a Twitter thread from @QalaatAlMudiq

a Twitter thread from @QalaatAlMudiq



NEW THREAD as #ISIS insurgency entered the 3rd year in the Eastern #Syria|n desert (W. of #Euphrates). For details:

- https://bit.ly/2z3mQlv (Homs) by @CalibreObscura

- https://bit.ly/2XDdffo (all E. areas) by @GregoryPWaters

Below schematic map showing main areas of IS attacks https://twitter.com/QalaatAlMudiq/status/1091724788425506816


E. #Syria: #NDF in #DeirEzzor announcing multiple losses on front vs #ISIS:

- its commander for S. #Mayadin sector following an "incident". He was from #Latakia province

- 2 fighters killed during IS attack on Palmyra-DeirEzzor road (area of Shula).


E. #Syria: photos showing the "combing operations" vs #ISIS carried out past days in E. #Homs desert, from Shaer gasfield to Sukhnah. Arty strikes were also reported last night in #DeirEzzor desert.


E. #Syria: a fighter from N. #Daraa prov. belonging to Military Security was killed in area of #Palmyra. E. #Homs CS witnessing since days combing operations vs #ISIS.


E. #Syria: 2 soldiers from area of Salamiyah were killed by an #ISIS mine/IED E. of Ithriya (NE. #Hama).


E. #Syria: at least 5 #NDF fighters were killed today during clashes vs #ISIS on Bishri Mount front (W. #DeirEzzor).


E. #Syria: "fighting a ghost" - #NDF widespread combing operations vs #ISIS in the desert from E. #Hama to #DeirEzzor. NDF from Suqaylbiyah showing up brandnew equipment (pics 3-4).

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