baby bouncer chair advice

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Baby Bouncer Chair Advice


Our product developers collaborate closely with pediatricians and medical experts throughout the entire development process – both when developing a completely new product and when refining an existing one. For products that will be used by sensitive newborns and babies (e.g. our baby carriers), we turn to medical specialists such as pediatric orthopedists and neonatal doctors. This way, we always have expert approval for the various safety aspects of a product. This may include making sure that the design is right for babies’ hips, newborns have sufficient head support or our user instructions are easy to understand. Katie Hilton is a midwife with many years’ experience of helping parents through the early days ofYet despite her extensive experience, she still found having her own children a very overwhelming experience. She says that the best advice she has to give is to carry babies – a lot. Nothing in the world can match holding your newborn in your arms and feeling your baby sleep safely against your chest.

During a baby’s first year, they are completely dependent on their parents for security, but everyday activities still need to be done. If there are older siblings that also require a lot of attention, this can be even more difficult. A baby carrier makes it possible for you to still get things done while experiencing that wonderful feeling of holding your baby close. The two most important things you can give your newborn are nourishment and physical contact. There is nothing better than being close to a loving caretaker. Researchers have observed that parents and babies who are in close contact with one another will also influence each other’s behavior. If the baby is worried, the parent immediately responds to the baby’s signals with calming sounds and movements, and the parent quickly understands when it’s time to eat. Your baby hears your voice, feels your signals and relies on you for security and safety. This interaction occurs automatically in your arms. Being carried in a baby carrier helps your baby develop socially and emotionally.

It also allows you as a parent to provide security and closeness even when you can’t offer 100 percent of your attention. Babies who are frequently carried in baby carriers often scream less. Carrying them helps meet their physical need for movement. In the womb, the baby became used to the rhythmic sound of its mother’s heart and the feeling of being in a restricted area. The baby will be calmed by the movements. A calm, contented baby means that Mom and Dad can feel more secure, and vice versa. Many new parents also feel that they have experienced a boost to their self-confidence as a result of carrying their baby in a baby carrier. They have learned to recognize their baby’s signals and respond to them before the situation becomes difficult. Moms who carry their babies in a baby carrier also often say that they think it has had a positive impact on their nursing. They have quickly learned to recognize their baby’s hunger signals, nurse more often and find that the process is easier.

The closeness between mother and baby probably stimulates milk production. Göran Kendorf evaluates buckles together with Sofia, a product developer at BabyBjörn, and Naomi, 6 months. He has been helping babies and small children for more than 25 years. “Children are my passion! I love working with children and I’m constantly fascinated by how strong they are. Child development is simply an unstoppable process.” Göran has been involved in the development of our Baby Carrier One, travel crib and bouncer. “You’ve got to stay one step ahead, to predict all conceivable risks and minimize them. In the case of baby carriers, we’re talking about ergonomics and comfort, both for the baby and the wearer.” “It’s important that babies – primarily newborns – get support for their back, neck and head, and that their heads are up high enough that they can breathe freely. Their hips also need the right support, yet they must still be able to move their legs freely.”

The process of developing both existing products and new products is ongoing. Göran tells us that he has a habit of studying the entire product, even if only to make minor changes to a buckle. “Many parents are worried that their baby’s back is not in the correct position when in the carrier,” says Göran. “It is naturally very important that the baby’s back is supported in the carrier, as Naomi’s is here.” “There is no risk here that the baby’s genitals will be harmed. The carrier is so ingeniously designed that the weight is distributed across the baby’s entire body. This means that most pressure is placed on the sitting bones, which is precisely where it should be. It’s comfortable for the baby, and the cushioning effect of their diaper makes it even softer.” “Another thing I always check is that the baby’s hips are in a good position in the carrier. The risk of hip dysplasia or hip dislocation disappears when the baby is only a few months old, unless the baby was born with a congenital condition,” says Göran.

“It’s not possible to cause hip dysplasia by carrying a baby in a baby carrier. If you carry your baby properly in the carrier, in other words facing inward during the early months, there’s no need to worry at all.” As a parent, do you need to worry about your baby’s hips when using a carrier with a narrower seat area, like our classic Baby Carrier Original? “No, this is a common misconception. Parents have no need to worry about this,” answers Göran. “The seat area in Baby Carrier Original is wide enough for babies, even when they are wearing a diaper. But it’s important to follow the instructions and carry the baby facing inward for the first five months.” Nicholas Hoque is a pediatrician at a neonatal intensive care unit in London. In his work, he sees many premature babies, and he is a strong proponent of closeness and physical contact between parents and babies. We were contacted by Nicholas and were so impressed by his expertise that we asked him to be one of our medical advisors for our development department.

“Our son, Barnaby, was five months old when we flew to New York for a vacation. We thought we were well prepared and had brought a collapsible stroller with us. But from the first day it became clear we needed something better. We finally opted for a BabyBjörn Miracle and headed out on the streets again. Carrying Barnaby in the baby carrier was more than just a wonderful experience – it actually saved the entire vacation. I was surprised how light he felt.” “Our little boy is curious, so he was happy to sit facing outward when he was alert. When he got sleepy, we turned him inward so he could rest his head against my chest and sleep a while.” “At work, I’m always advising new parents about the benefits of maintaining close physical contact as much and as frequently as possible. This advice is backed up by many scientific studies, particularly when it comes to the all-important baby attachment. But do your homework before you choose a baby carrier and make sure you buy one that gives your baby safe, secure support.

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