apostasy of a politically correct church

apostasy of a politically correct church


The apostasy of a politically correct church has become a growing issue in recent years. In a highly charged era where politics has drastically changed and conflicting values, ideologies, and ideals have surfaced in all aspects of life, this is not only a struggle for the church, but for all individuals. As the church attempts to resist and remain engaged in politics, it is increasingly finding itself in a vulnerable place, forced to make tough choices. Therefore it is essential to understand how this development has come to be and how it can be addressed.

The political correctness movement has been gaining momentum since the late 1990s, aiming to address and mitigate the discrimination against minority groups. During this time, the Church was pushed to begin to prioritize protecting the rights of these minority groups over religious beliefs, policies, and structures. The Church was challenged to replace moral absolutes and commandments with an acceptance of personal and situational morality. This has caused a rift in the Church as it tries to accommodate the changes and yet remain true to its beliefs.

Those advocating for a “politically correct” Christianity argue that by compromising or even abandoning the core of Christian beliefs and convictions, the Church can create a more inclusive atmosphere, where people of all backgrounds and beliefs feel accepted and safe. These supporters believe that through this, the Church can reach and engage with a larger population. On the other hand, those that are opposed to this view argue that compromising our beliefs to make them “politically correct” strips the Church of its doctrinal core and identity, causing it to lose its relevancy and power.

The ultimate result of the political correctness movement is the apostasy of a politically correct Church, one that is inclined to compromise its beliefs in favor of inclusivity. However, if the Church is willing to act with humility and grace, it can work to ensure that its core values are held in high regard while it also acknowledges and respects the right of minority groups to make their own decisions. Doing this requires creating a safe space within the Church where everyone can exchange their different ideologies and beliefs in a respectful manner, while being open to differing viewpoints. Furthermore, in order to truly create a culture of acceptance, the Church must also be willing to be open-minded and accepting of its members who wish to practice their own faith without judgement or expectation.

In conclusion, the apostasy of a politically correct Church has become a growing issue in recent years. Although it is difficult to embrace the change and remain true to our core values and beliefs, it can be done by creating a more inclusive space and engaging in respectful discourse where everyone’s points of view are heard and respected. Doing this requires humility, open-mindedness, and grace on the part of the Church, but will ultimately create a culture of understanding and acceptance.


The Political Correctness Movement. (2019, December 24). Retrieved April 22, 2021

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