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Zurich buy cocaine

A recent study that found cocaine use in big Swiss cities is among the highest in Europe comes as no surprise to experts, who say it is easy to find and affordable. Born in London, Simon is a multimedia journalist who has worked for www. He speaks French, German and Spanish and focuses on science, technology and innovation issues. He found that the Swiss cities ranked alongside Antwerp and Amsterdam, with average cocaine consumption equivalent to 1. While many agree cocaine is popular in Swiss cities, there are question marks over the precise figures and sewage analysis methodology. According to the federal police, there are between 25,, regular users and 36,, occasional users in Switzerland, for a population of eight million. But these figures are projections based on European and United Nations estimates. Predicting trends is notoriously difficult. Levels of seizures kg of cocaine and arrests suggest that illegal drugs markets were generally stable in , the police say. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization says experimentation among Swiss teenagers has continued to rise slowly from 1. A national survey in showed a similar trend among young men. Among addicts who smoke or take drugs intravenously, cocaine use goes in waves, said Peter Menzi, a drug expert with Infodrog, the Swiss coordination office of addiction facilities. He said some people may have been put off by the falling quality. Some 70 per cent of cocaine samples tested by the Drug Information Centre in Zurich in were adulterated with levamisole, a drug used to treat worms in cattle. The average cocaine concentration was Dealers may mix up to seven other cutting agents such as local anaesthetics. Eawag said its tests indicated that use of the white powder may double or even quadruple at the weekend during events such as the Zurich Street Parade, a huge outdoor party on August 12 attended by , people. Streetwork, which was present at the event, said ecstasy and speed were the main drugs of choice. Organisations agree cocaine remains a hit among clubbers and party-goers, however, as it is not difficult to find and relatively cheap. Then there are the ambivalent users who know about the dangers but consume anyway. The reality might be a bit different as cocaine is still an important player on the party scene. If there is the possibility of a line before a party starts or afterwards, some people may find it difficult to say no. Cocaine comes from the coca plant and is normally a white powder that is snorted, but it can also be injected, swallowed or made into a smokeable drug crack. In the 19th century it was prised for its healing properties. In the 20th century, however, by the s and s it had taken its place in the drugs scene. But it was also used as a lifestyle drug. Cocaine gives a high but only for a short time. Then there is the comedown with feelings of depression, worthlessness, temper and sleeplessness. Other side effects are psychological changes, aggression and, with higher doses, even malnutrition and psychosis. Antwerp and Amsterdam topped the survey, with average cocaine consumption equivalent to 1. Barcelona, London, Milan and Paris registered average use of between 0. The research into illegal drug traces in urine found in waste water also indicated that the drug is used most in central and western Europe rather than eastern and northern Europe. Cocaine is, after cannabis, the second most tried drug in Europe, although its use is concentrated in a small number of high prevalence countries, some of which have large populations. It is estimated that about About 4 million Europeans are estimated to have used the drug in the last year 1. On average 4. What could the two democracies learn from each other? Is Swiss neutrality misunderstood? Or has the Swiss model of neutrality now become obsolete? Have your say on the September 22 vote. More: SWI swissinfo. You can find an overview of ongoing debates with our journalists here. Please join us! If you want to start a conversation about a topic raised in this article or want to report factual errors, email us at english swissinfo. My husband got annoyed whenever I asked him for…. This content was published on Feb 12, The compact detector, which was created as part of a national new technology research programme, Nano-Tera, may be adopted by law enforcement agencies to test suspect drivers. This content was published on Aug 17, Somebody grabs the twigs, preferably a whole bunch, holds them tight at the stems and lets them slip through their hands like a rope, not too fast because it hurts, not too slow because they may miss too many leaves. This is how it all starts. SWI swissinfo. Swiss perspectives in 10 languages. Search Close. Menu Close. Search Search. Swiss Abroad. Switzerland: How To. About us. Switzerland has one of the highest rates of cocaine use in Europe Keystone A recent study that found cocaine use in big Swiss cities is among the highest in Europe comes as no surprise to experts, who say it is easy to find and affordable. This content was published on August 17, - Simon Bradley. Other language: 1 EN original. Source: Addiction Info Switzerland. Sewage survey. Popular Stories. More Workplace Switzerland. Foreign affairs. Multinational companies. Climate change. Most Discussed. Next Previous More Debate. Hosted by: Benjamin von Wyl. What could Switzerland and the United States learn from each other today? Join the discussion. Sep 5, More Debate. Hosted by: Giannis Mavris. What is the future of Swiss neutrality? Sep 13, Hosted by: Katy Romy. What can be done to protect biodiversity in your country? Aug 2, More Debates. In compliance with the JTI standards. Read more. My husband got annoyed whenever I asked him for… Read more: My cocaine flight straight to a Swiss prison. More Swiss develop rapid infrared cocaine test This content was published on Feb 12, The compact detector, which was created as part of a national new technology research programme, Nano-Tera, may be adopted by law enforcement agencies to test suspect drivers. Follow us. Data Privacy Statement. Terms of Use. Rights to content and liability. Play SWI. External Content Your subscription could not be saved. Please try again. Almost finished We need to confirm your email address. To complete the subscription process, please click the link in the email we just sent you. Discover our weekly must-reads for free! Sign up to get our top stories straight into your mailbox. I consent to the use of my data for the SWI swissinfo. Subscribe See all newsletters. Manage my profile Log out Close. My Profile. Delete profile. 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Switzerland’s cocaine hot spots rival Amsterdam

