automatic garage door disengage

automatic garage door disengage

automated garage doors perth

Automatic Garage Door Disengage


Q. What do I need to do to maintain my Garage Doors? A: If your garage doors are made of aluminum or vinyl you should wash the exterior face with mild detergent every couple of months to improve the appearance and remove corrosive elements like salt and soot. If your garage doors are exposed to excessive levels of these elements you should clean them more frequently. If your garage doors are constructed with a timber finish you should follow the manufacturer's maintenance recommendations.If your garage doors are equipped with an electric garage door operator, you should follow the manufacturer's maintenance recommendations for maintaining the motor, chains, belts and mechanisms. Q. I have an electric garage door opener. How do I open or close my garage doors if the power is out? A: Most garage door openers are equipped with a manual release handle that will disengage the doors from the lifting mechanism in an emergency. In most cases you will find a pull cord assembly located near the area where the assembly mounts to the doors.

By simply pulling the cord you can disengage the lifting mechanism and operate the doors manually. Before disconnecting, please do a visual inspection to be sure everything looks safe. Q. Why should I have my door springs adjusted within a couple of months of installing the door? A: Springs are initially adjusted for the specific weight of our garage doors and may become stretched after an initial working period which can affect the operation and require an adjustment to either the sensitivity settings of the motor or adjustment of the springs themselves. Q. My garage door opener doesn't operate using the wall mounted controller. A: There are a number of possible reasons.First you should ensure that the motor unit has power. If your unit is equipped with a plug, make sure the plug is securely connected to the outlet. You can also try plugging a lamp into the outlet to ensure it is working properly. If the motor is hardwired into the home's electrical system make sure the circuit is "live."

You may have to check your fuse or breaker box. Some systems also feature a wall switch that must be in the "ON" position for the opener to operate.Check to make sure that all locking devises have been deactivated. In addition to manual locks on the doors many systems also include a feature that deactivates the motor. This feature is usually activated by a button or switch on the wall mounted controller. Make sure that this lock has not been activated. In most cases activation is evidenced by a blinking light or button.Make sure that the door is not being restricted from moving by accumulations of ice or snow. If this is the case you may have tripped the overload protector through repeated attempts to open the doors. The protector will usually reset in approximately 15 minutes.Visually inspect the springs to ensure that they are intact.If your system is equipped with a remote controller you should check to see if it will operate the system. Q. Why doest the remote control work intermittently or only from short distances?

A: There are a number of variables. To isolate the cause:You should check the batteries to ensure they are not weak or dead. If the remote is mounted in your vehicle you may need to change the mounting location in order to reduce obstructions.Check to be sure the antenna located on the opener is not obstructed. Foil backed insulation on the garage doors can also interfere with signal transmissions. As long as the insulation doesn't completely keep the remote from working the energy savings is probably worth the small inconvenience you are experiencing. If not, contact a professional garage door installer to explore your options and recommend solutions. Q. How can I minimize the noise created by my motorized garage door opener? A: To reduce the amount of noise created by your motorized garage door opener you can install a vibration isolator kit. These kits mount between the motor assembly and the rafters to insulate noise. If your opener is equipped with a metal chain you might also consider replacing it with a rubber belt if possible.

Q. The chain appears a little loose. A: It is normal for the chain to sag slightly when the garage doors are in the closed position. Unless you notice jerking when opening or closing the doors there is probably not a problem. If you do notice jerking you should have a qualified garage door technician examine and adjust the chain if necessary.As long as it goes up and down on command, it’s easy to ignore your garage door. Yet this aspect of your home’s exterior is a crucial component of its curb appeal. Letting it look shabby is like allowing your lawn to grow knee-high. Fortunately, a fresh application of paint will improve the appearance of your garage door and also offer protection from the elements, extending its lifespan. Like all outdoor paint jobs, this one will be a bit time consuming due to the drying time required. Otherwise, it’s a fairly simple project. Just set aside two to three days to get it done and then enjoy the spiffy results. - Fine grit sandpaper - Clean towels or rags

- Latex exterior primer - Latex exterior paint - 2-inch nylon paintbrush - ¾-inch paint roller - Step stool or ladder Check the weather forecast the week before you plan to start. The ideal temperature for painting is between 50 and 75 degrees, with low humidity and indirect sunlight. Choose three consecutive days that fit these criteria as closely as possible. Then gather your materials: Be sure to select paint and primer (to promote adhesion and durability) appropriate for your particular garage door—most are now made of aluminum, but if you have an older home yours may be wooden. If you have any doubts about what to purchase, ask the experts at your local paint store. A gallon of paint ought to be more than adequate for a two-car garage door plus a bit to spare. But remember, putting a lighter color over a darker one may require more than one coat. Prepping the garage door ensures that paint will go on easily and hold up well. Put on your protective gear (the work gloves, dust mask, and safety goggles), and then remove any rusted or chipped spots by scrubbing with a wire brush.

Next, sand these areas with fine grit sandpaper to create a smooth base. Clean the entire surface with all-purpose cleaner and a sponge. Once all dirt and grime are removed, rinse the door with a garden hose. Dry the surface with clean towels or rags, and then let it air dry for at least an hour. To prevent paint from going where you don’t want it, use heavy-duty painters tape to mask off any handles, locks, and windows. If you don’t intend to paint the trim, tape it off; if you are going to do the trim, tape off the edges of the garage. Protect the driveway and garage interior by laying out a drop cloth both inside and outside the door. Stooping while painting is asking for a backache! For easier maneuvering, disengage the electric opening mechanism so you can move the door manually, then raise the door so that the bottom is at a comfortable height. Most garage doors have inset panels—begin by priming these with a high quality 2-inch paintbrush with nylon bristles.

Wipe away any excess that may have crept outside of the panels, in the areas known as the “stiles.” This will ensure a super smooth finish. Next, prime the stiles using the brush or a ¾-inch roller. Be sure to get in between the “lips” of the horizontal panels too. Lower the door as you go, and stand on a step stool or ladder for the top portion. Do the trim last. Let primer dry for at least 12 hours. Begin painting, using the same method as for priming: bottom to top, starting with the inner panels and working outward to the stiles. Now, step back to survey your work: If the surface appears to be completely covered, you’re finished! If there are uneven patches or spots where the old color shows through, apply a second coat—just let the first one dry for at least 12 hours before starting. Once done, remove the tape and let paint dry overnight before opening the door. You’ll appreciate your nice-as-new garage door and so will your neighbors. As far as a new car to go with it, well, that’s up to you!

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