a Twitter thread from @lsanger

a Twitter thread from @lsanger



1/ Thread:

Child sex trafficking—by elites—is a horrible reality.

Below, I outline the case for this claim. Please share with friends so they can wake up.

Favor? After each tweet, please post the most persuasive online evidence you know of.

> There is proof of all this. <



2/ Begin with Jeffrey Epstein. His circle of friends features some of the most famous people in the world. People like Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Prince Andrew, even Donald Trump. Look up the "Lolita Express" flight log and his black book. Quite a stunning social circle, really.


3/ He was arrested (twice) because he was a pedophile who abused many teen girls. He had an island in the Caribbean in which this took place, which, by all credible accounts, was visited by many of his famous friends.


4/ There is courtroom evidence that Epstein's friends sexually abused the teen girls he collected, who as young as 12 were basically sex slaves.


5/ But I'm just scratching the surface, here. There are hair-curling claims about a "temple" on his island and rites performed in the hill underneath it. You don't have to believe that, to be shocked by Epstein's circle. But the occult connections keeps recurring, disturbingly.


6/ This is what you've heard and (if you're like most people) probably already forgotten about. But we are not even close to being done.

Did you know that ABC News had this story in 2016, and covered it up? They did. Everyone knows that, too, but few are talking about it.


7/ Did you know that it was covered up in a different way last 2008, when Epstein was sentenced to a mere slap on the wrist?

Why on earth, in the name of all that is holy? "Because he's so powerful and has powerful friends to protect," you say.


8/ Right. Think about that. Hard.

More of the story came out last summer. But no one else has been jailed, not even Epstein's chief accomplice, Ghislaine Maxwell, whose location is unknown. Few in the scandal-crazed media....seem to care much. That's weird, isn't it?


9/ We the people would learn much more about the suspects and allegations if more court documents were unsealed. But massive numbers of Epstein case documents have been sealed. The court system is protecting the guilty—again, as they did in 2008.

They do that a lot, turns out.


10/ Now, think. This doesn't take evidence, it takes a little bit of brave thinking.

What must our beloved and distinguished world of famous, rich, and powerful people be like, if Epstein's friends (THOSE people!) are violating teen sex slaves—and the courts *protect* them?


11/ It sure sounds like (a) many of the Beautiful People know about child sex trafficking by elites, (b) some participate in it, and (c) the media and courts cover it up.

"But...systematically? Do they really? Surely not," you say.

Sadly this happens over...and over...and over.


12/ Look these up:

NOTE: separate tweet below for each!

The Catholic Church, Pedowood, underage groupies, Jimmy Savile, Rotherham, CPS disappearances, the Kinsey Institute, John of God, NXIVM, the Finders, Marc Dutroux, Laura Silsby...and yes, Pizzagate.


13/ The Catholic Church has had massive numbers of pedophiles. They never go away. Why not? Why don't the police move in on them? Why has it gone on for *generations*? And there's evidence it's condoned, yes, condoned and organized, within the Church.


14/ Hollywood has had *so so* many pedophile scandals, it's nauseating. Look into the Digital Entertainment Network (watch the documentary), Roman Polanski, and Dan Schneider, testimony by Corey Feldman, Bella Thorne, Isaac Kappy, Macaulay Culkin, Elijah Wood, more.

It's real.


15/ Let's take a break from the list to think about an important question. How can these people get away with their crimes? Why can they *still* hide, because indeed most of the perps are walking free?

Both the police and the courts must be paid off or part of the networks.


16/ The music world is full of underage groupies. If people used to excuse this, what were they thinking? Look at David Bowie, Michael Jackson, R. Kelly, Jimmy Page, Steven Tyler, etc. Pedophiles. Think this has stopped?

What makes it possible?

It's a crime...right?


17/ The case of Jimmy Savile, famous British comedian, is stunning because he was knighted by the Queen long after rumors began that he systematically raped kids in hospitals...and supplied children to others.

Close friend of the royals. Think they didn't know?

Prince Andrew?


18/ Yes, this is heavy. But, look, it happens all over the world, repeatedly, in "high society." We just...never put all it together. The media is largely silent.

This is surely why NAMBLA and pedophilia have had famous defenders, like poet Allen Ginsberg and some psychologists.


19/ Why on earth did the authorities allow systematic, horrific abuse of children go on in Rotherham and other places (so many places schools, churches, hospitals, etc.), you can look it up)?

They let it happen.



This is not a joke and it's real.


20/ And did you know that children have gone missing, thousands of them, from the Child Protective Service's foster care system? And no. They're not all runaways. Some are purchased.

The point here is that what should be an earth-shattering scandal is...ignored. Why?


21/ The Kinsey Institute's famous early studies were done by scientists working with, among others, known pedophiles—who weren't reported. Kinsey's evidence that babies can have orgasms was based on observations that they cried when abused.


22/ John of God basically ran a sex slave camp masquerading as a spiritual revival of some sort. Oprah visited and was delighted with his ministry. But then, she has her own school for girls in South Africa that had its own child rape scandals; so maybe she didn't care.


23/ Are we done with Establishment connections with pedophilia? No. And this is real stuff you can look up. You just didn't know.

Look up the NXIVM sex slave cult, which did involve kids, and had connections with heiress Clare Bronfman, Catherine Oxenberg, and Alison Mack.


24/ Now, if famous people, the police, and the courts are involved in this sort of thing—as they'd have to be, to cover up so much for so long—wouldn't, say, the FBI also be involved?

Yep. Look up the Finders. It's a fascinating and horrifying story.


25/ Of course, elite pedophiles operate all over the world, not just in the English-speaking world. Take, say, Belgium, home of one of their most infamous criminals, Marc Dutroux—who ran an international pedophile ring, apparently for the elite.


26/ Look at the case of Laura Silsby, and now I'm afraid we're getting into territory that is not just horrifying, it is also controversial, because Silsby is a Hillary Clinton friend. Her Haitian charity, accused of trafficking children.


27/ Wikileaks is famous partly because of the Clinton-Silsby connection, but also because multiple leaked emails are filled with bizarre phraseology that makes sense if they were organizing child sex abuse.


28/ Comet Ping-Pong became famous as the location of the "Pizzagate" shooting. Thing is, he took one shot and it hit the disk drive of Clinton friend, Democratic operative James Alefantis.

Instagram posts associated with restaurant personnel were disturbing.


29/ The plethora of elite child sex abuse makes that by political operatives more conceivable, doesn't it? I started taking that stuff more seriously after I learned about Epstein...and the rabbit hole.

Look up Denny Hastert and another Clinton associate, Anthony Weiner.


30/ I'm going to take a break now. I will probably come back to this thread later.

Please help by filling in all the blanks; supply evidence about each of the tweets, and make this thread a resource for everyone.

This thread could go on in this fashion for dozens of tweets...


Thread continued here:


Larry Sanger (@lsanger)

31/ Continuing this popular thread now.

Some think this is all some big, crazy conspiracy theory.

Well, let's talk about that. Let's discuss how to think about the "conspiracy" of elite child rapists.


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