book paperback

book paperback

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Book Paperback


Children Around the World Book Set (Set of 4)Item Number: 71605 In Stock3 years & up. These books have brilliant photograph images that present a picture of global diversity, tolerance, and joy through each book. Each book exposes children to diverse cultures around the world and in their own community. In this way, the books teach children to respect differences as well as appreciate the values and ties that bind us together as human beings. Global Fund for Children books integrate children's perspectives, present positive images of children, and help to raise… Create Your Print Book Choose a popular format or create your own customized book from the options below. How Do You Want To Create Your Book? I want to create my book's interior using Lulu's templates and tools. I want to upload a PDF I created for my book's interior Manufacturing cost per page book:A book club for lovers of the written word to come together over pots of afternoon tea (and coffee) for relaxed discussion, disection and deconstruction of their favourite readings.

This group aims to help all of us get that much more out of each reading experience. Open to all humans over 18. Click here to check out our current reading list for January - December 2013! How does a book club work? A book club generally takes the following format: Members are all given a certain amount of time to read one chosen book - say, a month. After that, we get together to discuss the book - for instance, its themes, characters, plot, style, etc. - and what we may have each gotten out of reading it. The process is to help develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of the novel being discussed. Generally, these discussions are meant to be enjoyable and stimulating! Rinse and repeat :) How is the Paperback Book Club different from other book clubs? We'd like our discussions to be relaxed and accessible to all - not necessarily only those with English Literature degrees! Understanding and appreciation of the written word should be for everyone.

We have (or plan to have) our meetings over lovely afternoon tea spreads. This way, we can combine two of life's fundamental pleasures - books and tea! For the PBC's FAQs, click here. Log in with Facebook to find out By creating a Meetup account, you agree to the Terms of Service reader (n) : 1. One who reads habitually 6 days ago · 12th March: War Poems " Share your favourite: poems, couplets, jingles, earworms, limericks, rap, pantun, nursery rhymes, etc. Newcomers are always welcomed to join to... A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman 15th January: New beginnings, pictures with poems (or put a picture to a poem) " Share your favourite: poems, couplets, jingles, earworms, limericks, rap, pantun,... Mazuin RSVPed for Riot by Shashi Tharoor Jay S. RSVPed for Brain Science and behaviour swagata sinha r. RSVPed for Riot by Shashi Tharoor Azita R. commented on Riot by Shashi Tharoor

Neelanjan B. RSVPed for Riot by Shashi Tharoorbooks are available in all shapes and sizes! The award winning series byauthor Jean Marzollo and illustrator Walter Wick continues to amaze search-and-find fans of all ages! Click on a book image below and find out more about each title. I SPY A BOOK OF PICTURE RIDDLES I SPY YEAR-ROUND CHALLENGER I SPY ULTIMATE CHALLENGER Scholastic Reader Level 1:I I SPYLIGHTNING IN THE SKY I SPY STICKER BOOK AND PICTURE RIDDLES Looking for the latest runaway international bestseller? If you haven't read it, what's old is definitely new again. Besides, you don't need a shiny new, untouched copy of that literary masterpiece to discover the joys others have already shared in. Looking for the perfect thing to give the book lover in your life? That's where we come in.Edit ArticleHow to Choose Between Paperback and Hardback Books One Methods:What to choose when self publishing a bookCommunity Q&A Is there a benefit to purchasing a paperback over a hardcover (hardback) book or vice versa?

There is no single right or wrong answer – it actually depends on your preferences and on considering the features offered by each type of book. Even within your own family, there are likely to be differences of opinion about which type of book is preferable. If you buy the book, you get to choose the binding; if you borrow the book, accommodate yourself to the other person's preference. In this article, you'll have the chance to explore the reasons for and against each type of book so that you can make up your own mind when purchasing books at the bookstore.Feel sense is a very important part of whether to choose a paperback or a hardback book. For many people, there is an obvious and immediate reaction of texture, weight, and strength. Even the odor of the book can captivate or disturb the reader. However, whether you prefer a hardcover or a paperback may vary between books depending on the size and amount of pages, so it isn't always a given that just because you prefer one type of book over another that this will always be the case for all of your books.

