best orthopedic dog bed for after surgery

best orthopedic dog bed for after surgery

best orthopaedic dog bed uk

Best Orthopedic Dog Bed For After Surgery


These truly orthopedic dog beds are the most comfortable dog beds ever! Max Comfort® orthopedic pet beds provide excellent support and at the same time they are SOFT AND MUCH MORE COMFORTABLE than other dog beds. memory foam dog bed from Big Dog Beds will provide luxurious comfort for the life of your pet, GUARANTEED. Our product line begins with the Max Comfort® BioMedic™ dog bed. These dog beds are a rectangle dog bed mattress available in sizes from 20" x 26" to a huge 52" x 72". "Super comfortable dog bed - Extra Large memory foam bed fits 2 big dogs & they love it!" Kathy -- Escondido, CA You may add a 3 sided bolster to the mattress. That's our Comfort den™ dog bed. The 4 sided bolster dog beds are the Comfort Nest™ dog beds. These Max Comfort® BioMedic™ memory foam dog beds are very different from other beds represented asThey provide unequaled comfort for, and some degree of prevention for, orthopedic conditions, such as hip or elbow Dysplasia and canine arthritis.

Max Comfort® BioMedic™ memory foam is much more dense than other orthopedic dog beds. This means our 4" dog bed provides more support and comfort than other 8" orthopedic dog beds and our BioMedic™ orthopedic dog beds are guaranteed to NEVER sag, flatten out, or break down and get lumpy FOR THE LIFE OF YOUR PET! Please select the correct thickness BioMedic™ memory foam dog bed for your dog 4" dog beds have 2" of memory foam & 2" of support foam for dogs to 100 pounds. 6" dog beds have 3" of memory foam & 3" of support foam for dogs over 100 pounds. 8" dog beds have 3" of memory foam & 5" of support foam for even the biggest dogs. All of our orthopedic dog beds have a zippered, removable, covers included. For your convenience we use extra long heavy duty zippers. They are full length along the long side of the bed plus over half way up both short sides. This really helps when changing your cover. For an additional cover you can change in under 30 seconds please take a

look at our quick covers. "I just had to write to say what a great dog bed this is. My 4 year old Saint Bernard has arthritis in her hips and had to have hip replacement surgery due to hip dysplasia. I have purchased expensive "orthopedic" dog beds in the past, but after about six months they are broken down and sag in the middle. She would be up and down all night because she couldn't get comfortable. I purchased an orthopedic dog bed from you and she loves it! When we go to bed at night she stays on her bed until morning, and then I have to make her get up because she isThanks for making such a great dog bed!!" Our dog beds and not only are the most comfortable dog beds ever, they will also save you money in the long run. lifetime guarantee, you will never have to replace this bed! Retains its shape and comfort for the life of your dog! Click Here to Return to Home Page orCall our customer service line at 1-877-757-3477 for assistance.TRIPAWDS: Home to 12944 Members and 1167 Blogs.

HOME » NEWS » BLOGS » FORUMS » CHAT » FACEBOOK » TWITTER » RANDOM BLOG Big Barker Beds Great for Giant Tripawd Dogs April 8th, 2013 · Looking for a high quality orthopedic bed for your giant breed Tripawd dog? Happy Hannah (aka Tripawds Member Benny55) highly recommends the Big Barker Orthopedic Dog Bed. “(The Big Barker Bed) is an ‘investment’ but I’ve spent that many times over trying to get a good bed for my dogs and they don’t retain their shape or support AND this bed is made for bigger dogs. . . I actually slept partially on it with her surrounded by squishy pillows and blankets.” Big Barker Dog Beds are made with 7″ of superior quality American-Made foam. Specifically designed to completely support every nook and crevice of a big dog’s body. Your dog will not sink into this bed. Best Dog Beds for Surgery Recovery See the Tripawds Gear Blog for more selections of orthopedic dog beds for comfortable rest during recovery and for years to come.

These plush yet firm beds are recommended since they will not bunch up, making it easy for recovering dogs to get comfortable without stumbling on unstable bedding. Thanks for shopping with links in this Tripawds Amazon blog! No matter what you purchase here, from household goods to pet supplies, a portion of sales will go toward keeping the Tripawds Nation online. Tags: beds·dogs·giant breed·recovery·three leggedScout, my German Shorthaired Pointer, is only four years old but has already endured two ACL surgeries (both knees) and a meniscus tear surgery. I am well acquainted with each surgery and its recovery time. The weeks following any knee surgery are difficult for the dog as well as his guardian. I felt so bad for Scout. He looked so sad sitting in his kennel with his leg all bandaged up. “There are many procedures that have as their goal the stability and comfort of the stifle joint,” says Dr. G. Timothy Lee, DVM  of VCA Northwood in Anderson, Indiana. Dr. Lee’s practice is limited to referral surgery and was Scout’s surgeon for all three knee surgeries.

“The most common procedures done by orthopedic specialists include the TPLO, TTA (Scout’s surgery), Tightrope, Lateral Imbrication Sutures, and the Fibular Head Transposition. The procedure used will vary with the dog involved and the experience of the surgeon.” Scout and I are no strangers to compression bandages, staples, the dreaded e-collar, and lengthy rehab. Each dog will have its own rehab schedule, so what I’ll do here is give you five tips to assist your beloved doggy with recovery from knee surgery. While this is going to seem like a no-brainer, but first and foremost, follow your surgeon’s rehab schedule to a T. The more you pay attention to instructions sent home with your pooch following surgery, the more quickly your pup and you can fall into a regular rehab schedule and get well. “Under the best of circumstances you must allow six to eight weeks before your pet is allowed to do everything it wants to do. For the first couple of weeks a passive range of motion exercise regimen is helpful,” Dr. Lee said.

