biogreen memory foam mattress topper

biogreen memory foam mattress topper

biofresh® 3 gel memory foam mattress topper

Biogreen Memory Foam Mattress Topper


Superior Density (SD) Memory Foam! Our Biogreen Memory Foam Is Approximately 13 Times Below Oeko-Tex�, Certipur-US� and GreenGuard's Allowable Total V.O.C.s Required To Achieve Certification! The consumer market place has expressed concern with the various chemicals that can be found in memory foam, and we share that concern. Our proprietary Biogreen memory foam is free of PBDE, TDI, Boric Acid and Bromine, each a dangerous chemical. However, mattresses, particularly memory foam, are known to be made from fibers, foams, adhesives, fire retardants, and other additives that can generate emissions (known as �off-gassing�) of V.O.C. sV.O.C.s include a variety of chemicals, some of which have been linked with adverse health effects.  V.O.C.s are found in many consumer products, including inks, gasoline, cleaning supplies, newspaper, carpets, glues, certain furniture, perfume, and cosmetics.  have no recognizable odor or color, vaporize easily at room temperature, and can

be triggered when products are used or stored. Obviously, with a product that one sleeps on, off-gassing of V.O.C.s is a serious concern, since it affects the very air we breathe!  Our Biogreen proprietary memory foam is produced by using a very special process that reduces the volatility of these carbon based chemical compounds, which results in an unprecedented total V.O.C. emission level rating of only 00.039 mg/m3 (parts per million), based on testing by the most prestigious independent lab rating agency in the industry! What about the Air You *Thankfully, the EPA has very high standards for their indoor air quality.  Our Stringent Biogreen Memory The VOC Our Biogreen memory foam was initially tested by an independent laboratory for total V.O.C.s based on mass loss (emissions) and the tests established that most of the 1% loss was attributed to water vapor.  that result was re-assuring, we wanted a more detailed evaluation to look at

more specific V.O.C.s, as well as specific commonly emitted toxins like formaldehyde, phthalates, benzene, phenol, styrene and other such types of dangerous chemicals that are frequently present.  We looked over the data requirements needed to pass certification for three top testing and rating agencies used by the industry (CertiPur-US, Oeko-tex, and GreenGuard), as well how they went about their testing. While Certipur-US and Oeko-tex have very strict standards when it comes to allowable total V.O.C.s, we eventually settled on GreenGuard's testing for both its extensive laboratory protocol, as well as its more stringent Schools and Children laboratory requirements.  As you will see from the graph on the right side, as well as the test data results we have made available, our Biogreen memory foam tested approximately 13 times lower in total V.O.C.s than the allowable maximum requirements for certification from Certipur-US*

It was also approximately 13 times lower than GreenGuard's Indoor Air Quality total V.O.C. maximum requirements for certification and approximately 6 times lower than the GreenGuard* total V.O.C. maximum requirements for SchoolsIn addition, our Biogreen memory foam easily passed every GreenGuard Schools and Children laboratory testing criteria from the very prestigious UL laboratories (click here to view the summary results of UL laboratories GreenGuard criteria testing of our Biogreen memory foam). The extremely low levels of V.O.C. off-gassing emissions of the Biogreen memory foam should reassure those consumers that are chemical sensitive or simply concerned about the air they breathe.  Products that meet GreenGuard's highest standards are also more eco-friendly, since that limits the emissions that can pollute our atmosphere, as well as our bodies.  Also, the extremely low levels of V.O.C.s allow our Biogreen memory foam to have a mild and clean smelling

scent (new mattresses, like new vehicles, emit their unique odors from highAllergy sufferers can take note that Biogreen memory foam is hypoallergenic and does not play a good host to dust mites.   concern about the release of chemicals in our atmosphere, allergens and toxins absorbed by our bodies, you can feel good knowing that our memory foam offers a truly hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly, and non-toxic experience. Oeko-tex, and GreenGuard are respective intellectual property of those associations and used to compare how our Biogreen memory foam testing results stacked up against their allowable requirements for certification.  Biogreen memory foam has been tested by UL laboratories, using their GreenGuardWe have not joined the certification programs from these How We Make Our Whole Tempflow Mattress Environmentally Friendly Certipur-US� Certified Lower Foam Foam has been used in practically every type of mattress (including innerspring

mattresses) for many generations there has been less concern about regular foam products (presumably because they are often lower in odor anyway), we are not taking any chances and are pairing up our Biogreen memory foam with Certipur-US certified environmentally friendly foam for our lower layers. retardants like PBDE, Boric Acid and Bromine are known as halogens and are only used to help make memory foam self extinguish with certain flame type exposures, However, such use of potentially harmful chemicals as flame retardants are not necessary, if a non-reactive fire inherent socking is used to cover the foam. We offer a completely safe and ecologically sustainable fire socking that covers our mattress foam to offer a natural inherent fire protection.  competitors will use chemicals like antimony, chlorine, bromine and lead, but our biodegradable and ecologically friendly fire socking naturally meets all safety requirements and does not add these dangerous chemicals.

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