best organic mattress for babies

best organic mattress for babies

best organic mattress brands

Best Organic Mattress For Babies


Did you know that crib mattresses are sprayed with toxic chemicals? And those chemicals can leak out of the mattress while your child sleeps on it? Most babies sleep up to 10-12 hours per day, and that means they spend nearly half their lives on their mattress. Needless to say, getting a mattress that’s safe and not sprayed with nasty chemicals is a priority. Thankfully, there are a few awesome, safe and organic crib mattresses available, and this guide will tell you what to look for. You actually have to be careful, because not all mattresses labelled “organic” are truly organic! After a lot of research, we found a great crib mattress that is both organic and contains non-toxic chemicals. Naturepedic No Compromise Organic Cotton Dual Firmness Crib Mattress The No Compromise Organic Crib Mattress (click here to check price) is one of the few that contain 100% organic cotton for both the filling and the outer fabric. It has a waterproof covering that uses polyethylene, which is a simple waterproof layer and meets food-grade standards, so it’s safe and non-toxic.

This also gives it anti-dust mite & bed bug properties. Unlike typical mattresses, instead of foam, it uses 100% USA-grown organic cotton from USDA-certified sources. There’s really no safer material that could be used in a baby mattress. The mattress meets fire safety standards in an intelligent and safe way: since there is no foam interior, it’s not as flammable as a typical mattress, and Naturepedic uses high-quality materials and manufacturing instead of flame-resistant chemicals. You can sleep safe knowing that there are no nasty chemicals used in this mattress. This is a 2-stage mattress, which means one side functions as a baby mattress, and the other side has a different firmness making it suitable for a toddler bed. This is a pretty economical and convenient feature! It should fit perfectly in any standard crib, too. Naturepedic is one of the most popular and trustworthy mattress manufacturers, and they’re known to have great customer service in the event that you have any trouble with your mattress.

It also has a lifetime warranty, so if anything at all goes wrong you’ll get a new replacement if you call them up. All things said, this is absolutely the top organic crib mattress you’ll find. Price Alert: As of Tuesday, Mar 7, 2017, Amazon has the Naturepedic No Compromise mattress on sale with FREE shipping and FREE returns. Click here to see it! A typical mattress contains a lot of different components, many of which are non-natural and potentially dangerous to a baby. The filler material of a mattress is typically polyurethane foam: a material made from petroleum which is both highly flammable as well as potentially toxic. Depending on how the foam is manufactured, it may contain a number of harmful chemicals including formaldehyde, benzene and toluene. There are several noted potential negative health effects of polyurethane foam: cardiac arrhythmia, breathlessness, chest discomfort, irritation of mucous membranes, headache, coughing, asthma-like allergic reaction, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, nausea, blurred vision, and reduced pulmonary function.

Needless to say, this is something you’ll probably want to avoid! The waterproof cover that comes with many crib mattresses is comprised of vinyl in order to be waterproof and increase the flame-resistant properties of the mattress. Unfortunately, vinyl, otherwise known as PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is known as one of the most toxic and environmentally-unfriendly plastics there is. Chemical plasticizers are used in the production of PVC, as it is a hard plastic that needs to be softer and flexible to be used as a covering. These chemicals are not bound to the vinyl, and can leach out and be inhaled or absorbed in your baby’s skin. All mattresses are required by law to be flame-resistant, and this includes baby crib mattresses. Unfortunately, the cheapest and most common way of meeting this requirement is to douse the mattresses with toxic flame-retardant chemicals. Many organic mattresses use wool, as it has natural fire-retardant properties that are usually enough to pass fire safety standards.

Beware, however, that some companies use chemicals in the wool to increase the safety properties. Also, even if a mattress is certified organic, it may have a vinyl covering that contains nasty chemicals. How do you know if the mattress is actually safe and non-toxic? You’ll have to do your own research, but we’ll list several mattresses that are both organic and contain no nasty chemicals for you. Just because a mattress is labelled “organic” it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s true or even safe. Mattresses that contain organic cotton inside or even just a layer of organic cotton in the outer shell can be called organic. Also, a mattress filled with organic cotton could contain a vinyl covering, which is obviously not all that healthy. Even those that use a wool covering could contain flame-retardants. It’s important to do your research and try to find a complete material listing used in the mattress. This isn’t always easy to do. Once you have a mattress, you need some good sheets to go along with it.

