Zyzz Short Hair

Zyzz Short Hair


Zyzz Short Hair
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How can I get my hairdresser to cut my hair for any one of these. there measurements somewhere? or tutorials?
Step 3: Don't go to a cheap barber or place like supercuts.
take a pic and that just makes a building block once it is cut ,then afterwards you can add your own style to next time you get it cut , its what i did
every haircut is epic for me, but I prefer number 6, fucking sexy
Sexy cunt (no homo), I like all of them, they are all pretty unique.
1&2 are the same. 5&3 also. But I liked 5 and 1. The longer hair would be great to have all winter but for summer I keep mine short cuz it feels better. They all look amazing IMO

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There is no figure more polarizing in the eyes of young men today than deceased bodybuilder Aziz Shavershian. A tall and originally very skinny ectomorph, Aziz began posting videos on Youtube in 2007 documenting his transformation from scrawny teenager to shredded sensation. Zyzz attracted a cult following on the internet, particularly among male, teenage Australian gymgoers, who sought to emulate not only his physique, but the success with women produced by both his body and internet fame.
On one hand, Zyzz single-handedly made bodybuilding popular again among teenage boys, which is no mean feat in a culture where brazen displays of masculinity are stigmatized by the feminist establishment. Thanks to Zyzz, today’s young men are much open to the idea of “getting shredded” than their older counterparts, offering hope that masculinity is not on it’s way to being dead and buried in the 21st century English speaking world.
I can safely say that my motivation to train goes far beyond that of merely impressing people, it is derived from the feeling of having set goals and achieving them and outdoing myself in the gym.
Thanks to Zyzz, hordes of young men have embarked on a journey of mastery and embraced positive masculinity while men such as Roosh chose to pursue the journey of game and men like Tim Ferris pursued entrepreneurship. Just like improving your game or building a business, body building encourages young men to better themselves and gain satisfaction from the goals they have achieved through sheer effort and persistence over an extended period of time, allowing those who take it to truly become Men.
While Zyzz should be commended, his fame is not without controversy. It is almost certain that Zyzz’s aesthetics were the result of heavy steroid and Human Growth Hormone (HGH) usage. On top of the questionable circumstances of his death (a heart attack in a Bangkok sauna at the age of 22), his elder brother “Chestbrah” was arrested for possession of steroids in 2011 and photos circulated on the internet depicting Zyzz being injected in the butt. Nobody is fooled that it was a flu shot. I know a guy who started taking steroids at a very young age during the peak of Zyzz’s fame in the months following his death. How many other young men have started taking steroids and put their health in jeopardy due to Zyzz’s own bad example?
Zyzz owed his success to pumping his body full of dangerous substances, and used his steroid-fuelled physique to work part-time as a male stripper. Zyzz not only “cheated” on his journey, but engaged in the most degrading and anti-masculine profession there is: being a rent-boy. While Zyzz no doubt enjoyed the fruits of his fame before his sudden death, his fleeting internet fame and lifestyle choices should not be taken as an example to follow by today’s young men.
While Zyzz enjoyed a few years of unlimited access to young, tight women and no doubt had a blast with his crew before he died, he was never able to build any significant wealth from his an internet fame that will quickly be forgotten. Young men should follow Zyzz’s example in regards to starting on their own journey of mastery whether it be game or business or weight lifting, but they should also learn from his mistakes and avoid taking perilous and unsustainable shortcuts.
Do not take the easy road. Do not let yourself down. Build your success the right away so you can enjoy the satisfaction brought to you by achieving your goals through hard work and sheer persistence. That’s what I’ve learned from Zzyz.
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I’m one of the many young men who got into bodybuilding because of Zyzz, and I wholeheartedly agree with you. Even though I admire Zyzz and think he had a pretty awesome life, I would never want be like him in any manner aside from the physical aspect.
