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Buy A Wheelchair In Sri Lanka


Around The Pearl is an annual cycling challenge over 10 days covering 1400KMS around the beautiful coastal belt of Sri Lanka. The event will kick off on 6th of April 2017, where riders embark on a life changing bicycle journey around the coast of Sri Lanka, through perfect paved roads, sandy beach fronts, blue horizons and even wildlife. Let the adventure begin as you set out on an exhilarating journey, riding across the serene coast of Sri Lanka! This once in a lifetime experience across the beautiful pearl of the Indian Ocean, is bound to leave you with memories of exotic sights and smiling faces to reminisce in the years to come. Celebrate your love for life and passion for cycling as you endeavor on this ride that will bring you closer to achieving those travel and experiential goals. Meet new and interesting people from across the globe and all walks of life, learn and discover their desires and make lasting friendships. Cycling is one of the most exciting forms of travel and the best way to indulge all your senses in the beauties of coastal Sri Lanka, nature, wonderful vistas and memorable experiences of this island of absolute delight!

What’s more, you can mingle with the locals, explore the fascinating culture, build relationships and take home memories that will warm your heart and keep a permanent smile on your face. The challenge is open to all participants both locally and internationally, giving you the opportunity to be a part of this wonderful journey. As a member of this exclusive and elite club, you will see Sri Lanka for the beautiful paradise island it truly is. The Life Changing Route Why should you join Conquer the northern terrain in this excitingoff-road mountain biking race across unchartered terrain of sand bars between the lagoon and Indian Ocean, with spectacular views of the coast and the chance to win amazing prizes and claim glory. The challenge is exclusively for serious riders and not for the faint of heart. Ride around the jungles of Sri Lanka and observe some of the most exotic wildlife inhabiting this enchanting paradise island, including elephants, leopards, sloth bears, deer and a variety of indigenous birds and flora.

Camp the night away 2 nights of glorious roaring fires await you, as you settle in against the tropical breeze of the sea, with camp side stories, great food and even better company. Exchange your encounters, cast your cares away and mingle with your fellow riders asthe night begins to slowly move on towards the dawn. Pamper yourself at the best hotels in Sri Lanka Experience the mesmerizing world renowned Sri Lankan hospitality as you immerse in the lap of luxury at the best hotels in Sri Lanka. End the day on a high note with a calming dip in the pool and fine dining that will tingle your palette. Take a look at our list of partner hotels for further details. © for by: 230 interactive Jetwing Hotels is not only our main hospitality sponsor but also our online gateway to collect and manage donations efficiently. The Jetwing online events portal managed by the Jetwing Events team will guarantee that your online donations will be safely processed.

Thank you for your donations.If you wish to donate in a more direct form, you may do so by contacting +94777446786 The riders of Around the Pearl feel privileged to witness the beauty of Sri Lanka during the course of their journey. However, they have come to realise that our environment is under siege due to large amounts of pollution. As a result, the organisers have made a concentrated effort to make this a CarbonNeutral® voyage, the 1st of its kind in Sri Lanka, where emissions made during the excursion are reduced to net zero by purchasing registered carbon offsets via the international marketplace. To do this, they have joined forces with The Carbon Consulting Company, the event's Sustainability Partner in order to make this a reality. Wheelchair travel, Sri Lanka. We knew when we looked into exploring Sri Lanka that wheelchair access was going to be hard, really hard. After coming off a trip to Tokyo where travel was easy we threw ourselves into the island of Sri Lanka for a challenge, a big challenge […]

Top 5 Sri Lanka with kids Our Sri Lanka Top 5! Even just writing this title I am thinking it’s going to be impossible to narrow down our 5 best experiences across this amazing country. We spent three weeks exploring the centre and East of SriLanka as a family of 5. Located less than a twenty minute drive from Bandaranaike Airport‎ airport, Jetwing Sea in Negombo on the west coast of SriLanka is the perfect spot to ease into your travel adventures or the icing on the cake at the end of your journey. We stayed here after our 3 week adventure across this beautiful island and it was the perfect luxury experience before our flight home to Australia. Where to stay in SriLanka with kids. We spent three weeks in SriLanka as a family of 5 ( our kids 11,7,4) staying in a variety of 7 accommodations across the country. We stayed beachside on the West, in the cultural triangle, East coast beaches and in the capital Colombo.
Getting Around SriLanka with kids The train rattles along the track then comes to a halt.

It starts to reverse back past the rice paddies we just saw and stops. Traffic line up at the boom gates dotted with coloured tuk tuks. People jump out and food sellers jump in. […] Exploring SriLanka with the Leap & Hop Travel Book. The world is their classroom and I believe kids learn so much while exploring new countries. We spent three weeks exploring the country of SriLanka and our Leap&Hop interactive travel journal came with us each and every day. It is in fact more than a journal. It is a great learning and education tool that allows kids to write, draw, colour, design and engage in activities specific to the new country  or city they are exploring. Pepper our just turned 8 year old really enjoyed the journal as it contained a big variety of activities and learning tools. It had just the right mix of information aimed at a kid level while extending her learning about this wonderful country. She could start using it just before we left to show what happens at the airport, what she would pack and what she would expect from a new adventure.

It got her thinking about what lay ahead. When we arrived she had already been practising SriLankan greetings so she could say “hello” and “thankyou” right away. Our taxi driver from the airport helped her with her pronunciation and she received many many smiles along the way as she communicated with new friends. The journal has many practical learning tools making it fun to learn about a different currency, what the money looks like and comparing the costs of items in the new place compared to at home. The bonus of this was that this was also a task her classroom teacher had set her! She was able to do the word search and colouring activities while at dinner, on the bus, on the train  which kept her occupied and engaged. She used her travel book to learn more about the special spices of SriLanka when we visited the Spice Garden just out from Dambulla. She used the journal in Dambulla as she explored the Buddhist cave rock matching up the pictures in her book with the real life ones.

While exploring the ancient city of Polonnaruwa she searched for elephant carvings hidden on the old ruins and could engage with our guide about this ancient city. He even offered her a job! The information is written in engaging and easy to understand language and Pepper could complete the pages on her own with little adult support. It is colourful, has beautiful illustrations and is easy to follow. She enjoyed learning about a different culture and many different religions while in SriLanka and she will be able to remember it all when looking back on her special Leap&Hop journal. Leap & Hop Travel books are available to buy here and they currently include books from Bali, Singapore, Myanmar, Cambodia, India, New York, Paris and Hong Kong. Here is a list of all their stockists. You can also follow their adventures on Instagram and Facebook. Isabelle Demenge, the Author Isabelle Demenge is a native of Paris who moved to New York City to start a family. She has lived many lives: mother of three boys, banking & finance lawyer in a major international firm, world traveler, amateur photographer and writer.

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