ade and Promises Kept Pt. 03

ade and Promises Kept Pt. 03

Judy headed back to the kitchen while Amy and Emily led me into the living room. When I entered, I couldn't help but notice all of the trophies on the mantle. I stepped up to look at them and saw that they were trophies that Amy and Emily had earned for swimming.

I turned to the girls and said, "Your mother has been telling me about your swimming exploits. I'm quite impressed."

They both smiled, and Amy said, "Thank you, Virginia. We're both proud of our accomplishments."

Amy guided me to the couch, and I sat down in the middle with Amy to my left and Emily to my right. We spent the next few minutes talking. Amy and Emily had a lot of questions about my military career that I was happy to answer. I was enjoying our conversation. I was impressed with their intelligence and poise.

Soon, Judy came in and said, "Dinner is ready."

We got up and headed into the dining room. Judy and I sat across from each other. Amy and Emily sat across from each other, Amy on my left and Emily on my right. Judy looked at me and said, "We always pray before we eat. I hope you don't mind?"

I shook my head and said, "No, I don't mind."

Judy then bowed her head and crossed herself, and we all followed suit. She then put up the prayer, "Bless us Oh Lord, and these thy gifts, which we are about to receive, from thy bounty, through Christ, Our Lord. Amen." When she finished, we all said "Amen" and crossed ourselves again.

The food was delicious, and I enjoyed every bite of it. I complimented Judy on the food, and she complimented me on the wine I brought. The conversation centered on the girls' swimming exploits and my military career, basically what Amy and Emily talked with me about in the living room. Judy and I didn't exchange a lot of words during dinner. Except for answering the girls' questions, Judy and I kept our eyes on each other the entire feast, our eyes doing all of the talking between us. Amy and Emily kept looking back and forth between Judy and me, seeing that we were so into each other.

Soon, the food was finished, and the conversations started winding down. Judy declared dinner was over, and we all got up. Amy and Emily volunteered to clean up, so Judy and I refreshed our wine glasses and headed into the living room. We each took a seat in a chair and talked about work, not wanting to get too personal. I did mention that I had noticed the family portrait and said the Jon had looked quite handsome. Our conversation ran down, and we ended up just looking at each other. I could hear the girls doing the clean-up, and in short order, the girls joined us in the living room, sitting on the couch.

I started complimenting the girls on their athletic prowess as swimmers. Judy proudly talked about Amy being the Captain of the swim team. Embarrassed by our praise, Amy changed the subject and asked, "Virginia, mom told us that you have two sons who play soccer?"

I smiled and said, "Yes, Amy, my two sons play soccer. Matthew is on the team for UC Irvine as a freshman, and Mark is a starter for El Segundo High School as a junior. Matthew has only played a few minutes so far. Mark has played a lot and is the leading scorer on the team."

"So, did Matthew get an athletic scholarship?" Emily asked.

"Yes," I said, smiling at Emily, "He got the scholarship for his soccer skills. The coach at El Segundo High School played soccer for UC Irvine, so he got the UC Irvine coach to watch Matthew play. He was impressed with his defensive ball-handling skills and worked to get a scholarship for him."

Judy and I smiled at each other, the pride for our children showing on our faces.

We talked for a while more before Amy and Emily asked to be excused to go to their rooms. I thanked the girls for making me feel welcome in their home. With that, I stood up and said that I needed to be getting along myself.

Judy walked me out to my car. I turned to her to thank her. Before I could say a word, Judy leaned in, tilted her head down to my upturned face, and our lips met. I recovered quickly from my surprise and pressed back into her kiss. Her lips, so soft and supple, felt so good against mine. I moaned as my mouth opened with hers. Judy also moaned as our tongues tentatively felt each other out.

Our arms went around each other as our bodies molded together as if they were meant to be together. The world went away for a while, and the only thing that existed was our kiss. Our moans reverberated between our mouths as our tongues plundered each other's mouths. Before things got out of hand, I broke our kiss, stepping back to open a space between us.

Our eyes were locked, and all I could see was Judy's face, and her eyes dilated to black. We were both heavily breathing as we stood there ... no words needed to be said. To avoid things got hotter, I said, "Thank you for tonight. I had a wonderful time. I'll see you Monday?"

Judy, thinking the same thing I was, said, "Yes, I'm looking forward to seeing you Monday."

