ati technologies inc. 3d rage iic agp driver

ati technologies inc. 3d rage iic agp driver


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ati technologies inc. 3d rage iic agp driver Feedback > However, the 'workaround' amounts to removing some registry keys and reinstalling VS 2008 Beta 2. However, the problems happens after every time I reinstall VS 2008 Beta 2 quite consistently. Before reinstalling VS 2008 Beta 2 I make sure there's no trace of it left (including cleaning the 2 registry keys of the workaround above). I also followed the tips of I have no .addin file.Windows Workflow Foundation.The first time I saw the problem was in Beta 1 when I created a custom Activity. The Activity showed up in the Toolboox, and the error appeared when I tried to drag the Activity to the workflow. Since then I have uninstalled VS 2008 Beta 1, and reinstalled VS 2008 Beta 2 two times.This is the same problem described in.Has anyone found a solution to the problem Help!Hi, I get an error in VS 2008 Beta 2 when I try to add a Workflow library to my solution. The message says "Package 'Microsoft.Workflow.VSDesigner.DesignerPackage, Microsoft.Workflow.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ac364e35' has failed to load property ( GU to re-enable package loading."The environment is Win Server 2003 SP2, .NET 3.5.Windows Tech ‹ Software Development for Windows Vista Archive Windows Vista ISV Visual Studio VS Express Office Game Windows Forms VB SQL Server Smart Device VFP VC++ Architecture SharePoint Dotnet Visual C# IE Windows Live VS 2008 Previous 1 Speech Recognition in different languages Hi all! I have a very general question that I would just like to get confirmed. (Not sure if this is the right forum for this, no harm intended.) Is it true that Windows Vista Home and Business Edition only ships with the SRE for the language of the Installation In other words, if I bought a Chinese version of Windows Vista I would not be able to set the SRE to English and use it with English input If so, are there, or will there be any downloads made available that will allow me to patch this in order to use other languages then the default installation language of my OS I know that you can get the MUI's from Microsoft, but is it possible to install several of those on a machine running Home or Business According to this site : Licensing requirements state that versions of the Windows Vista operating system can include only a single language, with the exception of the Windows Ultimate edition and the Windows Vista Enterprise edition. For Windows Vista editions other than Ultimate and Enterprise, Windows will automatically remove all non-default languages from the computer after the end user completes Windows Welcome. But if the MUI is installed after the Windows Welcome process have completed This is interesting to me as a developer from an i18n point of view (amongst others). Thank you. Tag: Windows Workflow Foundation Package Load Failure, consistent problem creating workflow library makes you reinstall VS 2008 over & over Software Development for Windows Vista 2 Problem GetCurrentBuffer Hello, I am currently writing an application that should grab frames from an imaging device (an IR camera) and process them. I use the following code but when i call hr = pGrabber->GetCurrentBuffer(&cbBuffer, NULL); hr is VFW_E_WRONG_STATE, saying a filter is in the wrong state. This is the code: hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FilterGraph, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,IID_IGraphBuilder, ( void **)& this ->pGraph); this ->pBuild->SetFiltergraph( this ->pGraph); this ->pCapFil = NULL; // Camera was in a list hr = this ->pMonikerList[camID]->BindToObject(0, 0, IID_IBaseFilter, ( void **)& this ->pCapFil); hr = this ->pGraph->AddFilter( this ->pCapFil, L"Capture Filter"); const WORD wStartCookie = 1, wStopCookie = 2; REFERENCE_TIME mintime = NULL; REFERENCE_TIME maxtime = MAXLONGLONG; hr = pGraph->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaControl, ( void **)& this ->pControl); hr = pBuild->ControlStream(&PIN_CATEGORY_PREVIEW, &MEDIATYPE_Video, this ->pCapFil,&mintime,&maxtime, wStartCookie, wStopCookie); hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SampleGrabber, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,IID_IBaseFilter, ( void **)& this ->pGrabberF); hr = this ->pGraph->AddFilter( this ->pGrabberF, L"Sample Grabber"); IBaseFilter *pNull; hr = CoCreateInstance(CLS >pGraph->AddFilter(pNull,L"Null Filter"); this ->pGrabberF->QueryInterface(IID_ISampleGrabber, ( void **)& this ->pGrabber); hr = ConnectFilters(pGraph, this ->pCapFil, this ->pGrabberF); hr = this ->pGrabber->SetOneShot(FALSE); hr = this ->pGrabber->SetBufferSamples(TRUE); AM_MEDIA_TYPE mt; ZeroMemory(&mt, sizeof (AM_MEDIA_TYPE)); mt.majortype = MEDIATYPE_V >pGrabber->SetMediaType(&mt); this ->pControl->Run(); long cbBuffer = 0; long * Buffer = NULL; hr = pGrabber->GetCurrentBuffer(&cbBuffer, NULL); The red led on my camera starts shining after the connectFilters call and all functions return a S_OK except for the GetCurrentBuffer call. What could be wrong Thank you very much. Yannick Tag: Windows