Late summer of 2011 was the first time, since high school basketball, that I started working out. At the time I knew almost nothing about nutrition, getting into a lifting routine, or most other basics of weight training (I grew up in an area where outdated bro-science was accepted as fact). As such, I was forced to research and experiment with tons of diets and exercises; eventually finding what worked best for me. By the end of the year I managed to develop a six-pack and biceps. To me that was like winning Mr. Olympia, I couldn’t have been prouder.
Had I done steroids, I’m sure that I’d have gotten a lot bigger than I did (looking back, my first year physique was anything but impressive). But I would have missed out on the entire journey and learned nothing from my experience.
tl;dr: I admire Zyzz for what he did, not how he did it.
Zyzz has done more for body building in 3 years than MRM has done for men in 30!
So what have you done, punk? First do something useful, then you can criticize. And no writing a blog doesn’t count, because MRMs have blogs.
It’s pretty ridiculous that Roosh’s followers ridicule MRMs, when Roosh and his followers agree with them on 90% of points. If you weren’t demoniac, you’d be pooling efforts with them. But you prefer to take the irrational female route and criticize, because they are unpopular, and you take strength from ridiculing those who are unpopular.
Also, why does Roosh advertise on The Spearhead? Isn’t that an MRM site?
Never heard of him, but a sad story. It ain’t nice to fool Mother Nature. Stay away from roids guys. Whatever chemicals you put into your body will screw with your natural feedback mechanisms.
You don’t have to be “buff”, just physically fit. I see a lot of young men these days who are overdoing it. Seek a dancer’s body, along with the moves.
Dancing is far better for your “game”. If your muscles are interfering with graceful dance moves, they are too damn big. The contact with women during dance also pumps you full of their biochemicals (“pheremones”), which have far better effect on you than any steroids.
Throughout my life I have had “body builders” make threatening postures at me. They never do shit. It’s the quiet, scrawny little guys that scare me. Naturally big fellows are like teddy bears. They just want to be hugged.
My son Hermann, now a “frat boy” , started Ballroom 101 today. I feel like dropping in but I really have gotten too old for them. Glad I spent so much time with those gals before I became obviously older than their fathers.
roids and hgh are more of an end of life choice when the negatives are minimal because you’re already on a kind of health decline anyway.
so steroids and HGH have a time and a place. but not in youth.
I agree, as the Gen Xers start hitting their 50,60s and beyond there is going to be an explosion of this. That is the only smart way to use them. Given a choice between wasting away over along period of time or having a good few years I think most would take the last option. The
I can’t see how being a ridiculous poser and cheater could make you a role model at all. There are some clear differences between being a boy and being a man, and those differences become more than evident if you look at him. Be influenced by true men.
And being only 22 is not an “excuse”. I knew guys at the same age that had a mature behavior.
Let’s say that getting a nice body with drugs plus some good genetics is not a big of an achievement.
Only really stupid and empty women like guys like this. And I definitely don’t care for them.
+1 Zyzz being a poser. He’s a show pony, he’s trying to validate himself, he’s not working out for himself you can see that with all the pictures and how he posers in photos. He is a sheep dressed as a wolf.
A young male who thought he had nothing to lose, and everything to gain – how sad.
Women die from getting breast implants too. He had 0 chance of becoming a fitness model without steroids; maybe if the government didn’t pass stupid regulations he would have had better medical monitoring, but it would rather see him dead than buff.
Yeah it’s a shame, he could have accomplished similar results without the steroids. It would have probably taken longer and required more work, but he would have enjoyed the side-benefit of not being dead right now.
nattys (save for extreme genetic exceptions) can’t put on 205 lbs at 6’1″ and 7-8% bodyfat.
To have an extreme of a cut at 8% they would lose too much muscle and wouldn’t be able to hold their physique at 205 lbs.
There is one compound Zyzz used that makes 205 6’1″ 8% BF possible:
Trenbolone Acetate
Trenbolone Acetate
Trenbolone Acetate.
“natural” body builders can reach similar stats with respect to height/weight, however it would be a MAJOR accomplishment if they could maintain it at 10% Bodyfat. 10%-12% bodyfat is fairly aesthetic, with 12-13% being the “abercrombie model” look.
