aroace flags!!

aroace flags!!

alternative aroace flags
sun and moon aroace flags
star aroace flags
eclipse aroace flag
cr: BChococoffe on twi
demi aroace flags

Demiaroace (also called Demi-AroaceDouble DemiDemianDemi-RoseDemi Squared, or Demi^2/Demi²) is an Aspec (specifically Aroacespec) orientation where one experiences sexual and/or romantic attraction to a person after they have developed an emotional connection to them.

aroaceflux flags

Aroaceflux is a sexuality where someone is both aceflux and aroflux. Both their sexual and romantic orientation fluctuates, but generally stays on the asexual and aromantic spectrums.

aroace spike flag

Someone who is aroacespike normally feels no sexual or romantic attraction, but occasionally feels strong sexual and/or romantic feelings for a short amount of time.

grey aroace flag

Grey Aroace, Greyaroace, Grey-aroace, or Greyrose (also spelled "Gray" instead of "Grey") is an orientation on the Aroace spectrum for those who relate with being Aroace, yet feel that there are parts of their experiences which are not fully described by the word aroace. It can also describe someone who is both Greysexual and Greyromantic.

cupio aroace flag

Cupioaroace is a term for describing the orientation of people who do not experience romantic and sexual attraction but still not desire a romantic/sexual relationship

greyrose flag
cr: @sillyflags twt

greyrose flag, for greyromantic greysexuals

амбиквирплатоник ароэйс флаг
cr: @salvadorrum
поликвирплатоник ароэйс флаг
cr: @salvadorrum
quoi aroace flag

quoiaroace is a term for ppl who has trouble with distinguish between attraction

aroace spectrum flags

The aroace spectrumaroace-specay-spec, or aroace umbrella is a group of orientations that all fall under both the asexual spectum and the aromantic spectrum, falling under the umbrella term of aroace. Individuals on the aroace spectrum may lack sexual attraction and romantic attraction, or feel it so little that they relate more to the aroace experience than to the allosexual and alloromantic experience. The common link between individuals on the aroace spectrum is that they don't feel the "standard" amount of sexual and romantic attraction, or they don't feel it in the "standard" way, that allosexual and alloromantic individuals do.

agender aroace flag
aroace lesbian flags
aroace sapphic flags

aroace bi flag
aroace-spec gay flag
demiboy aroace flag
intersex aroace flag
cr: macabrecipher on twi
autistic aroace flag
cr: DexLovesMen on twi
enby aroace flag
cr: fshigurotwt on twi
bpd aroace flag
cr: mumuflags on twi
bi genderfluid aroace flag
cr: VentilianVexus on twi
omni aroace flag
cr: North__Strike on twi

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