bsc-pools Instruction

bsc-pools Instruction

1) Create account

Put all necessary information, especially tg account. Main chat and support is provided there.

Username and TG username should be one word or separate with "_" symbol. Kindly use EN letters to avoid errors.

2) In menu choose BSC Pools

3) Then choose exact pool that you need

4) Select payment system, enter amount in USD and press Add assets button

5) Payment window will appear

You will see wallet address and amount for payment. Make sure that the wallet receives exactly the amount that is specified. Mind your fees for transaction.

After making transaction you should input hash of transaction in TX HASH field.

You can find it for example in Metamask.

Click to Copy transaction ID or View on block explorer.

Or if you sending from any exchange.

Choose BEP20 Network.

Find your transaction in your withdrawal history and find TxID (Transaction id, blockchain id).

Copy this hash, past it in Payment window and click CONFIRM button.

6) In main menu you can look at your referral statistics, check Active Pools and set your wallet in Account Settings before withdraw

7) For withdraw choose prefered payment system, insert amound in USD and click Withdraw button


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