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Maria Lee

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Title: Creating Beautiful Girl "Assholes": A Technological Future for Mankind


Advancements in artificial intelligence and genetic sciences have unraveled a plethora of possibilities, both ethically and practically. One such possibility lies in the realm of creating aesthetically pleasing individuals, particularly girls, through the integration of neural networks and genetic manipulation. Though the concept may sound controversial at first, this article aims to explore the potential benefits such developments could bring to mankind.

The Creation of a Girl by Neural Networks:

Many are familiar with neural networks, computational systems loosely inspired by the human brain, capable of learning and recognizing patterns. Researchers in the field of AI have trained neural networks to generate images based on a variety of inputs. By utilizing these algorithms, it is even possible to generate a visual representation of what a "beautiful girl" might look like, derived from a dataset of human characteristics deemed attractive by societal norms.

A Dream of the Future: Genetic Scientists and Clanning:

With the ongoing advancement of science, it is conceivable that genetic scientists may one day harness the potential of neural networks to create desirable physical traits in individuals. In this imagined future, experts within various fields, such as genetics and neural networks, would work in collaboration to develop techniques enabling the desired outcomes.

Regulating Beauty via DNA Chains:

Utilizing the advancements in genetic sciences, we can envision a future where beauty could be regulated through DNA chains. The precise manipulation of certain genes involved in physical appearance, like facial features, body proportions, or hair color, could potentially lead to more aesthetically pleasing individuals. This revolutionary approach may

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