Workflow Foundation Package Load Failure, consistent problem creating workflow library makes you reinstall VS 2008 over & over Software Development for Windows Vista 3 Workflow Designer and Custom Activities 1.When a user design a workflow using designer 2007 can he specifiy activities that may have been developed by Visual studio(activity library) and deployed in sharepoint server. Any replies are more than welcomed. thanks. Tag: Windows Workflow Foundation Package Load Failure, consistent problem creating workflow library makes you reinstall VS 2008 over & over Software Development for Windows Vista 4 Force workflow persistance? Is there a way for the host application to force persistance of the workflow Having the persist on idle works, but we would like to force the persistence immediately if possible. If not the host, what about the workflow thanks Don Tag: Windows Workflow Foundation Package Load Failure, consistent problem creating workflow library makes you reinstall VS 2008 over & over Software Development for Windows Vista 5 Get "NextState" in Invoke event I know the PossibleStateTransitions, but it is not what I want. In a state, there are several EventDrivenActivities, in each EventDrivenActivity, there is a HandleExternalEventActivity and a SetStateActivity, for the HandleExternalEventActivity, there is a corresponding Invoked EventHandler, I want to do something in it, and the first thing I want to get is the TargetStateName of the SetStateActivity in the same EventDrivenActivity just below the HandleExternalEventActivity. PossibleStateTransitions shows current state's all possible next States, but I want to know which one is Exactly the next, just corresponding to the Event invoked Tag: Windows Workflow Foundation Package Load Failure, consistent problem creating workflow library makes you reinstall VS 2008 over & over Software Development for Windows Vista 6 handleExternalEventActivity and WCF hi all i ve created a work flow that uses handleExternalEventActivity and i used WCF service to call a method in a class which raises the event like this: public event EventHandler ApprovedOrder; public void approve( bool IsApproved) 9 flicker when opening video files in DShow, how can i fix it? Hi guys, IЎЇm terribly new at this and donЎЇt even know if this is the right place to post. I am currently trying to develop a video player in directshow, and also take advantage of VMR9 to overlay graphics. The thing is I have a playlist, and when a video ends and i load the next one, thereЎЇs a terrible flicker in my tv-out. i want to know if someone can help me with my problem, and if so i will really appreciate it. I am developing in Visual C# .NET 2005. Thanks in advance, Juan Diego (20) from Argentina. PS: It is really important that i get rid of the flicker because i intend to use my software in a tiny local TV channel, since we canЎЇt afford a professional one. Thanks again. Tag: Windows Workflow Foundation Package Load Failure, consistent problem creating workflow library makes you reinstall VS 2008 over & over Software Development for Windows Vista 10 Locking Icons on Desk Top My question is on desk top applications. In Windows XP there was a way to lock the icons on the desk top so they are grouped and easy access. On VISTA I cannot find any way to set up my icons on desk top and keep them there. Every time I restart my computer they return to right side. I have looked all over the Internet and this seems my last chance to find out if it can be done, Thank You Tag: Windows Workflow Foundation Package Load Failure, consistent problem creating workflow library makes you reinstall VS 2008 over & over Software Development for Windows Vista 11 Binding an event argument to Field Hello, i have a question . When i bind a event argument (of type ExternalDataEventArgs) to a field in the workflow class , what happen when the second call to that event is raise The field is modified Example: ->Fire the first event, the stateMachine is processing the workflow associated to that event (right now the field binded is a reference of parameter), and the field is used across the workflow ->Before the stateMachine, associated to the first event, has terminated a second event is fire, now what happen to the field binded is overwrited to a reference of the new event argument Thanks in advance . Tag: Windows Workflow Foundation Package Load Failure, consistent problem creating workflow library makes you reinstall VS 2008 over & over Software Development for Windows Vista 12 vista blocks application at startup Larry, Thanks for the info. Hopefully I won't need to go to such lengths to do this (especially since this is a C#/.NET app and I'm not too familiar with the Interop stuff), but it's good to know. Phil Tag: Windows Workflow Foundation Package Load Failure, consistent problem creating workflow library makes you reinstall VS 2008 over & over Software Development for Windows Vista 13 Stuck up in WER implementation Also, when I injected AV into Notepad using ThreadHijacker, then I get one more dialog which says "Sending more information" with two buttons. One for Send report and another close. This dialog appears after