a Twitter thread from @XinqiSu

a Twitter thread from @XinqiSu



#NOW Wang Chen, deputy chairman of NPCSC, read out the document circulated earlier online on the resolution of building national security safeguarding mechanism in HK.

Other than introducing a national security law, Beijing will also allow national security orgs to work in HK.


#thread notes on Wang Chen speech

1. Still confirmed OCTS achieved "unprecedented success" in HK but it's facing "new risks and challenges"

2. Two types of forces are meddling HK - those "anti-China and trouble HK forces in the city"(反中亂港勢力)and "foreign hostile forces"...


3. Most of the troubles in HK are brought by the "anti-China trouble HK forces in the city". No likening of last year's protests as "colour revolution" but still emphasising national security risks.

4. Blame failure of BL23 legislation on "smearing and demonising by people...


...with ill intentions" while acknowledging that the legislation may be shelved for a long time.

5. Therefore Beijing decides to use its ultimate lawmaking power to introduce the law in HK by two steps: resolution + legislation -> Annex III of Basic Law


6. Establishment of national security orgs in HK may bring greater impacts than the law itself. No cross-border law enforcing has long been a red line separating two systems. Lots of questions remained unanswered how the national security agents will work with local law enforcers

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