Zuzka Bikini

Zuzka Bikini


Zuzka Bikini

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Bikini Body Meal Plan
Week 1 Shopping List
* If you went already shopping ahead of time with your STOCK UP YOUR KITCHEN SHOPPING LIST then you already have most of the ingredients listed here. Just make sure you don't buy the things that you already have at home twice.
Meat, Dairy & Eggs:

10 Eggs
8 oz Shredded Cheese (mozzarella, cheddar, or a mix of both)
3 oz Parmesan (shaved)
8 oz Feta, crumbled
4 slices Bacon
¼ lb (4 oz) Ground Beef
4 oz Chicken Breast (boneless, skinless)
8 oz Chicken Thighs (boneless, skinless)
12 large Shrimps (peeled and deveined)
Grass Fed Butter
2 oz Heavy Cream
2.6 oz (1/3 cup) Cheddar Cheese, shredded


1 Large Zucchini
1 Large Sweet Potato
3 Large Asparagus Spears
1 Yellow Onion
16 oz Mixed Greens
4 oz Raspberries (fresh or frozen)
2 Shallots + 2 large shallots (4 total)
1 Red Bell Pepper
9 Garlic Cloves
1 Jalapeno
2-3 Avocados
48 oz (6 cups) Spinach
5 Tomatoes
2.6 oz (1/3 cup) chopped Mango (fresh or frozen)
16 oz Brussels Sprouts (chopped)
Grape Tomatoes (20) (about 6 oz)
16 oz Pre-Mixed, raw, store-bought Veggie Slaw (made from shredded carrots, broccoli, cabbage, & kale)
1 and 1/2 cups (12 oz) Broccoli Florets
2 cups (16 oz) Strawberries (frozen)
1 Banana (split in half and freeze when you bring it home from the store)

Fresh Herbs:

Basil (about 1.5 cups worth)
Parsley (about ¾ cup worth)
Mint (about ½ cup worth)


Chili Powder
Onion Powder
Garlic Powder
Smoked Paprika
Lemon Pepper Seasoning


4 oz (1/2 cup) Roasted Pine Nuts
4 oz (1/2 cup) raw walnuts
2 oz (1/4 cup) Unsweetened Coconut Flakes
2 oz (1/4 cup) Chia Seeds (whole, black)


One 5-6 oz can of Diced Tomatoes & Green Chiles (Rotel is a good brand)
15 oz ( a little over under 2 cups) unsweetened Coconut Milk
2 oz (1/4 cup) unsweetened Almond Milk
1/2 cup (4 oz)Kombucha, fruit flavored (opt for a flavor low in sugar; under 8g per 8 oz)
Goat Kefir 1/2 cup (4 oz)
2 oz Paleo Granola (no oats; if not available, replace with 2 oz of raw, mixed nuts and seeds)
Mayo (Primal Kitchen Primal Mayo is a good brand)
Pure Vanilla Extract
*6 oz of bone broth (plus more if choosing to sip on more in between meals) ( only if you are not making it at home from scratch; if you are making it at home, you will need the following ingredients:
grass-fed butter
3 medium carrots, peeled and cut into chunks
1 medium onion, chopped
3 celery ribs, chopped
1 leek, chopped
3 bay leaves
2-4 rosemary leaves
5-6 garlic cloves
1 TSP black pepper
1 TSP salt
2 TBSP apple cider vinegar
4 lbs beef or chicken bones)

Breads, Grains, & Legumes:

4 oz (1/2 cup) Rolled Oats
Sourdough Bread

Stock Your Kitchen:

Avocado Oil
White Wine Vinegar
Olive oil
Swerve Sweetener
Honey (optional)
Matcha (green tea) Powder
Coconut Oil
MCT Oil (optional)
Mayo (I like Primal Mayo)
Maca Powder(optional)

Portion Sizes: A self-awareness “habit” is a very effective tool that will help you to automatically ingest the right calorie amount for YOU. If you don't allow yourself to get a little hungry and/or you eat too much (more than 80% full) chances are, you won't lose any weight or burn fat. Remember that the portion sizes in this meal plan are big enough to accommodate most people even the really active individuals. If your goal is fat loss, you have to be able to stop yourself from overeating. If you eat slowly, you’ll notice when you’re comfortably full and that’s when you need to stop. Always aim to be 80% full.
Rate your hunger: Imagine a scale that goes from 1 to 5

Pretty Hungry (feeling hunger pangs)
Comfortably Full (80 % full)
Overly Full and Uncomfortable

When you start feeling hunger pangs, drink a glass of water. Wait. Still feeling pretty hungry? If the answer is yes, then it’s a good time to eat something. Eat slowly and keep checking in with yourself to rate your hunger level. If you eat too quickly, then you’re not giving your satiety hormones enough time to signal the brain that you’re actually full. That’s why when we eat quickly we often end up overeating .

