bizhub 131f driver

bizhub 131f driver


Category: Downloads

Published: prevmosnaber1979

Language: English

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bizhub 131f driver

Did this solve your problem?You may download and install the relevant drivers from the following link:For more support on Pinnacle/Dazzle, I’d suggest you to access link below:[If this post was helpful, please click the "Vote as Helpful" (green triangle) button. If it helps in resolving your issue, click "Propose As Answer" or "Mark as Answer" button. By proposing/marking a post as Answered, or Helpful you help others find the answer faster.]Gokul - Microsoft Support.Question Info.Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site.How satisfied are you with this reply?I presume you require the drivers for Pinnacle Instant DVD Recorder, is that correct?Hope this information helps.Great! Thanks for marking this as the answer.instal pinnacle instant dvd recorder using windows 7 compatability mode.Sorry this didn't help.2 people were helped by this reply.

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