Judy stepped back, and I opened the car door and got in. I looked up at Judy, who looked so beautiful standing there and said, "Goodnight, Judy. Thank you for dinner."

Judy reached out and touched my shoulder, sending a shock through my body, as she said, "Goodnight, Virginia. Drive safely."

I slowly backed out of the driveway and headed home. I could see Judy standing there, watching me until I turned the corner. I was aware of driving home, but I'll have to admit my mind wasn't on the drive.

When I got home, I was relieved that nobody was waiting for me when I came in. Mark must have been up in his room doing homework. Grace was out with Kathy, or they were upstairs in her room. I went into my bedroom and took off my outfit, leaving me in my bra and panties. I could see a dark spot on my panties caused by my pussy becoming so hot and wet.

I stripped off my bra and panties and went into the bathroom to start the shower. Once it was ready, I got in and stood under the stream of hot water, thinking about Judy. My left hand went to my pussy as my right hand cupped my right breast, catching my nipple between my thumb and forefinger. My middle finger slipped between my lips and worked into my hole. The base of my thumb stimulated my clit. I pinched and pulled on my nipple as my finger pistoned in and out, making sure to hit my g-spot each time.

It didn't take long before an orgasm crashed over me as I gasped, "Oh, god, Judy," over and over as I shuddered through my orgasm, leaning against the wall of the shower stall. Once I got myself back under control, I finished my shower, dried off, and threw on some sweats before going out to the living room. I turned on the TV, and soon, Mark came down and joined me on the couch. He asked me about my dinner 'date,' and I told him it went well. I told him about Amy and Emily, and he seemed interested in their swimming exploits.


Monday morning, I was looking forward to work today. I got into the parking garage and got out. I double-checked my outfit before walking into the lobby. Peggy was at her station, and she looked up and smiled while saying, "Good morning, Virginia. I hope you had a great weekend?"

I smiled back at Peggy and said, "Good morning, Peggy. I did have a great weekend. Thank you."

I nearly ran up the stairs, I was so excited. I walked by Judy's office and saw that she wasn't in yet. Sue was there, so I smiled at her before heading to my office. When I approached my office, I saw that Cathy was already at her desk. I smiled as I came up and said, "Good morning, Cathy."

Cathy smiled back and said, "Good morning, Virginia. I hope you had a great weekend?"

I replied, "Yes, I did, Cathy. How was your weekend?"

"It was good," Cathy answered. "Your 10 o'clock with the satellite group has been postponed. They'll get back to me with a new time sometime this morning."

"Thanks, Cathy," I said, smiling again. "I appreciate you taking care of that."

I went into my office and put down my bag, grabbed my tea mug, and headed out to get some tea after starting up my computer. I went into the break room and started making my tea when I heard, "Good Morning, Virginia."

My heart clenched as I recognized the voice, and I turned to see Judy standing there, a big smile on her face that just lit up the room. I leaned back against the counter, and I smiled as my breath caught in my throat as my eyes drank in her beauty. She was wearing a nice gray blazer and matching pencil skirt, with a pale yellow ruffled blouse with three buttons undone, allowing the tops of her breasts to be seen. Once I could start breathing again, I could finally say, "Good morning, Judy. You look lovely today."

Judy's eyes were browsing my body, momentarily stopping at my breasts and pussy as they completed the tour. I was thankful that I had taken extra care dressing this morning. She locked eyes with me and said, "You look lovely, too."

I wanted to say, "I did it for you," but I didn't really need to because our eyes were doing all of the talking. I did say, "I really enjoyed dinner Friday night."

"So did I," Judy replied as she went to fill her coffee mug. "The girls really like you, and they haven't stopped talking about how nice you are." She lowered her eyes and blushed when she added, "I couldn't agree more with them."

There was silence for a bit as Judy filled her mug, and I finished steeping my tea. When the silence started to get awkward, I said, "I'd like to return the favor and invite you to dinner at my place so you can meet Matthew and Mark. However, Matthew is off at UC Irvine until next month. Can you wait that long?"

Judy smiled and said, "Yes, I'll wait, and yes, I'd love to."

I smiled back and asked, "Until then, we can still do yoga and go running?"

"Sure, I'd love to," Judy replied.

The silence drew out as we stood there, looking at each other. Before the sexual tension got out of control, I said, "Well, I better get going. See you at the staff meeting?"

