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Qinghai-tibet railway torrent download.WU Yinshan 1 CHEN Jiaxi 1 QIAN Junxi 2.【Abstract】 Within the context of “mobility turn,” the mobility bears complex impacts on emotional experiences, material and social relations. Vehicles, serving as technologies of mobility, bear much more expansive meanings than just functional tools that overcome distance limitations. Through various mobility experiences and practices, different modes of travel are endowed with abundant and unique meanings and structures of feelings and affects. The Chinese society is currently experiencing rapid economic growth and social transformation in the post-reform era. Against such a background, traveling to Tibet has been regarded as a type of sacred and spiritual journey that is highly appealing to tourists. Meanwhile, choices of entry methods also have profound impacts for such journeys. Drawing on in-depth interviews, participant observation and textual analysis, this paper develops a case study of train to Tibet. Based on the perspective of the new mobility paradigm (NMP), this paper explores the complex material and non-material exchanges and interactions between travelers’ bodies, imaginations for the tourist destination, landscapes alongside the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, and the internal environment of the train. The followings are the main findings. The particularity of tourist destination, Tibet, serves as a primary factor that enables the technological devices and the concomitant altitude to be embedded in tourists’ bodily experiences, expressed by “altitude sickness.” This result in the tourists’ unique mobility experiences of place and movement. And in this way, the train itself is, in turn, given distinct cultural connotations. Furthermore, the gradually changing landscapes along with railway mobility, as the objects of visual experiences, are closely connected with tourists’ emotions. Such emotional experiences can be produced, maintained and circulated in tourists’ practices with the help of specific media. This paper also points out that the internal material space of the train plays an active role in constructing tourists’ mobility experiences during the process. Within such interior space, tourists’ bodies, material infrastructures and situated practices are closely intertwined and are all merged into an organic whole with rich feelings and meanings. At the same time, the ongoing social interactions between tourists unfold in the forms of information exchange, affective relations and improvised social relations. The production and dynamics of these three kinds of relations promotes the formation of a micro community in the compartments. It has been found that this small social niche, with shared feelings and code of conduct can exert a profound influence on tourists’ mobility experiences and practices. In short, the train to Tibet can be conceptualized as a “mobility of ritual.” To sum up, the contributions of this paper are twofold. On the one hand, it combines three factors, namely emotional experiences, material basis and social relations, into this research of railway mobility and tries to discuss how these three are correlated. On the other hand, it treats the travel process, rather than the destination, as the anchor of research. Besides, in the empirical level, this paper suggests that the particularity of tourist destination, the ebbing and flowing landscapes, the material infrastructures, situated practices, and social relations are all important non-economic factors that have notable impact on tourism decision-making.【Keywords】 mobility; train travel; experience; materiality; social relation; Tibet;【Funds】 Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (41401139)[1]. ① “Collective effervescence” refers to a torrent like electricity formed when people get together.[43][2]. ②“Tourist experience communitas” refers to a type of resonance empathic experience.[43][3]. ① “Tibet fanciers” refer to those people who relocate from the Chinese mainland to Tibet, and live and wander in Tibet.[45][1] Hannam K, Sheller M, Urry J. Editorial: Mobilities, immobilities and moorings. Mobilities , 2006, 1(3): 1–22.[2] Büscher M, Urry J. Mobile methods and the empirical. 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