the "Checking for more information" dialog. But, in my application I am not able to pop up that dialog. I feel that dialog is popped up when the Microsoft server asks for more information to get a solution to a particular problem. Can you share any info on that Regds, DHON Tag: Windows Workflow Foundation Package Load Failure, consistent problem creating workflow library makes you reinstall VS 2008 over & over Software Development for Windows Vista 14 Ime exception when a .net Form comes to be shown under Korean Vista I don't know either. it might be "An item with the same key has already been added". Tag: Windows Workflow Foundation Package Load Failure, consistent problem creating workflow library makes you reinstall VS 2008 over & over Software Development for Windows Vista 15 Downloading Windows SDK Okay, I finally found where I can download the .img file for the SDK but come on. over a gigabyte The download page indicates with my 56k dialup connection I would be looking at over 48 hours! It suggests I run the web setup and 'choose only the components I need'. I have access to a broadband connection (for short periods of time) and I have a 1GB flash drive. Is there anywhere I can download just 'the components I need' to a flash drive and then install to my home computer I realize all you guys in Redmond have personal T3 connections but us poor smucks in the hinterlands are still surviving on dialup. How bout throwing us a bone and making stuff like this a little easier to download Thanks. Tag: Windows Workflow Foundation Package Load Failure, consistent problem creating workflow library makes you reinstall VS 2008 over & over Software Development for Windows Vista 16 Workflow Monitor code capability I am trying to use WF Monitor sample to monitor the application. There are few changes which I would like to make in the GUI, like changing color of the blocks when particular activity is completed or running depending on the status. Also, I would like to add the featuer to update DB through WF Monitor GUI. Is it possible with the current version we have Thanks, Tag: Windows Workflow Foundation Package Load Failure, consistent problem creating workflow library makes you reinstall VS 2008 over & over Software Development for Windows Vista Next 1 Performance of Capture and Live View at the same time Dear All: I recently write an application for live view and recording from web cam at the same time. The graph is shown as follows: Web Cam Filter -> Smart Tee Filter(Capture) -> Avi Mux Filter -> File Writer Filte. (Preview) -> V but when the setup.exe is compiled with that option ticked the install will fail immediately upon execution (when logged in as Logouser1) stating that admin rights are required Tag: Windows Workflow Foundation Package Load Failure, consistent problem creating workflow library makes you reinstall VS 2008 over & over Software Development for Windows Vista 6 Meaningless error. Can't say y? Hello everybody there :-) I have a page which adds an profile and other information for user by initiating a transaction. Page works right always while debuggigng but when we are running the site directly it doesn't commit the changes,I have checked with both cases 100 and 100 times ,, what would be the problem, can't get upto it . we are using ASP.Net 2.0 , VS2005. Plz anyone help me fast its very urgent. Thanx in advance :-) Tag: Windows Workflow Foundation Package Load Failure, consistent problem creating workflow library makes you reinstall VS 2008 over & over Software Development for Windows Vista 7 Workflow beginner Qn Two samples that use WF inside a Windows Application (sorry, they're not in VB): Tag: Windows Workflow Foundation Package Load Failure, consistent problem creating workflow library makes you reinstall VS 2008 over & over Software Development for Windows Vista 8 Vista Platform SDK and XP compatibility Sorry for late response. Don't know exactly what the XP issues were but we changed gears and installed on Windows 2K3 Server. Unfortunately we are plowing through quite a few issues that we have uncovered trying to support our product on XP, Win2000, Win2K3 Server, and Vista. It is very unfortunate that only 'simple answers' can be given. It makes for trying to 'read between the lines' which can be dangerous when you are trying to put yourself in a position to make a product work! Tag: Windows Workflow Foundation Package Load Failure, consistent problem creating workflow library makes you reinstall VS 2008 over & over Software Development for Windows Vista 9 What happened to MultiVMR sample in the new Microsoft Windows SDK? I downloaded the new Microsoft Windows SDK and directshow came along with it but there is no MultiVMR sample where do I get this now Thanks, Greg Tag: Windows Workflow Foundation Package Load Failure, consistent problem creating workflow library makes you reinstall VS 2008 over & over Software Development for Windows Vista 10 State changing problem Hello everyone , I use ManualWorkflowSchdulerService and SqlPersistenceService (this may be a key point ) in my ASP.NET project. When i raise the appropiate event for changing initial state ; eveything looks ok ,every activity