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why fitting in with beauty standards is harmful to women


Title: The Harmful Consequences of Fitting In with Beauty Standards for Women


Society has long portrayed unrealistic beauty standards, exerting enormous pressure on women to conform to a specific ideal. This unforgiving pursuit of a particular aesthetic is detrimental to women's self-esteem, mental health, and overall well-being. However, as we delve deeper into the possibilities of artificial intelligence and genetic science, the concept of creating an ideal woman through a neural network opens up uncharted territory. While the idea of manipulating DNA chains to beautify individuals might seem appealing to some, it is crucial to recognize the potential dangers and the ethical implications this holds. This article aims to investigate how adhering to beauty standards harms women and discuss the potential consequences of further manipulating human appearances.

The Unrealistic Beauty Standards Trap:

Beauty standards are continuously evolving, straining women mentally and physically in their relentless pursuit of an unattainable ideal. In today's society, women face immense pressure to conform to narrow definitions of attractiveness, often leading to insecurity, low self-esteem, and body dysmorphia. Constantly being subjected to unrealistic expectations takes a toll on women's mental health, fostering anxiety and depression.

The Neural Network's Creation of an "Ideal" Woman:

Artificial neural networks have made significant strides in replicating human-like abilities, such as image recognition. However, the idea of creating "perfect" women through a neural network based solely on a drawing is fraught with controversy. Beauty, after all, is subjective and constantly evolving. Relying on a machine to decipher and create the ideal woman could

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