Be sure to read our guide to find some great crib sheets to go along with your nice, safe mattress. If you're going to have a new baby coming into the house soon, I highly recommend getting a copy of my free eBook: "57 Ways To Save Money As New Parents"! It's full of great ways to save money and it's totally free. If you're interested, you can get your copy below!When you are expecting a new baby, shopping for a crib and mattress can be very exciting. But it can also be stressful, once you become aware of the problems surrounding conventional mattress production. Many contain toxic materials such as fire retardants, plasticizers, polyurethane foam, and vinyl (PVC) that have been linked to problems with child development.There is also a theory that SIDS is caused by the toxic chemicals released by conventional crib mattresses. When a normally harmless household fungus (Scopulariopsis brevicaulis) comes into contact with the elements of phosphorous, arsenic, or antimony that have been found in chemical fire retardants in mattresses, it can generate extremely poisonous gases that are far more toxic than carbon monoxide.

(Read more about it here.)New Zealand has been wrapping many of its conventional crib mattresses to seal in the toxic chemicals since 1995 and has noticed a 72 percent reduction in SIDS. The campaign, spearheaded by Dr. T.J. Sprott, has seen nearly 205,000 babies sleeping on wrapped mattresses with no deaths, while crib deaths on unwrapped mattresses were reported to be 975 in the same time period.So it’s definitely a worthwhile investment to buy a ‘clean’ crib mattress for your new baby. If that’s too expensive, then consider purchasing a BabySafe Mattress Cover, which is the non-toxic plastic ‘bag’ used by Dr. Sprott.As a follow-up to my recent post about VOCs emitted from foam crib mattresses, here is a list of alternative green mattresses for your baby:Perfect for really young babies, this mattress is handmade using organic cotton and premium wool batting. It contains no fire retardants, synthetic fabrics, or petrochemical-based plastics. The 14-person company that makes this mattress uses sustainable practices such as permaculture (i.e. leftover materials are composted by worms) and ensures zero waste of manufacturing byproducts.

Available online through Organic Lifestyle.This mattress features a core made of renewable and sustainable plant foam and organic cotton batting. Its cover is also organic cotton for breathability. One side is firmer than the other, making it better for infants; then you can flip it over to the softer side as your baby grows into a toddler. Made in the U.S., this crib mattress contains organic cotton filling with springs to provide firm support. It has no wool or latex, for customers with allergy concerns. The waterproof model contains a non-toxic, food-grade polyethylene surface. Naturepedic uses a naturally-derived fire retardant formula made of baking soda, silica, and cellulose fiber from eucalyptus. Stuffed with a combination of coconut coir and natural latex, this crib mattress is made in the U.S. It features a removable cover made of organic cotton and wool. The wool acts as a natural fire retardant and water barrier. This crib mattress is made from 4 inches of natural rubber wrapped in organic cheesecloth.

The outer removable cover is made of organic cotton jersey fabric. Obasan makes all its products in Ottawa, Canada, and sells them exclusively in store or over the phone. All products are described in detail on their website.Nook is a natural mattress company based in southern California. Its Pebble Pure crib mattress is made with an organic coconut core layered with natural latex foam and organic wool (sourced from local farmers). The covering is made of breathable eucalyptus fibre infused with zinc, which is a non-toxic microbe resister, and organic cotton. ships to U.S. and Canada.This is the only crib that contains memory foam, except that this is entirely natural foam, made using hevea milk (rubber tree sap). The company describes it as “the memory foam we all know and love, but it’s made without the gunk.” The mattress contains no plastics, vinyl, or chemically treated fabrics, and using Kevlar fabric to pass flammability tests. The outside is made of organic cotton. Handmade in Devon, England, this mattress is stuffed entirely with organic coconut coir, which comes from coconut husks and is very breathable and supportive.

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