FIBOFACE: NEAR protocol cryptocurrency art-mining

FIBOFACE: NEAR protocol cryptocurrency art-mining


Currently, there are many high-quality platforms that allow a creative person to create an object of their intellectual work (digital art, music, photography, text) using NFT tokens. This class of virtual assets allows you to fix information about the author and owner of the token, its quantity in the blockchain. Such data cannot be substituted or deleted.

This short note describes an experiment with 32 collectible cards that will be placed on the art-site, using the NEAR blockchain.

This experiment can be described as art-mining-the extraction of cryptocurrency by exchanging virtual art objects for it.

The experiment is implemented ONLY on this profile - ivtanart. A card of the Fibonacci series is considered authentic if its author is ivtanart.near, copies of images of FIBOFACE cards under another authorship are considered fake.

1. Description of the experiment.

The essence of the proposed experiment is to make a limited-number series of cards, in which each subsequent card will be more expensive than the previous one. All cards will be created in a single copy.

To carry out the experiment, you need to find answers to two questions:

1. total number of such cards;

2. the cost of the cards.

Let us turn to the mathematical series of numbers.

To describe the growth in the cost of cards, we use the most famous and beautiful (in my opinion) sequence that permeates the universe, starting with atoms and ending with intergalactic expanses – this is the Fibonacci sequence.

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368, 75025, 121393, 196418, 317811, 514229, 832040, 1346269 …

This series is characterized by an interesting feature – the ratio of the current number of the series to the previous number [(Fn)/(Fn-1)] tends to the value of 1.618 except for the first four numbers of the series. At the same time, the ratios fluctuate around the value of 1.618 and the range of fluctuations gradually decreases. The very value of 1.618 is nothing more than the Golden Ratio, often mentioned in the works of many researchers.

A graphical representation of the Fibonacci series is shown in figure 1. This is the so-called Archimedes ' spiral. Figure 2 shows a photo of a Galaxy swirling in the Archimedes spiral. Comparing these two illustrations, we can trace the obvious connection between the seemingly simple at first glance, the Fibonacci series and the structure of entire Galaxies.

Fig. 1 Graphical representation of the Fibonacci sequence
Fig. 2 Galaxy

It is quite obvious that to increase the collectible appeal, the total number of cards should not be large. In our case, there will be only 32 cards. This will allow, in the case of the growing popularity of the project, to enhance the value of the first card, because when you purchase the following, the value of the first releases will seek to the cost of a bought later.

The question may arise as to why exactly 32, and not 31 or 33.

It's simple, there are already two reasons: Alexander III of Macedon and just a "Napoleonic" plan to sell one collectible card for more than 1 million NEAR. I think everyone would like to sell 1 card at this price, why not try it!))

By the age of 32, Alexander was able to conquer half of the then-known world. This fact is always admirable. No one before, no one after could repeat such an achievement, and without losing a single battle at the same time (fig. 3). Anyone who has lived for 32 years can look back and see what he was able to do during this time, be a little upset that he did not achieve success as a Macedonian, set a grand goal and go to fulfill it with unshakable perseverance.

Fig. 3 On the edge of your half of the world (shot from the film "Alexander»)

Therefore, we will focus on 32 cards, i.e. the cost of the last card of the FF#1 series will be 1.346 million NEAR (which is even slightly more than the "Napoleonic" plan described above). At the same time, the maximum that can be earned for placing a full collection will be approximately 3.5 million NEAR (see the table).

The Fibonacci series starts from zero, I can't make the cost of the first card zero, so I will set it at - 0.1 NEAR (fig. 4).

The designation of the cards is FF/32...FF /1:

- FF is the abbreviated name of the FIBOFACE project;

- 32...1 – the serial number of the card, from the cheapest (FF/32) to the most expensive (FF/1).

Fig. 4 Starting collection card "Fibonacci" FF/32

For clarity, here is a table that shows the issue of cards and the cost of each.

The FIBOFACE annotation card with a brief description of the experiment (fig. 5) will be given free of charge to all owners of my works in the NEAR blockchain (as of 23.02.2021, there are only 14 addresses). What to do with it, everyone decides for himself, can sell it, can keep it.

Fig. 5 FIBOFACE annotation card

2. Сollector's interest

In our experiment, each card is unique (created in a single copy and a record of this is stored in the NEAR blockchain), and the value of the cards increases along with the increase in the Fibonacci series (see the table). It is quite logical to assume that the cost of the first purchased cards will tend to the cost of the cards purchased later.

