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asus p5kpl driver audio


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asus p5kpl driver audio

Pinnacle Instant Copy | براي كپي كردن DVD/CD.يك نرم افزار بسيار جامع براي كپي كردن DVD/CD ميباشد كه حتي قادر است كه يك DVD را به صورت سري هايي از CD كپي بكند. اين نرم افزار طوري طراحي شده كه انجام كار را بسيار ساده ميكند و داراي تركيب هاي بسيار زيادي براي كپي كردن ميباشد كه با تنظيمات كامپيوتر شما مطابقت بكند. شما در استفاده از اين نرم افزار فقط بايد منبع و مقصد را مشخص بكنيد و سپس روي دكمه شروع بزنيد. ميتواند يك dual-layer DVD را كه داراي قانون كپي رايت نميباشد را به يك DVD 4.7GB كپي بكند ، ميتواند تمام DVD يا فقط فيلم صداي آن را كپي بكند و بسياري خصوصيات ديگر كه در صفحه بعدي ميتوانيد به آنها نگاه بكنيد.You can copy a typical dual-layer DVD to a DVD rewriter, using any of the current standards, such as DVD+RW, DVD-RW, DVD RAM, or to a DVD recorder such as DVD+R or DVD-R. Similarly, you can copy CD material to CD-R or CD-RW discs.نام تاپيک: Pinnacle Instant Copy | براي كپي كردن DVD/CD.At a basic level, Instant Copy 8 is very easy to use. Its modest operating window simply asks you to select the source and destination devices for the copy and then to click start. For many copies you won't need to change any of the default or automatic selections. Although the copy may take a while to complete, over an hour for a DVD at the standard compression setting, you can safely leave it unattended to get on with the job.New features of version 8 include support for BURNproof and Justlink technologies, which insure against running out of data while writing a CD-R. Version 8 also offers faster copying. This is achieved by a new High Speed Mode that compresses the data on a DVD up to four times faster than the normal High Quality mode, at the expense of some loss of quality. For more flexibility, you can also choose to copy just the main movie from a DVD, and exclude all the extras and bonus tracks. – Simon Williams.Manufacturer's Description: Featuring a user-friendly interface and unique compression technology, Pinnacle InstantCopy software rapidly burns flawless copies of DVDs and CDs. Direct-to-disc technology saves time by converting and burning simultaneously while preserving high quality. It makes true 1:1 copies of DVDs that contain all DVD content, including menus, languages, subtitles and bonus material. It also transfers DVD movies to Video CDs and Super VCDs that can be played on most home DVD players. Finally, InstantCopy makes perfect bit-for-bit copies of any CD media - including data, music, video and games – thanks to its wide support of CD formats and most CD drives.Main Features: Easy one-click copying or advanced expert features. Copy any non-copy protected dual-layer DVD onto one recordable 4.7GB DVD disc True 1:1 duplication of single-layer DVDs (CSS-encrypted titles not supported) Faster copying thanks to Direct-to-Disc technology and High Speed Mode. Copy the whole DVD or just the video and audio content you want Copy disc images of DVD movies to disc Transfer a DVD movie to VCD or SVCD disc that can be played on most DVD players Select audio track and subitle track wanted when copying DVDs to CDs Automatically copy content across multiple discs Creates perfect bit-for-bit copies of your CDs Make backup copies of audio CDs, including oversize CD formats Create safety copies of games for PC and CD-based game systems.Pinnacle Instant Copy 8 is a comprehensive DVD and CD copying program that can even copy a DVD to a series of VideoCD discs. It won't flout copyright protection schemes, though. In essence, this is a single function program – it copies DVDs and CDs. However, it sets out to make the process as simple as possible and to offer as many combinations of copy as there are configurations of PC. So, for instance, you can copy a DVD to a recordable or rewriteable DVD, to multiple CDs or to an image on a hard drive. When copying to another DVD or CD, you can copy on-the-fly or by using a hard drive file as an intermediary.اختيارات تاپيک.If you want more control over a copy or to use a slightly more unusual combination of source and destination devices, a quick click on the Advanced button opens up five tabs of options. These provide control of copy method, of preferred destination and transfer mode for DVDs and CDs, and of read and write methods for the copy.

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