is working properly . But SetState activity is not changing the state to target . I have also realized that , InstanceState table is also empty , so i can't re - call the workflow to continue in later uses. I am going crazy , what is wrong do you think Tag: Windows Workflow Foundation Package Load Failure, consistent problem creating workflow library makes you reinstall VS 2008 over & over Software Development for Windows Vista 11 In WM5 the SIP moves the dialogs position ! I have converted an eVC4 app to VS2005. All works fine apart from the dialogs being repositioned to the 0,0 positon everytime the SIP is used. I dont want this as the dialogs title bar is removed and I cant view the 'OK' at the top right of the dialog. The only way I can close the dialogs is to bring up the SIP again and the dialogs go back to normal. Everything works fine when I run the program on a PPC2003 device but I see the problem on WM5 devices. My dialogs have a 'tile bar' but no 'system menu'. If I create a new MFC application in VS2005 for WM5 I see that the OnSize function is generated : void CtestingAgainDialogsDlg: nSize(UINT /*nType*/ , int /*cx*/ , int /*cy*/ ) m_hWnd, DRA::GetDisplayMode() != DRA: ortrait MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_TESTINGAGAINDIALOGS_DIALOG_WIDE) : MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_TESTINGAGAINDIALOGS_DIALOG)); > > And in debug mode this gets called after I close the SIP. If I put this function into my converted project it seems to have no effect. I have tried to put in an OnMove(..) functon with MoveWindow(0,26,240,320,TRUE); but then it just gets stuck in a loop as MoveWindow calls OnMove again and again . I also have put in an OnActivate(..) handler and put MoveWindow(0,26,240,320,TRUE); in to that but this function does not get called after the SIP closes. I appreciate any help on this matter. Thanks Harry Tag: Windows Workflow Foundation Package Load Failure, consistent problem creating workflow library makes you reinstall VS 2008 over & over Software Development for Windows Vista 12 VistaBridge SDK Sample / Windows Forms / FileOpenDialog / Vista Open Dialog I am experincing the following issue when using the VistaBridge SDK Sample within a VB.NET Windows Forms project. The issue occurs when the FileOpenDialog is opened using the following code (the VistaBridge sample has not been modified - simply added to my project): If Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major > 5 Then ' Dim OpenDialog As CommonOpenFileDialog = New CommonOpenFileDialog() ' TODO Set Initial Directory OpenDialog.Title = "Browse for new sound." OpenDialog.Multiselect = False Dim Result As CommonFileDialogResult = OpenDialog.ShowDialog() If Not Result.Canceled Then ' 'Me.SoundsComboBox.Text = OpenDialog.FileName 'Me.SoundSchemeTreeView.SelectedNode.Tag = OpenDialog.FileName ' End If Else ' Used Managed Code FileDialogs for Windows XP etc. End If The issue occurs when the FileOpenDialog is opened and then you right click in an empty space. The issue then resolves itself if you right click an actual file. The following error appears, "The ordinal 345 could not be located in the dynamic link library COMCTL32.dll" This error only appears for my existing project that I wish to add support for the new Vista dialogs. If I create a new VB.NET Windows Form with a single button that invokes the Vista OpenFileDialog then no error will appear when right clicking empty space. This would lead me to beleive that something is causing this within my project file. Upon researching this further I also found another sample at that also has this error when right clicking empty space within the file dialog. You must right click within the section where the files are actually listed and not click so that you are selecting a file. Any help for this issue would be greatly appreciated. Tag: Windows Workflow Foundation Package Load Failure, consistent problem creating workflow library makes you reinstall VS 2008 over & over Software Development for Windows Vista 13 InitCaptureGraphBuilder Don't work. Why? Hi When I try to build a capture graph this functions doesn't work: - InitCaptureGraphBuilder The problem seems is this part of code: HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLS ); return E_FAIL; > return S_OK; ]> /*************************************************** ** ** Nom : InitCaptureGraphBuilder ** Funcio : Inicialitza el Capture Graph Builder i el Manager Filter Graph ** Data : 28/08/07 17:15 ** Autor : German Ruiz (MCIA) ** ****************************************************/ HRESULT CStaticV >SetFiltergraph(pGraph); // Return both interface pointers to the caller. *ppBuild = pBuild; *ppGraph = pGraph; // The caller must release both interfaces. return S_OK; > else Release(); > > AfxMessageBox("alarm3"); return hr; // Failed > Tag: Windows Workflow Foundation Package Load Failure, consistent problem creating workflow library makes you reinstall VS 2008 over & over Software Development for Windows Vista 14 how to >Package Load Failure, consistent problem creating workflow library makes you reinstall VS 2008 over & over.

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