bearded dragon for sale

bearded dragon for sale

Bearded Dragon For Sale Bearded dragons, majestic and captivating creatures, have been captivating the hearts of many pet lovers for years. With their lovable personalities and unique looks, it's no wonder that these scaly friends have become so popular!

Whether you're looking to add a new furry friend to your home or just curious about bearded dragons, this article will provide all the information you need to know about buying a bearded dragon for sale.

Understanding The Basics Of Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragons are an increasingly popular pet, and for good reason. Not only are they relatively low-maintenance, but they can also be quite social with their owners.

To ensure that your bearded dragon stays happy and healthy, it’s important to understand the basics of their care.

Feeding habits vary depending on the age of the dragon, but generally speaking they should be provided with a variety of insects and vegetables every day or two.

Shedding cycles normally take place every four weeks or so and temperature needs should range between 80-110℉ during the day and 10-20℉ lower at night.

Handling tips should include gently scooping up the dragon from underneath without scaring them, and providing enrichment activities like hiding food or giving them objects to climb can help stimulate their minds.

With this knowledge in mind, you’ll be well on your way to finding a healthy specimen.

Finding A Healthy Specimen Now that you know the basics of bearded dragons, it’s time to find the perfect one for you.

There are a few things to consider when searching for a healthy specimen, including:

1. **Feeding Requirements**: It is important to ensure that your bearded dragon is getting the proper nutrition it needs. This includes providing them with fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as live insects.

2. **Medical Care**: Regular veterinary check-ups are also important in order to monitor your beardie’s health and detect any potential medical issues early on.

3. **Handling Tips**: Bearded dragons can become used to being handled if done correctly and gently, so it is important to research the proper techniques before attempting to handle your new pet.

4. **Temperature & Lighting Needs**: It is essential that your bearded dragon has the right temperature and lighting requirements in order for them to thrive in their enclosure.

With these considerations in mind, it is also important to choose a reputable breeder who can provide you with a healthy reptile.

A good breeder will have knowledge about all of these topics, as well as be able to provide helpful advice regarding care and maintenance of your new pet.

From there, you’ll be ready for choosing the perfect bearded dragon!

Choosing The Right Breeder Ah, the search for the perfect bearded dragon. You’ve done your research and you’re ready to find your forever friend. But before bringing home your new companion, it’s important to consider where you’re getting them from.

Choosing the right breeder can be a daunting task, but with some research and patience you can find the perfect one for you. When selecting breeders, it's crucial to make sure they have thorough knowledge of their beardie lines and that they follow proper quarantine protocols when selling animals.

It's also essential to look into their nutrition requirements and handling techniques for the species they work with. Taking these steps will ensure that you get a healthy pet that is well-suited to its environment.

Now that you've picked out the right breeder and found your dream dragon, it's time to set up a proper habitat so your scaly friend can live a happy life with you!

Setting Up A Proper Habitat Now that you have found the right breeder for your bearded dragon, it is time to set up a proper habitat. Taking the time to choose the right supplies and environment can make all the difference for your pet’s health and longevity.

Here are some important items to consider when setting up a habitat:

- Selecting supplies: You will need essential supplies such as a tank or enclosure, heating lamps and/or basking spots, thermostat, water and food dishes, hide box, and substrate.

- Choosing substrate: Substrate can range from paper towels to soil or sand. Be sure to select one that is appropriate for bearded dragons as some substrates can be harmful if ingested.

- Maintaining temperature: It is important to maintain a consistent temperature in the tank; temperatures should range between 85°F - 90°F during the day with an additional basking spot of 95°F - 100°F. At night, temperature should drop down to 75°F - 80°F.

- Establishing routine: Reptiles thrive on routine so creating an established feeding schedule (once or twice daily) along with regular cleanings of the enclosure can help keep it healthy and happy.

- Providing nutrition: A balanced diet of vegetables, fruits, live insects, calcium supplements and vitamins are key for optimal growth and well being of your pet.

Now that you have a better understanding of how to properly set up a habitat for your bearded dragon, it's time to move on to calculating the cost of ownership.

Calculating The Cost Of Ownership Owning a bearded dragon can be a lot of fun, but it's important to consider the cost of ownership before taking on this responsibility. In addition to the initial cost of purchasing the dragon, there are several other costs associated with caring for it properly. Let’s take a look at some of these costs in more detail.