Be honest with yourself. Some people love hardcovers because they're pretty.It can be as simple as that! Consider the purpose of the book. Hardcover books are made for durability. As such, they are an excellent choice when it comes to reference texts that you will be using often, such as dictionaries and thesauruses, quote books, professional texts such as case law and medical or veterinary manuals, great literary works, and so forth. In addition, hardcover is best for larger sized books such as atlases, coffee table books (paintings, scenery, photography, etc.), and similar large sized books. On the other hand, softcover or paperback books are great when you take them with you on public transportation, when you're traveling, or when you're reading in bed at night because they're not as heavy or cumbersome to carry or hold. Do you enjoy reading a heavy or a light book in bed? Everyone has their own preferred method for snuggling up with a book and for some, the hardback versions are just too heavy while for others, they offer the required stability amid the marshmallow crevices of pillows and mattress!

Most bookstores, chain or not, sell the paperback for a cheaper price than the hardback.[2] This is because paperbacks are easier to manufacture. Hardbacks have a longer printing and production process that can be quite costly (better quality paper, harder cover, more paper used, etc.); printers set the prices on them higher so that they can get their money back. Consider the time delay, if any. Hardbacks are usually the first version of the book. A couple of months after the publication of the hardcover, the paperback comes out – possibly with new information, such as an excerpt for the sequel, extended endings, or Q & A's from the author.[3] If you're a book collector or you're collecting books of a particular author or series, the hardback first edition book is usually the preferred edition and is usually the book you'd buy for collection purposes. High value books, such as those from the Harry Potter series, tend to come out in hardback form first because they already have a high known value.

Take into account the difference in durability. A hardback would be better in terms of durability. Hardback books tend to have higher quality printing standards. They're usually made with acid-free paper (a pH of 7, neutral), which ensures their durability long-term. The paper is usually stitched and glued to the spine.[5] Paperbacks are made less for durability and more for mass consumption. They have easy portability but also lack the durability of a hardcover and they may also suffer from foxing (yellowing and spotting), marking, lose pages, etc., much sooner than you'd find with a hardback. Hardback books are protected by their binding in a way that paperback books are not and may be less prone to tear and wear as a result and are less likely to get dog ears. Although, be aware that libraries will often request that you do not return large hardcover books through the after hours chute, as these books can be easily damaged if they land awkwardly when dropped from a height. And while a paperback can be easily bent out of shape, the flexibility of a paperback can be its saving grace when carrying it about as it can squish into small bags and provided you take care, still come out okay for a good read!

Consider the long-term environmental impact. Decide if you want the book now or later. Your desired book may be released in hardback first. If a book is released in hardback form first (as most books are), they are most likely destined to be successful and you'll have to wait awhile before it's published in paperback version. It all depends on how "up-to-date" you want to be or if you have the patience to wait. Even if it isn't released as a hardback first, that paperback shouldn't be shunned! It might just pleasantly surprise you. You can circumvent the waiting period and the cost by placing a hold on hardcover bestsellers at your local library. now that's a perfect combination! Note that sometimes there is no choice. Sometimes the book is only ever published in one or other format for reasons of cost, durability, marketing promotion, and so forth. In that case, the choice has been removed from you and you'll just have to go with whatever is provided. Throw non-print books into the equation.

With the advent of eReaders and iPads, the avid reader has yet another type of book to consider. While not printed on paper, many eReaders have been formulated to look just like the pages of a printed book and the iPad has some very fun interactive features for books. The benefit of these electronic gadgets over books is that they're lightweight and can hold more than one book; indeed many of the eReaders can hold hundreds of books. On the other hand, they don't look, smell, or handle like a book and they're probably not as convenient when researching or writing an article as you can't have several of them open at once (unless you happen to be wealthy enough to own several of them at once but that's sort of wasteful in comparison to books). And they need juice, so when their battery is flat and you're in the middle of nowhere without electricity, your trusty book will still give you the satisfaction of a good read. Don't be a slave to preferring one type over another. Finally but importantly, don't lock yourself into only ever choosing one type and not the other.

Each book or eBook has its benefits and its disadvantages dependent on all of the factors above and dependent on your intended end use. Give yourself the flexibility to chop and change between formats as needed. View the publication of your own book in a similar light to the reader's decisions for purchasing one type of book over another: Is your book likely to be popular and used as a reference work or become a bestseller? If so, choose hardback first. Is your book testing the waters, a first off print run, a novelty or specialist topic, or just a big unknown? If so, choose softcover first. Are you trying to keep down the costs of your print run? What are your readers likely to prefer? (You're going to have to stand in their shoes a bit for this one.) Consider whether it is either viable or possible for you to print a run of both hardcover and softcover books. Consider producing eBooks and books for eReaders and the iPad. Hardcover dust jackets can be protected by covering them.

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