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Best Vitamin B Complex Brand 2011


There's been a lot of buzz about vitamin B12 in recent years, and here's another reason to pay attention to it: A new study finds that a deficiency in vitamin B12 is associated with memory and thinking problems, as well as brain shrinkage. The research is published in the journal Neurology. Researchers did not prove that low vitamin B12 levels cause these cognitive abnormalities, but they did find a strong association with markers of deficiency, said study co-author Dr. Martha Morris of the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. The theory is that adequate levels of vitamin B12 is necessary for the brain's myelin sheath, an insulating layer around nerves. When the sheath gets damaged, impulses between transmitted along nerve cells slow down. Vitamin B12 is found in meats, fish, shellfish and dairy products, and some cereals are fortified with it. People over 65 in particular may need B12 supplements because older patients' bodies have a harder time absorbing this vitamin.

Researchers looked at 121 participants in the Chicago Health and Aging Project. They looked at both serum levels of vitamin B12 and markers of vitamin B12 deficiency. The study found that methylmalonate, a marker of vitamin B12 deficiency, is associated with a reduction of brain volume and so may contribute to cognitive problems. Homocysteine, an amino acid associated with low B12 levels as well as folate, was linked to thinking problems through a different mechanism involving abnormal white matter signals (as seen on certain kinds of MRIs). There aren't a lot of data on using these markers clinically for the purposes of testing the health of older patients, said Dr. James Lah, neurologist at the Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia, who was not involved in the study. The study points to them as potentially helpful, but more research needs to be done, he said. The study did not find an association between the serum B12 levels of participants and the likelihood of brain problems.

Morris said that makes sense because while low levels negatively affect the brain, high levels above normal aren't necessarily better than adequate levels. "There’s a level we should all have, and if you fall below that, it could cause problems," she said. Quantifying that level is up for debate, but the National Institutes of Health offers  guidelines for recommended vitamin B12 intake at various ages. Morris and colleagues did not look at this phenomenon in Alzheimer's patients, but a small 2010 study in Neurology found that people who tended to eat vitamin B12-rich foods are less likely to develop Alzheimer's than those who did not. Vitamin B12 deficiency has not been shown to be directly involved in the pathology of Alzheimer's in the brain, but it may aggravate the brain in other ways that could lead to Alzheimer's. "We can't discount its involvement," Lah said.In general, taking a multivitamin is a good idea for managing chronic liver disease – but choosing the right one requires awareness of three potential hazards.

A multivitamin is one of the most commonly used nutritional supplement in the U.S., but few realize how valuable it can be for managing chronic liver disease. Taking a multivitamin to help support the liver’s well-being is an obvious choice. However, there are some potential vitamin hazards to avoid. Because they can be instrumental in preventing liver disease progression and complications, living healthfully with chronic liver disease typically involves taking a multivitamin. Nonetheless, those affected will benefit most when they choose their multivitamin wisely. Oxidative damage is a frequent cause of liver cell injury, a definitive pathway to the worsening of chronic liver disease. Known as cellular oxidation, this is a natural process where free radicals break down organic tissue. Without adequate levels of antioxidants in the body, free radicals can damage liver cells. Free radicals can be generated from: •    normal metabolic processes In someone with chronic liver disease, excessive amounts of free radicals contribute to liver scarring and the liver’s subsequent functional decline.

Antioxidants bind with free radicals – neutralizing them so they can’t cause damage to nearby cells. Many common vitamins, like Vitamin A, C and E, are potent antioxidants that prevent cellular oxidation. Hence, multivitamins offer a broad spectrum of free radical fighting antioxidants. Another reason for someone with chronic liver disease to take a multivitamin is the supplement’s typical inclusion of Vitamin D. According to researchers from the University of Tennessee in Memphis, over 90 percent of individuals with chronic liver disease have some degree of Vitamin D deficiency. The researchers agreed that severe Vitamin D deficiency was more common among those with cirrhosis – an advanced form of liver disease. While primarily known for its role in bone health, Vitamin D is also an important nutrient for maintaining cardiovascular, immune and neurological health. According to lead researcher Dr. Satheesh P. Nair, “Since deficiency is common among these patients, Vitamin D replacement may hopefully prevent osteoporosis and other bone complications related to end stage liver disease.”

