apple watch wristbands

apple watch wristbands



This bracelet is an extraordinary and original, it consists of more than 100 plates, which are made of stainless steel, like the case of apple smart watches. All plates have a different size, they expand to the base. Foldable clasp is mounted inside the accessory, and the plates themselves are equipped with a very simple mechanism that allows the user to remove or add them without using a specialized tool.

 apple watch wristbands

All straps that are presented in the online store Iroocca thought out to the smallest detail, everything is extinct to the millimeter, starting from the material from which the strap is implemented and ending with the original and high-strength fastener mechanisms. The range is great, it will allow you to choose an accessory not only for aesthetic views, but also for clothes or for the type of activity. For example: you can wear one in an office, another for a presentation, a third for a date, and a sports hall for a gym.

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