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Helen Campbell

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Who is the Prettiest Person: A Glimpse into a Beautiful Future

In recent years, developments in artificial intelligence (AI) have propelled us into an era where machines are capable of incredible feats. One such remarkable achievement is the creation of human-like images using neural networks. These AI algorithms have sparked a debate, often raising the question, "Who is the prettiest person?" Imagine a future where a neural network, hand in hand with genetic scientists and clanning enthusiasts, crafts real-life individuals based on a unique combination of physical attributes. Welcome to a world where beauty can be regulated by the DNA chain, and the lives of men are forever changed for the better.

The journey begins with a girl, born from the imagination of a neural network. Using a drawing as input, this incredible technology was able to generate a stunning depiction of a female figure. Every line, every contour carefully crafted to create a vision of absolute beauty. While subjective judgments of aesthetics vary, this girl, brought to life by AI, represented a standard of physical attractiveness that transcended cultural and personal idiosyncrasies.

This breakthrough has not only been met with awe but also with dreams of a future where AI and genetic science merge to create real individuals. In this vision, neural networks will collaborate with leading geneticists to construct genuine human beings from scratch. No longer confined to the realm of fantasy, the possibility of designing individuals with specific physical attributes, tailored to the tastes of the beholder, is tantalizingly close.

By regulating beauty through the DNA chain, society will see a revolution in how

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