Judy said, "Me, too. See you there," as she headed to the door. My eyes went to her ass, and I loved how it moved in her tight skirt. My nipples ached, and my pussy burned as my eyes followed her out the door. Once she was out of sight, I picked up my cup of tea and walked out, heading to my office.


Thanksgiving was great this year. Matthew came home for Thanksgiving, and we had a wonderful time together. Grace and I worked together in the kitchen on Thanksgiving dinner. We had a turkey and all of the typical fixings for dinner.

Kathy joined Grace, Matthew, Mark, and I for dinner, offering to carve the turkey. We sat down and enjoyed a delicious meal. When dinner was finished, Grace and Kathy stood up and said that they had an announcement they wanted to make.

Kathy and Grace held hands and, after a significant glace at Kathy, Grace said, "Kathy is going to give up her apartment at the end of the year and move in here with me. I hope that is okay with all of you?"

I jumped up and pulled Grace into a hug, saying, "Of course, it is okay with me."

I then hugged Kathy, saying, "I'm happy for you, Kathy. Welcome home."

Matthew and Mark also got up and hugged Grace and Kathy, saying that it was okay.

As Grace and I cleaned up afterward, I asked her, "How about we switch bedrooms? With Kathy's bum leg, it would be a whole lot easier for her if she didn't have to climb the stairs."

"Oh, sweetie," Grace said, tearing up, "I can't ask you to do that."

"You're not asking," I replied, taking Grace in my arms, "I'm offering."

"Thank you, dear," Grace replied, hugging me tightly. "I really appreciate you doing that."

I brushed the tears out of Grace's eyes as I said, "I can never repay you for accepting me as Bonnie's love. It's the least I could do."

We finished cleaning up and went into the living room where Kathy, Matthew, and Mark watched the basketball game between the Warriors and the Pacers. Grace sat down with Kathy, putting her arm around Kathy. She leaned into Kathy and told her about my offer. Kathy looked up to me and smiled her thanks. I smiled back and walked over to her and bent down to hug her. She whispered, "Thank you, Virginia," in my ear. I kissed her cheek and said, "My pleasure, Kathy. Thank you for making Grace happy."

"Oh, that's my pleasure, Virginia," Kathy said with a grin.

I went and sat down in the armchair. I saw how close Grace and Kathy were and how they were always in each other's arms. I marveled at how Grace and Kathy loved each other so much after 46 years together. "How many marriages last that long?" I mused to myself. My heart ached as I thought that I would have loved to have been together with Bonnie for 46 years.


I was looking forward to seeing Judy after the four-day weekend. When I walked by her office, she was already in, busy at work. I went to my office and picked up my mug before heading to the break room. As I walked by her office a second time, Judy spotted me heading into the break room and grabbed her coffee mug to join me.

When Judy entered the break room, we smiled at each other. I wanted so badly to walk up to her and pull her in for a hug. She looked so beautiful in her outfit, a nice blazer and matching slacks with a button-up blouse. The ache I felt for her must have been on my face because I saw a questioning look on her face. We stood there for what seemed forever, eyes locked, debating whether we wanted to go for it or not.

With a strength I didn't know I had, I tore my eyes away from her and turned to fix my tea as I said, "Good morning, Judy. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving with your family."

Judy walked over to the coffee pot as she replied, "I did have a great Thanksgiving. It was so good to see my brother Al and sister, Joan. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving?"

"Yes, I did. It was so good to have Matthew back home for the weekend," I said as I finished steeping my tea.

We turned to face each other once again. This time I saw a look on Judy's face that told me she wanted to step forward and wrap her arms around me. My heart clenched, and I hoped my thoughts weren't betrayed on my face. I didn't want to encourage her. As much as I wanted to do it myself, I didn't want anyone else at work to know about us until I was sure we were going to work.

Judy leaned back against the counter like I was and smiled at me and said, "The girls wanted me to pass on their greetings."

"Please tell them I appreciate it," I replied, smiling at Judy. "I talked to Matthew, and he and Mark are looking forward to having dinner with you next month."

"That's great," Judy said. "I'm looking forward to it, too."

With that, we got our cups and headed back to our offices. We'd see each other at the staff meeting later. The next three weeks were going to drag. I heaved a sigh as I sat down at my desk and buried myself in my work, trying not to think about Judy.

Over the next two weeks, I kept myself busy. I spent some time packing up my stuff, so Grace and I could switch bedrooms.

