a Twitter thread from @KongTsungGan

a Twitter thread from @KongTsungGan



Full #HK & Macao Affairs Office statement. It just reiterates that #CCP can basically interfere in HK whenever it wants, but striking is that it singles out @joshuawongcf, Martin Lee & @cpdenniskwok as traitors, accusing them of an independence plot. https://www.hmo.gov.cn/xwzx/xwfb/xwfb_child/202004/t20200421_21809.html


It ends, 郭荣铿等人该醒醒了。('Dennis Kwok & others should wake up.') Very intimidating language. Its tone almost sounds like a declaration of war on '#HK traitors' (ie, most of us, the majority). It must be rejected in the strongest possible terms.


Just to note: HKMAO considers @joshuawongcf @cpdenniskwok & Martin Lee hypocrites for saying #CCP shouldn’t interfere in #HK but then asking US to sanction CCP & HK officials. It asserts this is a plot to cleave HK from China.


Probably the biggest pro-independence ‘threat’ is the #CCP itself, so completely has it alienated most #HK people from its rule that we feel we have nowhere else to go. We simply can’t tolerate the bullying, intimidation & deprivation of RIGHTS that is only getting worse.


Now the #CCP is employing the enemy-think that lies deep within its DNA to attack #HK people’s elected representatives & true leaders. How can this possibly end in anything but a showdown. Do they really think they can frighten us into giving up the freedom struggle?

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