People with genetics waaaaaay outside the norm (as in, being Mr. Universe) may well be good role models as far as lifestyle goes, but trying to train like them is just as futile and silly as trying to train like juicers while staying natural.
If by “good influence” you mean someone to emulate, most people would be much better off finding someone with genetics more like them, who have still achieved quite a lot. Like say, if you’re 5’9” and want to play basketball, look to other shorter guys, not some 7 footer who dominates the NBA.
>>> “It is almost certain that Zyzz’s aesthetics were the result of heavy steroid and Human Growth Hormone (HGH) usage.”
Look, it’s obvious he took steroids. The only reason steroid use is ever a topic of debate is because the government decided to make its use a felony. So, people feel the need to hide it. They lie because the fascist police state we live in forces people to lie.
Steroids are not “cheating.” There is no “cheating” in the realm of fame and being sexually attractive to young women because there are no rules.
It’s one thing to enter a competition that bans the use of steroids as one of its rules, but then break those rules. That’s just lying, which only weak losers do when they can’t win according to the rules.
But there’s nothing remotely wrong or unethical about taking a drug to make your personal bodybuilding more effective. Zyzz never agreed to abide by any rules of competition.
Steroids are just testosterone. Scientists found ways to add esters to the testosterone molecule, in order to increase its otherwise short half-life in the bloodstream. But the active molecule is always the same — testosterone.
Why is it a Schedule III substance? It’s what makes men men.
The reason is not safety. Cars are many times more dangerous, and yet the government has no problem building more roads and encouraging more driving, despite the fact that 100 people die by driving per day in the USA.
Besides, steroids can be taken safely. The reason they kill sometimes is because they take doses that are many times larger than what is safe. Young men will do this because the body reacts to the presence of increased testosterone, and your testes atrophy. So, when you stop the cycle, your nuts are weaker than before. You lose the benefits quickly, so you feel like you’re sliding backwards.
The only real problem with steroids is the risk of this psychological addiction — the panic that you’re going to fall back into the status of being weak (i.e., rejected by women).
I submit that the reason steroids have been treated by the government (and their beta enablers) as though they are DANGEROUS TO CIVILIZATION is simple — because they work.
Today’s corporatist-feminist government hates the fact that men can become strong and powerful and attractive to women without having to first prove themselves.
The modern State (i.e., women and beta males) hates steroids for the same reason they hate Game — it allows any man to become more attractive. This power prevents women from being able to distinguish between inferior and superior males. It lets JUST ANYONE appear to be a genetically-superior male.
The Feminine Imperative can’t tolerate this. To them, that’s like letting people have the power to print money from their home laser printers. They alone want the ability to declare who is an alpha male and who isn’t.
Steroid use doesn’t break anyone’s rules, other than those set down by (a) sports and (b) women. Abide by the rules of sports, if you choose to play. But women’s rules? Forget it. I didn’t agree to play their game.
As for Zyzz being a good role model? He looks like a homosexual. Male strippers are not good role models for men.
The problem is, if you abide by the rules of your sport while no one else does you are going to lose. Nobody can tell me that any of the Mr. Olympia or Mr. Universe contestants are all natural. Same goes for most pro sports.
As for steroids, the problem I think is that they are far more readily accessible (even though illegal) than information on how to use them, especially since a lot of the costumers are too stupid to understand the subject matter to any degree and have no one qualified to administer. And well, young men think they are invincible and that the worthwhile portion of their life is over by the age of 30 anyways.
“The problem is, if you abide by the rules of your sport while no one else does you are going to lose. Nobody can tell me that any of the Mr. Olympia or Mr. Universe contestants are all natural. Same goes for most pro sports.”
I completely agree. Most professional sports have a completely hypocritical stance on steroids — publicly they ban them, but tacitly they allow them (and certainly profit by their competitors’ extraordinary abilities).
The people who get screwed are the second and third-tier competitors, because the marquee players are too valuable to bust.
