best mattress longevity

best mattress longevity

best mattress like a tempurpedic

Best Mattress Longevity


Comfort is the most important factor that people seek when choosing a new mattress to purchase. Designers have been working on mattress options for ions to choose from other than the traditional spring mattress. Water beds, air beds and pillow tops have all played to the consumer looking to ease their body of aches with the comfort of sleep. It took NASA engineers to invent the memory foam that people now value as a viable option to the old spring mattress. To make a thoughtful decision between a spring mattress and memory foam it is important to know the pros and cons. A spring mattress is constructed from a basic pocket-coil system wrapped that in fabric. Production of this type of mattress is easy so it tends to keep costs lower. Prices can rise with the level of mattress, as often soft foam pillow tops are added to provide extra comfort and luxury. Spring mattresses may still be an option but one needs to understand what sets them apart from the newer memory foam mattress. Unlike a comfortable memory foam mattress that can be vacuum sealed to be delivered in a compact box, spring mattresses need to be delivered to your home by truck or balanced on top of a vehicle.

The spring mattress does not rely on body contours for comfort. Although there may be a choice of firmness, it is more of a one mattress fits all. The pressure of the coils from the spring mattress and uneven body support may acerbate aches and pains instead of relieving them. Spring mattresses tend to have a shorter lifespan and warranty then memory foam due to the coil system design and manufacturing causing them to eventually sag from body weight. For common spring mattresses without a pillow top they must be rotated and flipped regularly in order to maintain them. This takes time, and adds pressure and frustration to upkeep your mattress investment. When memory foam mattresses first began to gain popularity they had a tendency of retaining heat causing the sleeper to get hot. With the invention of gel memory foam this no longer is a problem. The gel foam allows for a special memory foam design fashioning the mattress to allow for a comfortable cool night’s sleep.

The reason for the gaining popularity of the memory foam is their level of comfort that they provide when compared to the spring mattress. The memory foam mattress will distribute body weight evenly for a perfect balance in supporting individual pressure points to relieve aches and pains and encourage a great night’s sleep. Unlike a spring mattress, the memory foam mattress will hold its shape without any worries about eventual sagging. Although many think of foam as being very soft, the memory foam mattress is designed from layers to create a firm mattress that gives with the contours of the body to create the ultimate in support. Memory foam mattresses are known to have a longer lifespan than the spring mattresses and a 20-year warranty is proof that companies stand by this type of mattress. Shop easily online and get a memory foam mattress delivered to your door in a compact box that you unpack in your bedroom for your mattress to unfold and come to shape in position ready to sleep.

Memory foam mattress only needs to be rotated every six months for easy maintenance. An amazing free 101-day sleep trial allows for one to thoroughly be able to experience the memory foam bed without worry. Memory foam mattresses may have once been prohibitive due to cost but with online shopping, that cuts out the salesperson in the store, the price for the comfortable memory foam bed has dropped considerably. GhostBed sells their memory foam mattresses at a cost that is 25-percent lower than the brick and mortar retail store equivalent mattress selection. Whether choosing the traditional spring mattress or the innovative memory foam, one should keep in mind that experts advise people to replace their mattress every seven to eight years due to hygienic purposes that arise from everyday living. 12 Month Flex Pay Option Order ships within 24 Hours Order ships within 24 hoursWhat It Is, Why It Works, And The 5 Key Things To Look For When Buying A Memory Foam Bed Or Topper.

While memory foam was developed for NASA in the 1970's, it didn't hit the consumer market until the early 1990's - first as memory foam mattress topper pads, and later used in memory foam mattresses. Since then, memory foam mattresses have become the fastest growing segment in the mattress industry. With every year, you see more and more companies selling memory foam mattresses and topper pads, and it is very difficult, even for those of us in the industry, to keep up with all the new memory foam products being introduced. What is a consumer to do? 1. Brief History Of Memory Foam And Why Not All Memory Foam Created Equal - Some Just More Comfortable And Sleeps Cooler Than Others 2. How To Choose Between Different Memory Foams 3. What To Look For In A Memory Foam Mattress Or Topper, And When You Might Need To Get A New Mattress In this guide, I'm going to do my best to give you the straight story on what memory foam is, how it works, and what to look for in memory foam (density and quality, memory foam toppers versus memory foam mattresses, etc.).

Armed with the information, I hope you are able to find just the right memory foam mattress, topper pad, or other product that fits your needs. Where the mattress industry so often sells on hype about latest greatest technology, I wanted to concentrate on actual, verifiable information when putting together this guide. So before we go into the details about memory foam, I thought it was important to first look at the bottom line -- how does memory foam compare to standard innerspring mattresses for comfort. And what is great about the internet is that these days you can cut through the hype to see the actual data on this -- real reviews, by real folks, trying out the mattresses in their own homes. And while it was hard to get this kind of objective information back in '94 when I was first starting out selling memory foam after it helped me with my back pain, in 2014 all this information is now at your fingertips, literally. While comfort is subjective, what is no longer subjective is that certain types of mattress are just more comfortable than others.

And you don't have to take my word for it, or any other mattress retailer. The numbers don't lie. Based on over 22,000 real people's mattress experiences, the meta site Sleep Like the Dead found that in analyzing this information that memory foam mattresses received the highest level of customer satisfaction of any mattress type at 81%. In contrast, only 64% of innerspring owners said they were satisfied. That is a huge difference, and shows the simple reason why memory foam has gained such popularity -- it delivers comfort in a way that far surpasses the standard innerspring mattress. Where did memory foam come from and what gives memory foam its unique comfort properties? It is an interesting story and starts with the space program. But these days there are lots of different foamers making memory foam, and while they are all referred to as "memory foam", they have different formulations and in terms of comfort and sleeping cool memory foams are definitely not created equal -- which I will cover in our next section.

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