpin 1@claudiaschepMehr sehenpin 427heart 91Bob+Ross+&+Trees+Card+pin 1bob ross paintings for sale | high meadow painting 86042 - bob ross high…Mehr sehenpin 31heart 6Peaceful Landscape Paintings by Bob Ross - Bob Ross Paintings : Light House At Night 4Mehr sehenpin 13heart 2There’s an official YouTube page for Bob Ross where you can watch the first 10…

Mehr sehenpin 1heart 2So true though. I woke up early on Saturday mornings as a kid for those "happy trees."Mehr sehenpin 4heart 2Art Ed Central loves this BOB ROSS Happy Little Keychain ...Mehr sehenpin 206heart 67I found this attributed to Bob Ross, entitled Purple Haze. Doesn't look like his sig but I do love it! "Jen was always talking about happy little trees and clouds," said Don with a catch in his voice.Luv BobBob 3Time Bonkers4MemesWatched BobFreaking FunnyThat'S FunnyFunny PicsPretty FreakingFunny ShitForwardSo true though. Jared Jacobs wants you to know he’s not that guy.You know, one of those sad, lonely, 40-year-old men who is holed up in his parents’ basement, playing with Legos into the wee hours of the night. Some wrongly presume that’s him, he said, because who else would have 30-plus hours to lovingly craft 30-second videos of big sports moments and scenes from the TV show “Breaking Bad”? “My family keeps me pretty busy,” said Jacobs, a happily married father of three young children.

“It’s really just about making time to do the things you want to do. I don’t know how I fit it in.”Sometime he’s up all night bringing the tiny plastic figures to life — but that’s mostly because daddy now has deadlines. He’s been hired by the Big Ten Network to produce 10 of the mini-movies, one per week during the football season. The videos are stop-motion animations made from a series of 130 to 250 still photos. This week’s features the Ohio State University marching band spelling out “Ohio,” with the iconic dotting of the “i” by a sousaphone player.It’s still a hobby for Jacobs, and he plans to keep his day job as marketing specialist at Franklin Building Supply. He declined to disclose how much he’s paid for his videos, but he said the pay is decent, and his asking price is going up.“I’ve found a little niche where I can make famous football plays or sports plays,” said Jacobs, a Canadian who came to Idaho for college and made a life here. One of the most memorable moments from College Football.

I can't wait for this season to start. A video posted by Jared Jacobs (@goldyeller) on Aug 15, 2016 at 6:13am PDT Some of his college football re-enactments have been wildly popular online, including Michigan’s fumbled punt on the last play of its 2015 loss to Michigan State and BYU quarterback Tanner Mangum’s winning Hail Mary pass last year against Nebraska. His most popular ever? Probably Tiger Woods’ famous chip shot on the 16th hole at the 2005 Masters. Jacobs’ favorites include one he did of golfer Graham DeLaet, formerly of Boise State.Jacobs is a BYU-Idaho graduate, but he roots for the Broncos as a self-described bandwagon fan. He jumped on after the 2007 Fiesta Bowl, when BSU stunned the Oklahoma Sooners.He’s looking forward to re-creating one of Boise State’s big plays in the Fiesta Bowl and/or some big moment on the Blue. I’m a huge Boise State fan. So much so, I refuse to create a play involving Boise State on the losing end of it. Jared JacobsBut don’t look for him to re-create something from a BSU loss, even if some Nevada fan offered him a large sum of money to remake the end of the Wolf Pack’s 2010 game with Boise State.

The Broncos lost that game after missing two field goals, and that took them out of the national championship conversation.“I wouldn’t do it. They couldn’t pay me enough,” he said.Jacobs has a buddy who works for BYU, and his friend got him onto the sidelines of last year’s BSU-BYU game in Provo. That was when Mangum threw his second “Mangum miracle” touchdown, beating the Broncos.“I’m still a little bitter about that loss,” said Jacobs, who had to wear a BYU jersey to stand on the sidelines that night but defiantly wore a Boise State belt buckle and Bronco flip-flops. College football season is almost here. Lego BYU vs Nebraska Hail Mary pass. A video posted by Jared Jacobs (@goldyeller) on Aug 23, 2016 at 8:46am PDT Jacobs, 38, had planned to study art in college. His father asked him what he would do with a degree in art, and the dutiful son changed his major to business management.“Which I had no interest in,” he said.One of his creative outlets after college was making and posting rap videos to YouTube.

He considered going back to college to study film but decided against another degree. Instead, he gained insight and inspiration from talking to others making videos for YouTube and attending Anaheim’s VidCon, which bills itself as a conference “for people who love online video.”During a lull in Thanksgiving festivities at his mother-in-law’s house in Idaho Falls four or five years ago, he retreated to the basement to work on a Lego stop-motion animation scene. “I started making some ‘Breaking Bad’ scenes with my nephew’s Legos,” he said.He’s done about 50 stop-motion videos. Many are posted on his Instagram account (@goldyeller). There are all sorts of scenes, everything from “Ghostbusters“ to the NBA Finals to renowned artist Bob Ross painting. I hope you've enjoyed this painting #BobRoss #Painting A video posted by Jared Jacobs (@goldyeller) on May 25, 2015 at 2:49pm PDT For the Big Ten project, Jacobs is using figures made by Oyo, a Lego competitor that’s licensed by the NCAA.

The football animations he does are extremely tedious. He’s working with around 140 figures: 100 in the crowd, 30 players, four to five coaches, three referees and a couple of camera guys. Between each shot, he moves them ever so slightly.“The lighting is always what gives me the most headaches,” he said.How does he make the football look like it’s flying through the air? Putty and fishing line. He’s a stickler for the details. He switches out figures’ faces so their expressions change with the game audio.He watches game footage hundreds of times so he can accurately capture details such as fans in the crowd high-fiving and players jumping in the stands. He says he places “Easter egg” details as treats for those who watch his videos closely: “Sometimes I’ll put Tom Brady in a frame, just to see if anyone sees it.” Now I can check golfing with #GrahamDeLaet off the ol' bucket list. #goldyeller A video posted by Jared Jacobs (@goldyeller) on Apr 30, 2016 at 3:21pm PDT

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