Even women’s tennis, which is not exactly a power sport, has a steroid problem. Look at Serena Williams and Samantha Stosur, and tell me what you see.
This is what the government’s “ban” has actually accomplished — forced it all underground.
That’s what any governmental act of prohibition does — you end up with an instant black market, with all of its attendant problems, like shoddy quality control, sporadic violence (drug gangs cause most gun deaths in the USA), a total lack of reputable guidance about their use, and an almost complete halt of scientific research and development about ways to improve the product.
Women cheat everyday when it comes to their looks. Fake face, fake body, clothes, makeup, implants…. And even in the professional competition world of modeling and miss universe pageants. If a guy wants to even the playing field while not in competition what does it matter?
AMEN! AMEN! Thank you for pointing this out! Testosterone is illegal ’cause women who hate men, want it to be!
Zyzz worked out 6 days a week and was always on a diet, saying he accomplished everything through steroids is the same excuse fat people give for never starting in the first place. Also, he did of a heart defect he was born with, so his steroid use or possible lack thereof probably would have done nothing to his life expectancy, poor bastard was born as a ticking time bomb.
Zyzz was a legend. A God-damn motherfucking legend.
A male-stripper as the ‘most degrading and anti-masculine profession there is’? I don’t buy it. Sorry. I smell the stench of haterism. Zyzz understood the aspect of the Game that is Aesthetics, and he took that and ran with it. And he was successful. Wild, crazy, more-arse-than-a-toilet-seat levels of success. And you’re gonna judge him because some teenager may use steroids, or because he took his wang out in front of a crowd of screaming women? Really?
Arnie took steroids. Overeem. Sonnen. Bonds. Zyzz was a grown man and made his own decision. He owes nothing to a group of anonymous teenage boys on the internet looking for a new hero. Aside from his bodybuilding achievements (and trust me, steroids or not, what he built was an achievement), his internet presence, and the massive amount of clunge he pulled, he had a protein powder business, fan sites built about him, and a shit-ton of fun.
When a man outperforms you, you can either respect his hustle or whinge about something arbitrary to make yourself feel better – “Sure, he earns six-figures and bangs models, but have you seen his HAIR?? What a gayboy!” Consider it a litmus test of how you view the world. Are you here to win or here to whinge?
Don’t get me wrong here, I love Pdogs articles, and his blog. Read it for months. Some very good stuff in there. But this is WAAAY off.
Keep in mind Arnie took steroids when it was legal and admitted to it. Zyzz led people to believe he wasn’t on steroids.
Zyzz admitted several times that he had used steroids.
There’s a lot of suspicion that he was homosexual and used these women as a beard.
At the very least, I’m undoubtedly convinced he was bisexual.
It’s by no means a bad thing, but it puts his physical development into perspective.
As it is though, there are probably more bisexual men than the statistics would suggest. I don’t buy that sexuality continuum BS, but I do believe society makes it harder for bisexual and gay men to admit it.
Zyzz was natural brahs. I don’t understand the steroid accusations.
Hes as natural as they come, even nature wasn’t as natural as him.
Brah he posted his cycles online and admitted being on gear
he wasn’t a closet juicer or natty
“even nature wasn’t as natural as him” is a zyzz troll quote…
zyzz is a sick cunt and he will wreck u in the afterlife i swear on my mum
No, steroids didn’t kill him brah.
You’ll see phaggots say that he died in a sauna, that it was the steroids, it was the coke, that it was a congenital heart condition; they’re all lies. Have you seen Zyzz’s physique pics lately? He was beautiful, gorgeous, inspiring: or simply put… he was aesthetic. He was the definition of aesthetic. Lettuce be cereal, and I’m going to type this as sober as possible: if you fap (and cum) to Zyzz, it’s not gay at all, you don’t have to use the “no homo” tag because it’s a given. You would be fapping and cumming at beauty. Beauty, aesthetics, that transcends gender. Aesthetics that transcend gender and sexuality. As I’m saying this, you might want to scroll and look for
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