I recommend to stick with just the 3 main meals a day and allow your body to have those few hours in between meals to digest. If you have a craving for sweets or get hungry outside of the meals, have a snack I have included in the snack options. Before you go shopping please remember to add the simple ingredients of the snacks to your shopping list. I recommend snacks that are low in carbs and sugar and this is why: carbs turn into sugar in your bloodstream and sugar spikes your insulin levels and signals the body to store fat.
Remember to drink plenty of water and mineral-rich beverages (like salty bone broth) to stay hydrated.
Can't eat the whole meal? Made extra leftovers? You can try freezing the leftovers for later use. That way, if you're suddenly in a rush, are too tired to cook, or don't have a lot of time to prepare a meal, you can just reheat them. (Note: This is only if the directions don't tell you to "save and store the leftover portion(s) for later.")
If one of the meals is too big or too small for you, feel free to tweak the portion sizes. Some people like to make multiple servings of a recipe, so if you decide to do this, multiply a recipe by the number of extra servings you want to make. For instance, if a recipe normally makes 1 portion, and you want to make 3, multiply it by 3.

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Please purchase this Meal Plan to get full access.
Please purchase this Meal Plan to get full access.
Please purchase this Meal Plan to get full access.
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Enjoy 1 portion; store and save the rest for later
Enjoy 1 portion; store and save the other
Enjoy 1 portion; store and save the rest for later
Enjoy 1 portion; store and save the rest for later
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Categories: Apparel , Bottoms

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(verified owner) – August 24, 2017

Absolutely Love Love Love the entire suit! The low waisted bottoms fit to perfection. Shows off nice rounded bottom and waistline . Love the lace detail !

(verified owner) – August 24, 2017

It’s absolutely beautiful, it fits perfectly and it’s so flattering! I love it to the point I just ordered another pair 🙂 Super prace Zuzko!

(verified owner) – August 25, 2017

Ordered size small in turquoise and black. so damn cute!! Super Soft, light weight, and very flattering design to show off my zgym booty 😉 Would love a high waisted version in the future if possible 🙂

(verified owner) – September 15, 2018

This is the most spectacular, flattering and sexy swimsuit ever!! the low waist its perfect to show off the V cut!! Sized perfectly… go get it!

(verified owner) – December 21, 2018

It is great bikini! Sexy and comfortable!

(verified owner) – December 4, 2019

The quality of the material is very good, and like others have said, the cut of the design is also very flattering, both top and bottom. I have small breasts, and I needed to sew in cups to add shape–otherwise this type of top will literally flatten my chest and hide any shape I naturally have. That’s not a complaint because I have done that so many times. But I do think this swimsuit top would be nice with thin shaping cups that are removable, for gals like me. Otherwise, this is my new favorite swim suit right now and I feel very confident in it!

(verified owner) – May 19, 2020

I love this swimsuit! It is very comfortable and flattering.
Are you considering making more of these (thee size I need is out of stock now)? I would love to buy these again.
Unfortunately, this is it for these bikinis.

(verified owner) – May 26, 2020

:((((( The best ones I’ve ever had.
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How to Be Bikini Ready All Year
Fitness | November 06, 2019

