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Bulk Order Legos


The Lego Group, the Danish maker of the iconic plastic bricks, found itself at the center of a maelstrom of criticism over the weekend after the Chinese artist and dissident Ai Weiwei said that the company had rejected a bulk order that had been placed for two of his new art installations. News of the rejected order emerged when Mr. Ai published a series of Instagram posts in which he quoted from an email the Lego Group sent in September to the curatorial team at National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, Australia, where the installations were to be exhibited. “We regret to inform you that it is against our corporate policy to indicate our approval of any unaffiliated activities outside the Lego licensing program,” Mr. Ai quoted the company as saying. As word spread on social media, so did offers of Lego donations from Mr. Ai’s admirers. As of Wednesday, Mr. Ai had set up several collection points: outside his studio in Beijing, at Martin-Gropius-Bau in Berlin and at the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne.

On Tuesday, the artist issued a call via Instagram for BMW cars to serve as drop-off containers. And as perhaps an additional jab to Lego, he said by telephone on Monday that his team is looking into the possibility of buying copycat Lego pieces made by Chinese companies. The National Gallery of Victoria has decided to become the first collection point in Australia for… https://t.co/OmzFKGpSyS — 艾未未 Ai Weiwei (@aiww) 27 Oct 15 In an emailed response to questions, Roar Rude Trangbaek, a spokesman for the Lego Group, reiterated the company’s policy, which was also outlined in the letter Mr. Ai quoted on Instagram. “Generally speaking, as a company dedicated to delivering great creative play experiences to children,” Mr. Trangbaek wrote, “we refrain — on a global level — from actively engaging in or endorsing the use of Lego bricks in projects or contexts of a political agenda.” He continued, “This principle is not new – nor isolated to specific regions or projects.”

Mr. Ai, speaking by telephone from Berlin, where he is a guest lecturer at the University of the Arts, criticized Lego’s policy as an example of “censorship and discrimination.” “I was quite surprised when I found out,” he said. “A company that sells pens cannot tell a writer that he or she can’t do political writing or romantic writing. It’s really none of their business.” “This is a product that is loved and treasured by children,” Mr. Ai said, noting that his son collected Lego bricks. “But the kind of values that this company represents is really questionable.” Lego not wanting its bricks to be used to make a political message … refusing to sell Ai Weiwei your bricks is itself a political message. — Jonathan Haynes (@JonathanHaynes) 24 Oct 15 According to Mr. Ai, the rejected order was for several million Lego bricks that would have been used to create two works for an exhibition titled “Andy Warhol | Ai Weiwei,” scheduled to open on Dec. 11 at the National Gallery of Victoria.

Mr. Ai said that for one of the works, he planned to use the Legos for a re-imagining of his 1995 photo triptych titled “Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn.” In the second, tentatively called “Lego Room,” the artist said he intended to create mosaic portraits of 20 Australian advocates for human rights, and information and Internet freedom. They include prominent rights lawyers like Michael Kirby and Geoffrey Robertson, as well as  divisive figures like the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.DON’T: do anything political. — anya (@anyabike) 25 Oct 15 The project is similar to one Mr. Ai undertook last year for an exhibition at Alcatraz prison in San Francisco. For one installation, titled “Trace,” Mr. Ai used Legos to create mosaic portraits of 176 prisoners of conscience or political exiles. Mr. Ai said that the Lego bricks for “Trace” had been bought by the For-Site Foundation, the nonprofit that helped Mr. Ai develop the Alcatraz exhibition. “It was a difficult process, the company really was not willing,” Mr. Ai said, referring to Lego.

“But maybe they didn’t really get what we were going to do.” The Lego Group’s policy of declining involvement in what it regards as political projects is not new. Mr. Ai said he was aware of this history, and cited two recent instances: one from earlier this year when the company rejected a proposal to produce a set of Lego figures of the female United States Supreme Court justices and a second instance when the company tried to persuade a Polish artist to withdraw from public view an installation that used Legos to depict a Nazi concentration camp. (The company later dropped its efforts after lawyers got involved.) Mr. Trangbaek of Lego declined to detail why the company had sold bricks for Mr. Ai’s Alcatraz project but would not do so for the National Gallery of Victoria installations. But where the company is “made aware that there is a political context,” he said, it declines support. The company’s rejection of Mr. Ai’s most recent order was praised by the state-run Chinese newspaper Global Times, which referred to it as an “appropriate decision.”

“As China becomes more powerful, commercial organizations and national governments will become more well behaved and more scared to apply a double standard to China,” the commentary by Shan Renping read. Lego’s refusal of Ai Weiwei’s request ‘the right choice’ https://t.co/Q5RRDWALaR https://t.co/L7eDUoEpiU — Global Times (@globaltimesnews) 26 Oct 15 Although the status of the two planned artworks is unclear, Mr. Ai said he was “excited” to see how things would evolve. “I think this has served a great purpose,” said Mr. Ai, who added that he was planning to develop a series of artworks around the issue. “I could never have predicted this event, that for days, people would flood in, like a river, to support criticism of big companies who do this kind of censorship and to support freedom of speech.” “The Internet is like my canvas,” he added. “This is a beautiful landscape.” Follow Amy Qin on Twitter @amyyqin. Correction: October 29, 2015

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