December 1994

Matthew had just finished his finals and was coming home for the winter break today. Despite all of the time he spent with the soccer team, he got all 'A's in his classes. I was so proud of him for not letting his studies slide. I would make the best of Matthew's time at home before he goes back in January. Tomorrow we would have lunch at Jack's Salad Bar and Grill to honor Bonnie on what would have been her 43rd birthday. Then the next week, we will be having dinner with Judy.

I heard a car pull up in the driveway, and I knew Matthew was home. I ran out and pulled him in for a hug when he got out of the car. Mark came out and helped us get Matthew's stuff out of his car and up to his room. Grace and I worked to fix lunch, and the four of us sat around the table, talking and catching up while enjoying a good meal. I looked around at the three people at the table with me and nearly teared up, feeling the love we all had for each other. I threw up a quick prayer to God, thanking him for what I had. I also thanked Bonnie for having made me a part of her family.

The next day we went to Jack's for lunch. Grace and Kathy came with us, and we had a great time. We we

re able to talk about Bonnie without getting too emotional. Everyone was able to tell a story about Bonnie that made the rest of us smile. Afterward, Grace and Kath took off while Matthew, Mark, and I went to see a movie. It was 'The Santa Clause' with Tim Allen. We really enjoyed it and afterward, went to get some pie at Marie Callender's.

When I got up Saturday morning, I was excited about the day's activity. Now that Matthew was home, we would move Grace into the downstairs bedroom and me upstairs in her old bedroom. We first emptied my bedroom. Then we moved Grace's furniture and stuff into the downstairs bedroom. Then we took a break for lunch and enjoyed the pizza that I had delivered from Round Table Pizza. After lunch, we moved my stuff upstairs and got my bed set up. I'm glad neither of us had a water bed. Those are a pain to move.

Once Grace had her bedroom set up, Kathy started moving some of her clothes and stuff in, a box or two at a time. She was going to sell all of her furniture and put the rest of her things into storage. Before Matthew went back to college, we would help Kathy clean out her apartment. She could then turn over the keys at the end of the month.

Monday, I popped into Judy's office and invited her to my place for dinner this coming Friday. I told her that Matthew was home for the winter break, so he'd be available until mid-January. Judy was thrilled that she'd finally get to meet my sons. She had seen their picture that was on my desk, and she had complimented me on how handsome they were. Although I had nothing to do with that, I accepted her praise in the spirit intended. When I left Judy's office, I was so happy that I don't really remember the rest of the morning.


Friday finally arrived, and Grace and Kathy were going to the Blue Moon for the evening. Eventually, I was going to introduce Judy to Grace and Kathy. They have been my surrogate parents since both of my parents were dead, my father when I was fourteen, and my mother seven years later.

I stopped by Judy's office, ostensibly to remind her about tonight, but really just to spend some time with her. When I knocked, and Judy looked up, a broad smile broke out on her face. I couldn't help but smile in return, feeling the emotions radiating from her face. I asked, "You didn't forget about tonight?"

"How could I?" Judy returned. "I've been looking forward to it for weeks."

"Great," I answered. "Matthew and Mark are looking forward to seeing you too."

"Shall I bring a bottle of wine?" Judy asked.

"Sure," I replied. "Whatever goes good with pot roast will be fine."

"That sounds like a bottle of red wine, maybe a Cabernet Sauvignon," Judy said.

"Works for me," I said with a smile. "I'd better go get my work done."

"Me, too," Judy responded as she got up and walked me to the door. "See you tonight."

I went back to my office. Cathy followed me in so we could synchronize our calendars. I noticed that my afternoon meeting with the advanced LIDAR customer team was rescheduled for next week, leaving my entire afternoon open. I was thrilled because I could go earlier to prepare for dinner tonight. I remarked about how lucky it had been, and Cathy just smiled, like she knew something I didn't know. I was too into my own thoughts about tonight to make anything of it.

I told Cathy that I would be leaving early this afternoon, so we blocked out my calendar after 4 PM. When we were done, Cathy went back to her desk, and I got to work. The morning flew by, and Judy and I met for lunch, planning our evening. I worked on my presentation to the e-ConFig group with Sally until 3 PM. We got it finished, and I sent Sally back to her desk, stating that I'd schedule some time with Judy next week to give the presentation to her and her team.

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