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You are using an out of date browser. It may not display this or other websites correctly. You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. Log in or Sign up. Passing Drug Test using Zydot? I went to the smoke shop last night and picked up 'Zydot Ultra CLean', I was going to get 2 different kinds and use one the morning of, and then one right before I go, but the guy at the smoke shop said it would be a waste of money to get 2, and ultimately kill my hair.. I have searched online for some reviews about Zydot, anyone have a personal experience? It is the only thing I am using. I am in the same boat as you basically. Maccujo Method - See towards end of post for info. Toxin Wash seems to be the best. I got called for a great job I applied for months ago. Needless to say, they called me a night after I had smoked and told me there would be extensive drug testing that included hair. I had not smoked for years and in the month of July I smoked almost every day just because.. They called me on August 4 and I had the test about August 21st anyway I had a good month of smoking before they had called and completely clean before that. It took them about two and a half weeks to call me for the test of which I was completely clean. During that time I had used my time wisely to do in depth research on how and if it was possible to pass a hair test. All of my friends told me I was screwed, so I was pretty scared. They have all said that they have not know anyone to beat a hair test. Well after extensive research on several products and finally finding your thread, I decided to use the mancujo method and toxin wash. I was told by the manufacturers of toxin wash that toxin wash would be all I needed but I was sceptical and unsure so I also did the mancujo method for extra assurance. I can not say which one it was or if it was a combination of both but I was told today that I Passed! I used coal tar shampoo every day for a week before the mancujo method of which I did twice two days before the test, once each day. I saved the toxin wash for the day of and followed directions only on the morning of the test. I have thin blond hair that is a little longer than my shoulders and I think I had that going for me even though I hate having thin hair. I started before I got the results which was pretty scarey because I did not want to leave there embarrassed and jobless. I think I will lay of the mj for a while. That was a very stressful waiting period with great results thanks to you all I think. I have done a lot of research over the last week and past the lateset hair test. I never was expecting to be asked to work full time after being at my job for 2 months on a contract. I had just passed a piss test for it but my wife found this page and a few others comparing the ingredients and IT WORKS if you take the time and are ready for it. I had over night to get ready for the test or so I thought. I heard about the Macujo method with a few comparisons and other possibilities. It is used to react with other acids to break down toxins. That is why people take it for health. I found it very handy for me to get a 5 cent spong paint brushit works really easy to apply everything. I ended up doing these steps about 5 times total over 5 days. It just gave more time to perfect the method. Alot of people are talking about a lot of these other Aloe Rid and such. Well those can be hard to find but I compared ingrediants on the nexxus website and they have another type you can get at wal-mart called Nexxus Botanical Treatment shampoo. It has better properties including citric Acid and PG propylene Glycol wich is what is used in the swimmer shampoo and straightners and bleaches. DO Not buy online stuff to use with this it is a waist of money when you can get it cheaper. Wash your hair before you start anything. You will be using Tide to clean all the stuff out of your hair with WARM water to penitrate the hair make sure to rub in good. Remember they work together. Apply platic wrap or tight shower cap around head. It does burn a little like bleaching can just keep it off you ears for long periods of time. I know it sound bad but not as much as you would think its worth it. But the plastic wrap does not let it dry out and uses your body heat to keep it warm. A blow dryer can be used to open the pores. Let sit min. Wash out with tide and wash again with nexxus botanical Shampoo. I also used Nexxus Emergencee. I was looking in the ingrediants in the store and got a small bottle but it was used to restructer hair and had alot of PG and Acids. Let it set on damp head for 10 minutes and rinse with WARM water. I smoked about once a month, usually when partying. I heard I had to take a hair drug test and was okay with it, until I researched how indepth they really are, and wanted to cry! I started using both products 3 days before. I got about 10 uses out of a little little bottle. Buy Aloe Rid at a salon - use it every day at least once a day 2. Buy Clean and Clear pink in the face soaps section at your grocery 3. Buy Tide liquid 4. Buy Heinz vinnegar 1. Approach your favorite sink with the ingredients in hand, along with a towel and a shower cap. Kitchen sink worked best for me. Pour vinnegar on your head. Wipe forehead and ears. Pour Clean Clear over your head and massage in. This stuff burns skin but is better and safer than gasoline and racing fuels. I made the mistake of not drying all skin around my ears and forehead. Put a shower cap on and let sit for around minutes. Have towel in hand to wipe away anything that drops down. Again, I got burned by clean and clear during the course of this process. Clean and Clear is probably the stongest chemicals you deal with in this process. Take a small dab of Tide liquid and wash all of this out. Your hair will be the squeekist clean its ever felt with the Tide. So very concentrated indeed. Did this 5 times over 3 days before test. My only concern is my hair falling out. Comes down to how bad do I want the job and how far am I going to take it? Spend quality time in here doing your homework as I did Good luck to you and post what happens and what you did to a 'T' in the results thread. I will do the same. You must log in or sign up to reply here. Share This Page Tweet. Your name or email address: Do you already have an account? No, create an account now. Yes, my password is:

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