It is really important to heed the good doctor’s advice. Read carefully, you will learn from my shortcomings and brain-fades! Each time Scout was released from the hospital, I made the mistake of picking him up all by myself. (Apparently, I have a very short memory!) He was ready to leave and go home and wanted out of there! As such, he was difficult to confine in the car. If someone had accompanied me to the vet, I could have sat in the back seat with Scout and kept him calm, still, and quiet during the ride home. Seems pretty obvious, but you don’t want your recovering pup tearing out of the door after a squirrel or the neighbor’s cat. Keeping Scout on a leash, even when he was in the house, kept him under control, out of harm’s way and from jumping on the furniture! “Most surgeons recommend leash-only exercise when outside for the first four to five weeks,” Dr. Lee adds. During rehab and recovery, your pup will need to be confined in a crate, kennel or small room to limit his activity and movement.

A well-ventilated crate or kennel will limit any unnecessary activity. Keep in mind, your dog will need some room to adjust its position so he can be comfortable in several positions. Those little joints can get a little stiff being in one position all day. When talking with Dr. Lee following Scout’s surgeries, he reminded me, “No stairs unless supported with a sling and increase the length of walks incrementally over the six week period.” Our house has tons of stairs–everywhere! From a recovery standpoint, this was a nightmare. In order to support Scout’s hind quarters so he wouldn’t put any weight on the recently repaired knee, I used a towel that was rolled up and placed under his tummy. I held the ends in one hand and while he was leashed, lifted his hind end as we traversed any stairs. This was effective but very awkward. There are many products on the market that will accomplish this lifting in a better, more controlled way than a towel. After three of these surgeries, I strongly suggest researching the options and purchasing one prior to picking your pup up from the hospital.

Unfortunately for me and Scout, each time Scout had surgery, I forgot how important and cumbersome lifting his hind quarters was until I was in the throws of rehab. Your vet will most likely send you and your pup home with a hard plastic e-collar. You know, those gigantic collars you put around a dog’s head to keep him from licking, biting and tearing off bandages and staples from a wounded area. Yep, now you know what I am talking about! Most dogs and their owners dislike these types of collars but they are very necessary to keep your pup from chewing off bandages like Scout did or chewing out his staples….Scout did that, too. There is not a great deal of room in a crate for a dog wearing an e-collar to turn around, so I found a softer, more flexible version of this collar and moved Scout into a small bathroom on the main floor of the house. I also moved his bed to this new room and placed an old cabinet door in the doorway that was tall enough to keep him from jumping over it and out of the bathroom but small enough that he could see everyone in the house as they passed by the room.

He is a very social doggie!Cooler room for Scout to sleep, hang out and recover. Provided more room for him so he could wear his flexible e-collar and give him the ability to see everyone in the house as we went through our daily activities. Okay, back to the benefits of the flexible e-collar. These flexible collars are great for the dog because he won’t overheat (a cooler pup), they don’t make that loud sound when the dog bumps the collar into something and you can bend them down so your pooch can drink water and eat while wearing the device. It worked so well for Scout, we nicknamed the collar the ‘Cone of Health and Happiness.’ Everyone, including Scout, was delighted when we took the the collar off for the final time after his staples were removed!  One thing you will need to keep an eye on is your pup’s weight. During these weeks of immobility and limited mobility, he will eat and gain weight. Just be aware so your pup doesn’t gain too much weight. Injured or recently repaired areas do not need the additional weight bearing down on a recovering joint.

Talk with your veterinarian about supplements. There are many on the market that can aid in recovery and stimulate bone regeneration. I give Scout glucosamine and chondroitin twice daily…once in the morning and once in the evening. I want to give Scout the benefits of a long life and healthy joints as long as I am able…..even though both his hind leg knees have titanium plates and screws attached to them now. If you have tile, hardwood floors or floors with slick surfaces, cover them up with mats that have rubber backing. During and following rehab and recovery, this will keep those little paws from slipping on the floor and from damaging or injuring the recovering joint or creating new injuries. Scout had his first ACL surgery when he was just six months old. My heart just hurt for him. At night during his rehab, I would crawl into his kennel, sit with him and just pet him for what seemed like hours. I wanted him to know I loved him and wanted him to be well but he had to be somewhat immobile.

His next two knee surgeries were in 2011, March and September. Both of us could no longer fit into the kennel, so each night I would place the leash on him and spend time with him on the floor rubbing his tummy and petting him while we watched television. Tender loving care, diligent rehab and reassuring tummy rubs got us through all three of these surgeries. Hopefully, you and your dog won’t ever experience a knee surgery. But if you do, there is hope. A trusted, talented surgeon and dogged attention (pun intended) to detail during rehab mixed with many heaping spoonsful of TLC will get you both through the weeks following surgery. To watch Scout take those first cautious steps off the leash at the completion of rehab made it all worth it. Now when I watch him run like the wind and leap over the boxwoods, my heart just sings. Cindy Dunston Quirk is the Chief Dog Lover at Scout & Zoe’s Natural Antler Dog Chews. Scout & Zoe’s chews are allergy-free and a green, organic, renewable resource created only from 100% naturally shed elk antlers.

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