The first expense you should factor into your budget is supplies. Bearded dragons need basic supplies such as food bowls, substrate, and decorations. You'll also need to factor in their diet – fruits and vegetables are both essential for their health. It's important to have proper lighting requirements for your pet as well – they need UVB light from either bulbs or natural sunlight. Temperature monitoring is another key part of caring for a bearded dragon; temperatures should remain between 75-95 degrees Fahrenheit depending on the area of the enclosure. Finally, don’t forget to include vet visits in your budget – they're necessary to ensure that your dragon stays healthy and happy!

| Cost | Price |
| --- | --- |
| Food Bowls | $10 |
| Substrate | $15 |
| Decorations | $20 |
| Diet Options (Fruit/Veggies) | $30/month |
| Lighting Requirements (Bulbs/Sunlight) | $50/yearly or free respectively |
Temperature Monitoring (Thermometer)$25 Vet Visits (Exams & Vaccinations) $200

Overall, owning a bearded dragon can be an expensive endeavor. But if you plan your budget accordingly and invest in all of the necessary items, you will be able to properly care for your beloved pet without breaking the bank!

Frequently Asked Questions How Long Do Bearded Dragons Live? It's ironic that something so small can live so long - and yet, when it comes to bearded dragons, they are known for their impressive lifespan!

On average, these lovable lizards live anywhere from 10-15 years, depending on their housing requirements, environmental conditions, stress levels, breeding behavior and enclosure design.

Keeping them in the right environment will ensure they can live a long and healthy life with you as their loving companion.

Are Bearded Dragons Suitable Pets For Children? When it comes to children and pets, safety is always a primary consideration.

Bearded dragons can make suitable pets for children, as long as the proper housing requirements, handling safety, enclosure setup, temperature control and habitat decoration are all taken into account.

It's important that the enclosure provides a safe and comfortable environment for the bearded dragon while also being secure enough to prevent escapes.

The enclosure should be large enough so the bearded dragon has plenty of space to move around in and should also be equipped with a basking light or heat lamp to maintain appropriate temperatures.

Additionally, it's important to provide adequate hiding places and other decorations in the habitat so that your bearded dragon feels safe and secure.

How Often Do Bearded Dragons Need To Be Fed?

Ah, the age-old question of how often do bearded dragons need to be fed? Well, it's not as simple as you might think.

You can't just throw a meal at them every day and expect them to thrive! They require a variety of foods and need to be fed on an appropriate schedule.

An adult bearded dragon should receive two meals per day, with each meal being the size of their head or less. A variety of food types should also be offered, including crickets, worms, leafy greens and vegetables.

It's important that dietary needs are met in order for your bearded dragon to stay happy and healthy!

How Often Should I Bathe My Bearded Dragon?

Bathing your bearded dragon is an important part of its care.

The appropriate temperature for a bath is between 85-90 degrees Fahrenheit, and you should aim to bathe your bearded dragon one to two times per week.

Make sure to provide an appropriate setup for the bath, which includes a shallow container or tub with no sides that are too high for them to climb out of.

It's also important to clean the cage regularly as it helps reduce stress levels and can help with the shedding process.

Be sure not to bathe your bearded dragon for too long either, as this could cause stress.

What Kind Of Health Issues Should I Look Out For In My Bearded Dragon?

Health issues in bearded dragons can range from minor to serious, so it's important to be aware of the signs.

From dietary needs to temperature regulation, enclosure size to shedding problems, and regular health screenings - owning a bearded dragon requires vigilance.

In a nutshell, it's essential for new owners of these fascinating creatures to stay up-to-date on their health requirements like a hawk.


Bearded dragons can live up to 10 years, making them a great lifelong pet for any family. If you're thinking of bringing one into your home, it's important to consider the care they need.

I should feed my bearded dragon small insects every day or every other day, and bathe them once a week. It's also helpful to be aware of common health issues such as mites and respiratory infections.

All in all, owning a bearded dragon is a rewarding experience that can bring joy to your life for many years.

On average, bearded dragons grow up to 24 inches in length - an impressive size for such an adorable creature! With proper care and attention, you'll have a happy and healthy companion for the long haul.

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