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beautiful muslim girl names starting with p


Beautiful Muslim Girl Names Starting with P

Choosing a name for a child is an exciting and significant task for every parent. The name holds within it the hopes and dreams we have for our children, and it becomes an integral part of their identity. Muslim names are rich in both tradition and meaning, reflecting the diversity and beauty of Muslim cultures worldwide. When it comes to beautiful Muslim girl names, the options are extensive, each carrying its own unique charm and significance. In this article, we will explore some of the exquisite Muslim girl names that start with the letter "P."

1. Pari

Derived from Persian origins, Pari means "fairy" or "angel." It symbolizes purity, innocence, and grace. This name encapsulates the beauty and magical essence that little girls often possess.

2. Parveen

Parveen is an elegant name with Persian or Arabic roots. It signifies "a cluster of stars" and is associated with light, brilliance, and guidance. Naming your daughter Parveen signifies her radiance and potential to illuminate the lives of those around her.

3. Parisa

Parisa is a captivating name meaning "like a fairy" or "angelic." With origins in Persian and Urdu, this name paints a delicate image of beauty and charm. By choosing this name, you celebrate the ethereal qualities and captivating aura of your daughter.

4. Pakeezah

Pakeezah, originating from Arabic, means "pure" or "chaste." This name encapsulates the importance of purity and integrity, serving as a reminder of the values

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