One of the liver’s principle functions is to detoxify the blood. Many factors play into detoxification, a natural process that may be hampered in those with chronic liver disease. A liver that has sustained significant damage is less able to perform its detoxification duties. This inability to filter toxins leaves a higher concentration of them to accumulate in the liver, a situation that ends up causing even more damage to currently functioning liver cells. Several ingredients in a good multivitamin will aid the liver in detoxification, such as: •    Beta Carotene (Vitamin A) When it comes to choosing a multivitamin for someone with chronic liver disease, not all supplements are created equally. The following are important considerations when choosing the right multivitamin: 1.    Vitamin A – Although Vitamin A has several benefits to offer someone with liver concerns, it can be toxic to the liver in high dosages. Experts suggest that those with cirrhosis not take more than 5,000 Units per day.

However, Vitamin A as beta-carotene is not toxic to the liver and can be taken in any amount. 2.    Vitamin E – Again, Vitamin E has several benefits to offer someone with liver concerns, but it can be hazardous if taken in excess. In doses over 1,200 IU per day, Vitamin E can thin the blood and cause bleeding. 3.    Iron – Iron may promote the formation of scar tissue in the liver. Therefore, those with chronic liver disease – and especially those with cirrhosis – should take multivitamins without iron unless their physician has determined that they are iron deficient. A good multivitamin supplies the body with Vitamin D, a wide range of antioxidants and assistance in liver detoxification. However, those with chronic liver disease should be aware of the quantity of Vitamin E, the quantity and form of Vitamin A and the presence or absence of iron. By knowing what to look for and choosing an appropriate multivitamin, managing chronic liver disease will be one step easier., Vitamins, Retrieved June /content/85/1/265S.full, Multivitamin/Mineral Supplements and Prevention of Chronic Disease: Executive Summary, Huang, H-Y, et al, Retrieved June 12, 2011, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, January 2007. /about_4572247_what-vitamins-antioxidants.html, What Vitamins Are Antioxidants?, Nancy Steely, Retrieved June 12, 2011, Demand Media, Inc., 2011. /hcsp/articles/Herrera.html, Cirrhosis in Chronic Hepatitis C Infection, Jorge L. Herrera, MD, Retrieved June 12, 2011, Hepatitis C Support Project, 2011. /hcsp/articles/RILEY.html, Preventative Care in Chronic Liver Diseases, Thomas R. Riley, Retrieved June 12, 2011, Hepatitis C Support Project, 2011. /liver-detoxification.htm, Liver Detoxification, Retrieved June 12, 2011, Healing Daily, 2011. /wordpress/2009/07/helping-your-liver-with-alpha-r-lipoic-acid/, Helping Your Liver with Alpa R-Lipoic Acid, Nicole Cutler, L.Ac,. Retrieved June 12, 2011, Natural Wellness, 2011.

/article/449487-can-vitamins-contribute-to-liver-disease/, Can Vitamins Contribute to Liver Disease?, Adam Cloe, Retrieved June 12, 2011, Demand Media Inc., 2011. /n_vitamin-d-ibd.html, Vitamin D Deficiency Common in Patients with IBD, Chronic Liver Disease, Retrieved June 12, 2011, Rejuvenation Science, 2011. /courses-resources/article/cirrhosis/?tx_ttnews[backPid]=76&cHash=65771f2c0c, Cirrhosis, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Retrieved June 12, 2011, T. Colin Campbell Foundation, 2011. Palmer, Melissa, MD, Doctor Melissa Palmer’s Guide to Hepatitis and Liver Disease, Penguin Group, New York, NY, 2004: pp 392-398. Download Our Report "The Liver Detox Blueprint" 7 Liver Detox SUPER Foods Your Doctor Isn't Telling You About 5 Dangerous Foods That Will Wreak Havoc On Your Liver Plus, a free "Mystery" Gift Valued at $9.99 You'll also receive the latest news and information to support liver health. Rest assured, we will not rent your email to anyone.

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