best mattress for muscle recovery

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Best Mattress For Muscle Recovery


The Science of Comfort™ Comfort enables better sleep. To be truly comfortable the body and mind must be completely at ease; free from pain or constraint. A more comfortable body is a healthier body. True comfort requires the perfect blend of pressure relief, support and temperature regulation. This is the Science of Comfort™. Mammoth have gone further than any other brand in developing cutting edge technologies and materials in the pursuit of comfort and sleep quality. Mammoth’s Magic Ingredient: Medical Grade Foam™ Mammoth’s invention, Medical Grade Foam™ is an innovation derived from their healthcare origins, where its predecessor ‘High-Specification Foam’ was successfully used as a pressure relieving and supportive component in medical beds and seating within the NHS and private healthcare. Medical Grade Foam™ is an incredibly effective material for achieving comfort. By responding immediately to both the weight and shape of the human body, Medical Grade Foam™ helps a sleeper maintain a neutral position, which ensures good spinal alignment.

Unlike Memory Foam, which requires body heat to soften the sleep surface, Medical Grade Foam™ is not temperature sensitive and provides a cool, dry and comfortable sleeping surface which promotes an optimum sleeping micro-climate. “As a physiotherapist I wanted a mattress with the science behind it, and as an elite para-athlete I wanted something comfortable to assist my recovery and look after my body while I’m asleep. Mammoth was the only one that had all the science to back it up, and was exceptionally comfortable.”“I’m absolutely in love with my Mammoth – it is really comfortable and gives just the right amount of support… I suffer with arthritis in multiple joints and even though I have only had my Mammoth for a few months I can already feel the difference. There’s much less back pain when I wake up, which means I feel healthier and more prepared to throw myself into the day’s training.”“Loving our new Mammoth. Already sleeping better, back feels better when I wake up and look forward to going to bed at night”“Chronic back pain even after surgery.

I buy one of your mattresses and after two weeks it almost disappears”“I know the importance of rest and recovery and thought age was catching up with me . . . Since buying the mattress I feel properly rested for the first time in years and my recovery is so much quicker. Train hard, eat well and rest easy on a Mammoth mattress”I have noticed that muscle tiredness and soreness seems to be reduced after sleeping on the mattress. I am really happy with my Mammoth” “I would not hesitate in recommending this mattress to anyone, sporty or otherwise, as it provides numerous health benefits”An intercostal muscle strain can be very painful. If you are a fairly active person, your ribs can take a beating in your day to day life. It is a strain of the muscles that lie between the ribs. While any muscle in the body can be strained, muscle strains anywhere in the chest area can be extremely painful. Since the lungs are housed in the ribcage, the pain can also be severe even with just breathing.

Some people even think they may have broken a rib and your doctor may even give you the same treatment for a strain as a fracture. Following your doctor's advice can help your recovery. You have 11 different groups of muscles in your ribcage. The intercostal spaces have about 3 different layers of muscle that are attached to the ribs. They help keep your chest stable with movement and hold your ribs together and in place. While they are able to move and stretch a good deal, they do have their limits. The causes of strains in this area are: If you receive a direct blow to your chest, it is possible to suffer a strain to the rib muscles. This can happen with car accidents, injury while playing sports (football, karate, hockey), injuries received at work, or an assault (fight). Twisting the upper body over its limits can strain the intercostal muscles. It can also "overstretch" the muscles and put pressure on the ribcage. This includes yoga postures, dance moves, turning around suddenly to see something behind you, wrestling, and other things that make you twist your chest area.

If you swing your arm too far, it stretches the ribs toward the arm that is swinging. This can be worsened by twisting the lower half of your body away from the arm swing. It can even cause the muscles to tear with enough force. Even in gentle stretching, you can strain or even rupture the muscles in the ribs. Stretching and pulling the ribs apart too far can cause the intercostal nerves to become trapped between the ribs and muscles. This leads to severe spasms and nerve pain along with the strain. This type is common with some sport activities, such as tennis, golf, volleyball and badminton, where you need to reach high and exert force with the chest. The symptoms include pain, tenderness, swelling, muscle tightness, and sometimes shortness of breath. These can often be the same as something more serious, so it's important to be evaluated by a doctor before attempting self-treatment at home. The breakdown of the symptoms are as follows: There are things you can do at home to make your recovery fast and comfortable.

Use ace wraps to wrap the chest and give the ribs some compression. Only do this for the first couple of days and make sure it’s not too tight so that breathing is hindered. Use an ice pack for the first day and then begin alternating hot packs with cold packs. The ice will reduce the inflammation and swelling quickly and the heat will promote blood flow to the area and increase healing. After the first day, alternate a heating pad with ice packs four times a day. You are naturally going to take more shallow breaths with rib pain. This can lead to pneumonia and slow down healing time due to reduced oxygen to the injured muscles. Try these steps to increase your breathing: One way to relieve an intercostal muscle strain quickly is to soak in Epsom salts. These are magnesium salts that can relieve muscle pain. Fill your tub with hot water and add in one to two cups of Epsom salts. Soak in the tub until the water cools. The recovery time for a muscle strain in the ribs can take around two weeks for a mild strain, three to four weeks for a moderate strain, and up to eight weeks for a severe strain.

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