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Best Budget Pushchair 2013


Our Guide to choosing the Best Travel Stroller 201710 steps to buying the perfect pram In the market for a new pram? Lana Hallowes shares 10 tips to help you find the right buggy for you and your baby. I bought my first baby pusher on the weekend and came to the conclusion that buying a car must surely be easier than picking the right pram. In fact, stepping into a stroller store is a bit like visiting a car yard. There are the luxury models to tempt you, the four wheel drive beasts to intimidate you, the small zippy mobiles to remind you that you can be a mum and go anywhere, and the people movers to make you face reality. It’s a minefield of options, brands and price tags – but before you can even start looking at cup holders, you need to know your requirements. Here are 10 things that helped me to narrow down my choice. If you’re also in the market, you might find them useful. At the end of the day though, the best pram for you will be the one which suits your needs, budget and lifestyle:

The first thing I discovered is that prams/strollers/buggies (whatever you want to call them) sure can be heavy, with some topping the scales at 15kg – and that’s without a child, toys or shopping to add weight. Of all the prams on display, I was most impressed with the Redsbaby Bounce pram because it was so light – 8.5 kg, wheels and all! I could cope with that. If, like me, you are not a weightlifter, you might want to consider the amount of kilos you’re prepared to push and lift. A degree in physics is needed to fold some prams on the market and while the sales person may make it look like a simple ‘flick of a switch’ manoeuvre, have a go at folding and collapsing the buggy yourself. If it’s fiddly, ask about simpler models as this little annoyance could well do your head in down the track! For my part, I found the Bertini X2 pram one of the easiest pram to put up and collapse down. Newborns lack the necessary strength in their neck to support their heads.

As such, a pram for a newborn will either need to recline flat or come with a removable bassinet or travel system, so make sure you ask about the stroller’s newborn options. Buying a versatile pram like the Quinny Buzz, for example, is an investment in the long term as they can accommodate a child from newborn to toddler without any fuss. Which is a good thing in my book! I wanted my newborn baby to face me in the early weeks, but quickly discovered not all front-facing strollers allow this option. If this is important to you as well, you’ll need to look for a pram with a reversible handle or other reverse function which will allow your precious cargo to either face you, or when she’s older, face forwards and see the world. The Bugaboo Cameleon pram is awesomely versatile in this regard with its famous reversible seat. Like cars, pram prices range from cheap and simple, to pricey for all the bells and whistles. Decide on your budget before you step foot into the stroller store and try to stick to it.

Better yet, once you’ve chosen the pram you want, see if you can pick it up cheaper second hand on eBay, or at a Baby and Kids Market (just make sure it meets current Australian Safety Standards and isn’t too old). Also, think about the accessories you might want to buy, such as a sun or rain cover, an attachable tray for your baby’s toys or food, Grubby Bubby pram liners, bassinets etc, and factor these into your total budget. Do you want the pram to carry another child down the track? Or do you have twins on the way? If so, you’ll need to look at the double and ‘plus one’ prams which can accommodate an extra seat or a bassinet. If you have a toddler you may want a pram which has extra seating options or a ride-on skateboard-style foot stand. For example, the Valco Baby Hitch Kiker attachment offers kids aged two and over a rolling good time on a pram walk! Think about where you live and where you go. If you live somewhere hilly with rough terrain, then a four wheel or jogger pram with spring suspension and larger wheels will be a smoother ride for your little one.

A good rough terrain pram, I think, is the Mountain Buggy Urban Elite, that is comfy and has rear wheel suspension for a smoother ride on any surface If you’re likely to spend most of your time cruising around on even mall surfaces, then you can get away with a plastic wheel pram – but you’ll want to make sure that shopping basket is a decent size! For example, the Steelcraft Cruiser stroller has a excellent sized basket underneath – perfect for a few bags of essential groceries. If you live in the city or an apartment, a three-wheel jogger pram for easy turning in tight spaces, or an easy-fold stroller that is lightweight and doesn’t take up much storage room, like the Baby Jogger City Mini, might be a good choice. This is hotly contested in mother’s groups and among stroller sales staff. But I found that three-wheelers are generally more manoeuvrable and easier to fit into tight spaces, whereas four-wheelers are a more stable ride with dual suspension. Best way to decide?

Road test each in the store and see which you prefer the feel of. Also, consider the wheels: If you and your baby’s dad are different heights, then you’ll want to make sure the handle is adjustable. Likewise, if a grandparent or the babysitter will be taking bub out for a walk, a height adjustable handle will make the pram suitable for them, too. There are some great prams on the market that offer adjustable height, such as he Joolz range of prams and strollers, which feature high carry cots so you don’t break your back leaning down to pick up baby. And that has got to be a good thing. Finally – check that the buggy fits comfortably into your car boot: actually wheel it out of the shop, collapse it and lift it into the back of your car before purchasing. Consider what else you’ll need to fit around it, such as a box of nappies or other shopping. It was on this point that I changed my mind on the pram I had picked out. Driving a small hatchback, I needed a pram which folded in half, not lengthways, to fit in the boot of my car.

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