To be in bikini-shape all year, you first need a body and then a bikini. OK, jokes aside, being bikini-ready is all about your lifestyle . The answer isn’t only just your diet or workouts. It’s the collection of habits that make up how you live. In other words, you need to put together all of the pieces to crack the puzzle. I know you’ve heard me talk about these things over and over, but it’s the truth. Everyone is chasing some insider secret from the fitness industry when the truth is that we all know what it takes to reach our goals. Now, let me add that my idea of a bikini-body is going to be different than yours. If you’re short, tall, curvy, lean, or somewhere in-between, you can still rock a two-piece. But that being said, I know that many people are chasing a sleek, strong, athletic body, which is what I’ve managed to do and maintain for myself 365 days a year. I’m always asked how I manage to do this, and I can tell you that it’s all about lifestyle. I get it, though. You want to know what this looks like. So, for today’s post, I’m going to explain how my lifestyle makes me bikini-ready all year long.
You can make working out your job and still not see any results if your diet is horrible. Cheat meals, binges, starvation, and processed foods are disastrous for your physique, well-being, and relationship with food. It’s rare when someone gets away with eating like a bottomless pit without any consequences. We all know that one person who can, they’re the exception , not the majority . For you and me, there’s no getting around the type and quality of foods we eat.
What does that mean? Eating whole foods . Start with that before going crazy while trying different diets. Focus on real foods found in nature. Foods that your grandparents (or great-grandparents) would recognize. Vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grains like quinoa, oats, buckwheat, farro (not products made out of wheat like bread or pasta, or cereal), meat, eggs, fish- you get it. Avoid things that come with a paragraph of ingredients on the label and look only for the food itself. For instance, an apple should not come packaged with cane sugar or preservatives. Eggs don’t need a mascot to promote them.  
I also recommend you cut back on or eliminate altogether include sugar , table salt , trans fats , desserts, snack foods , microwave meals, “healthy” juices, and “diet” products (which is anything that claims to be “keto”, “paleo”, or “vegan”- friendly or is either low in or free of salt, fat, sugar, or gluten). If you did this alone , you’d be way ahead of the crowd when it comes to your nutrition. 
If you ever feel like exercise is a chore, it’s because you haven’t set any goals for yourself that you’d be truly excited about. Maybe you want to lose weight or gain muscle, but if that’s truly something you’re passionate about, then you wouldn’t have to force yourself or look for motivation. You may not get excited about the same things or have the same goals as I do, but I’m telling you, there’s nothing better than constantly challenging yourself and experiencing these small victories consistently. I sometimes forget how important it is and can feel jaded with training at times. Then I remember that all I have to do is to come up with a new goal or a new skill and the fun journey that helps me reach it. 
That’s how I’ve been able to continue training all these years. I don’t do the same routine day in and day out. There are times when I’ll try an old routine of mine, but it’s really to test my progress and see if I can beat my performance. This adds a competitive element to my training, so no two workouts are ever the same. I’m always a different person whenever I do them. For you, what matters is that you stick to. I don’t like to train in a regular gym; I haven’t stepped foot in one in I don’t know how long (that just shows how much I prefer my method of training). If I were to sign up for one, I wouldn’t be able to stick to it for very long. However, when I train ZGYM -style, you’ll beat that I never miss a workout. I’d have to be incredibly sick or dealing with something important (like moving!). So, find what works for you. Anything that you can stick to is what’s going to carry you through the days when you’re tired or uninspired. You know that it’s right for you.  
You cannot depend on motivation to fuel your lifestyle. That’s why you need to show up, roll up your sleeves, and get to work. How are we able to do things like buying groceries or putting gas in our car even when we don’t feel like it? It’s not motivation- it’s discipline . We need discipline in order to take control of our lives. And, when it comes to being bikini-ready, reaching our goals. It’s our responsibility to eat right, workout, and take care of our well-being. No one else is going to do it for us. Once we’re in control, we stay consistent. Habits like getting enough sleep, taking time to take care of ourselves, making a healthy meal, and scheduling in a workout are only as strong as our consistency. If you want them to work, then you need to be consistent. You won’t get very far if all you do is work out when you feel like it or eat right when it’s convenient for you.
 To keep this short and sweet, I recommend that you stay curious. Always be willing to learn and try new things. When you do that, you’re less likely to get caught in a rut or let boredom take over. I do it all the time! For a while, I’ve been studying gut health and am amazed how so many things can influence our digestion. With my fitness, I may go through a period of discovering new ways to test my skills, such as balance or flexibility. In others, I’ll be focusing on resistance training with the kettlebell or challenging myself with an intense bodyweight routine. The point is that I stay curious and always find ways to improve myself.
What do you think, everyone? How does your lifestyle support your goals? Share your thoughts in the comments below! 
Hey Zuzka, I have a question for you. I’ve read your book and I know you said your fave movie GI Jane got you into working out. Since you’ve been working out for such a long time and your fitness continues to improve, can I ask what kind of mentors you have had to get you to the next level? I imagine you’ve had one-on-one teachers since you have professional fitness certifications. It must be difficult to get to the level of fitness and health you are at, and you don’t seem to ever gain weight.
I’m asking because I want to get to the next level myself, and trying on my own takes a little too much time and energy, so I want to find a mentor that can help me. I had a very good trainer before I found your zgym, and I found her through a gym I went to. I really dislike going to the gym and I would prefer to not go back. I’ve been shopping around and getting depressed looking at the gym websites lol.
So can I ask you, how did you find your fitness mentors that have helped you become as good as you are now?
If any Zgym members have any insight on how to find a good trainer or mentor, please let me know! Thank you!
I’ve been following Z since way back in her Body Rock days, I had been doing other work-outs programs like P90X, etc. after a difficult relationship in which was the cause of why I stopped working out I ended up getting hit with Pre-Diabetes, Vitamin D deficiency (because I wasn’t outdoors), and I became Iron deficient leading me to being tired and lethargic. this was all within the last 6 years, since then I’m back to renew my membership with Z as of yesterday.
I had been procrastinating for the past 3 years and decided that I’m never going to get my body, health and life back if I didn’t move forward and do something about it. So I realized that having a community instead of spending lots of money on a GYM or Personal Trainer would be the best option. Zuzka had a variety of programs and a support group right here and one I can pace myself. I would think you have a mentor in Zuzka unless you are looking for a one on one. If you want to step it up I would think of using her Advanced programs and buddy up with someone here or locally in your neighborhood.
To me it is inspirational, more than one to one ,as I already get difficulty finding a good doctor , PT or nutritionist. The last years I found that IG has helped finding figure that inspire me, because I feel alike. The difficulty is to no matter what stick to your own true self, and only you can know what you need right now. Going to a gym or a class or do challenges online can be the worst ( I found for me) it pushes me in territories I didnt need to go (eg when you have injury or postpartum.like hate the no-pain-no-gain thing) As Zuzka usually says is to make a list of why you want to train, getting deep will highlight your own motivation.
However being able to share and discuss will like minded helps so much , such as in here.
Good luck and let us know why you need and want to train and keep that mojo.
Hi Guys! Thanks for your advice! I totally relate to the dislike of online fitness challenges. I tried one back in M
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