a Twitter thread from @DavidADaoud

a Twitter thread from @DavidADaoud



.@LBCI_NEWS: @Hassan_B_Diab is speaking


1-Diab: explosion was result of the system of corruption. I thought I could remedy this, but it is larger than the state and systemic


2-Diab: Today, we face a great disaster. All political parties should have cooperated to get past this -- at least through days of quiet and mourning, helping people, tending to their wounds, providing housing, help to those who lost livelihood


3-Diab: Disaster is indescribably large. But they just want to score political points, make electioneering speeches, and destroy what's left of the state


4-Diab: They should have been ashamed of themselves, because their corruption hid this for 7 yrs, and God knows what else they are hiding.


5-Diab: They must be replaced, because they are the Lebanese people's real misfortune.


6-Diab: These people didn't understand the October 17, 2019 revolution. It was against them, but they didn't understand it. The Lebanese wanted a functioning and just state


7-Diab: These people, weeks after formation of this gov't, tried to blame it for their own mistakes


8-Diab: This gov't tried to rescue the country. Every Minister did their utmost. We don't have personal interests, we just wanted to save the country, and for this we were subjected to a lot of attacks and accusations


9-Diab: We refused to be dragged into fights, because we wanted to work for the country, but that didn't stop the accusations


10-Diab: We wanted to bring change for the Lebanese, but between us and change is a thick concrete wall. This is a corrupt class that doesn't want to abandon its power.


11-Diab: They used all their weapons against us. They knew we were a threat to them, and this government's success would have been a fatal blow to this political clique


12-Diab: Today, we are at this disaster. Our first concern is proper investigation and responsibility for this disaster.


13-Diab: we are responsive to the desire of the people for a functioning and just country. So we take a step back, to join the Lebanese people in their fight. Therefore, I announce the resignation of this government. May God Protect Lebanon, Long Live Lebanon.

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