Consider an example: a customer purchased an FF/30 card for 1 NEAR, and decided to hold it. After some time, all cards up to FF/18 (its value is 377 NEAR) were purchased, and the buyer decides to sell his FF/30 card, it is obvious that its value at this point in time will tend to the price of 377 NEAR.

Due to the fact that the cost of the card is growing on average by about 1,618 times, this can be considered a fairly fair rate of growth in the cost of the card.

The cards will be issued on average once every 10 days. By analogy with the bitcoin block, which is formed and signed on average, once every ten minutes. You can find out about the date and time of the card issue from Twitter.(

Thus, this project can be considered as an investment tool, with an extremely low entry threshold at the initial stage.

3. Style of work

Here is my philosophy on the subject of stylistics of works, who is not interested, you can safely skip this section.

Images for FIBOFACE series cards are created from irregular polygons (a polygon is a shape defined as a closed polyline), colored with a single pure color.

I will explain why this is so.

All objects created by nature have clear and broken borders, you will not find a single object that has a round shape. And even some objects, the shape of which seems round at first glance, at high magnification (up to atoms) is not so.

This can be demonstrated by the example of the number PI - the ratio of the circumference of the circle to its diameter. Trying to determine the value of PI, the ancient greek mathematician Archimedes consistently described and described the circle with regular polygons (figure 6 shows only inscribed polygons).

Fig. 6 Regular polygons inscribed in a circle

As the number of sides of the polygon increases, they tend to merge with the circle, but the polygon cannot become one. The size of a gradually decreases with the number of faces of the polygon, a>b>c>…, as can be clearly seen in fig. 7. Based on this, Archimedes came to the conclusion that the number PI is infinite, as is the very approximation of the faces to the circle.

Fig. 7 Approximation of the faces of a regular polygon to a circle

Let's move on to the color.

Impressionists, creating their works, tried to perform them with strokes, without mixing colors. Figure 8 shows a fragment of Van Gogh's self-portrait, which clearly shows strokes of pure color. This technique makes it possible to admire the beauty of each color individually, to understand all its depth and purity. When creating an illustration, the same technique is used, only polygons take the place of strokes.

Fig. 8 Fragment of Van Gogh's self-portrait

If you look at such an illustration at a great distance, the polygons of pure color are mixed, causing a different color sensation than if the polygon was painted using a color gradient. There is no system in the arrangement and shape of polygons. The shadows are completely absent, so as not to prevent the viewer from enjoying the pure color of the figure and background.

Fig. 9 The style of the images on the card

Therefore, there is not a single round element in the images, each element has a clear polyline polygonal structure, partly reminiscent of Impressionist intermittent strokes and is painted in a uniform pure color (Fig. 9).

A feature of the portraits on the cards can be called the image of thoughts, achievements, desires, experiences in the reflection of glasses.

Images for cards are created completely manually, without using any image generators.

4. The effect of the experiment on the level of decentralization of the NEAR protocol.

As of 20.02.2021, the daily turnover of NEAR is $ 87 million, which is approximately 2,000,000 units of NEAR.

Fig. 10 Daily turnover of NEAR tokens according to Coinmarketcap data

It is quite obvious that such daily trading volumes do not occur every day. Therefore, in order not to have a significant impact on the cryptocurrency exchange rate, 50% of the proceeds from NEAR will be sent to the stack to maintain the operation of the NEAR network, starting with the FF/7 card (its cost is 75025 NEAR).

It would be interesting to know what happens if some «arbitrary» Mark Rothko decides to conduct a similar experiment. The starting price for his work will definitely not be 0.1 NEAR. Buyers, knowing the potential value of the works of such a popular artist (figure 11 shows the work of Rothko, which went in 2012 for 75.1 million dollars), without knowing it, will pour into one hand more than 50 percent of NEAR (although this is hardly possible). Let's assume purely hypothetically that this can happen, how will the NEAR protocol network be able to resist such strict centralization, and what can it lead to?

Fig. 11 Mark Rothko painting «№ 1 Royal Red and Blue»

5. Name of the experiment

Why the name FIBOFACE? It's simple: the image of the face on the card and its value, which increases with the «speed» of the growth of the Fibonacci sequence.


The experiment currently looks, of course, crazy and exceptionally difficult to do. It is unlikely to sell the card for 1.3 million NEAR. But let's try! I wonder which card the sales will reach.

Thank you all for your attention. Come up with your own experiments with NFT tokens, go ahead.

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