Zurich buy cocaine

Europe is confiscating more cocaine than ever before and yet authorities are powerless to stop the booming trade. A look inside a business that now functions almost like any other economic activity. Sex is sold here, porn movies are shown on TV, and the ladies who serve are half-naked. Some customers though are no longer able to have sex, and they didn't come to the brothel for that anyway, but for something better: They're here for crack, coupled with sexual arousal, the hottest rush they know, better than any orgasm. And that's why they stay, for a day, two, maybe even three, until they are completely exhausted with euphoria, their credit spent, their bill in the five figure range and the new week ahead of them can no longer be put off. Then they sneak off. They go home or back to the office, eagerly awaiting the next crack or cocaine orgy in a few weeks. Or they wind up in addiction therapy with specialists like Thilo Beck, where they complain about how depressing it is to sink into a normal life with normal sex. Sex sells, cocaine even better. The story that addiction specialist Beck tells us about Zurich brothels and drug use, is a drop in the ocean of a gigantic wave of cocaine that is currently flooding Europe: The stimulant powder is purer, cheaper and more readily available than ever before. If one cuts 10 lines from this gram, they can get a high for 10 francs, which is cheaper than a drink at a bar. Cocaine has gone from being a luxury drug for the rich, beautiful and important, to a popular drug that anyone can buy and anyone can afford; and that is available everywhere, according to experts who know the scene and police investigation files. One can buy coke on the street, have it sent by post or order it via Telegram, Instagram or even TikTok. A courier then delivers free of charge — it's a kind of Uber for sniffs. And all professions, classes, genders and age groups take part in snorting and dealing — from bankers and bakers to construction workers. From the most addicted polytoxicomaniac, to stressed out office workers and students, to weekend partygoers. From the professional dealer to the company patron whose SME has problems, to the family man who has to finance a renovation of his house. From teenagers to people in their mid-forties to pensioners. According to a study, the Swiss snort and smoke a total of five tons of cocaine per year, worth around million francs. And even if there is a lack of precise, new data on consumption, there are many indications that there are even more users today: Cocaine residue in the wastewater of Switzerland's major cities is on the rise, with Zurich, Basel and Geneva firmly in Europe's top 10 according to residue levels. Police are seizing more and more cocaine, and therapists are having to treat more users. And in Zurich's contact and drop-in centers, addicts who boil cocaine with baking soda or ammonia and then smoke it as crack or freebase it have increased their consumption by a quarter in the last three years. Cocaine is booming. Yes, it almost seems like the late 19th century again. Cocaine was a popular substance, first recommended to morphine addicts, then to bored upper-class ladies, before it helped a drink called Coca-Cola make its breakthrough. The only difference is that the substance is now illegal. And the business is an El Dorado for organized crime, for which Europe has now replaced the U. On the old continent, demand is greater today, the price is higher and smuggling is easier. For the South American cartels, this means more profit with less risk, so they prefer to ship their goods to Europe. Kristian Vanderwaeren, a Belgian customs director, stands guard at the largest entry point to the European market, and doesn't know whether he should be pleased or worried. In , he and his team intercepted tons of cocaine at the port of Antwerp — a new record, as has been the case each year since see chart. And so much that customs officers cannot keep up with burning the material — it sometimes remains in storage for days. Cocaine is smuggled into Europe in myriad creative and almost unimaginable ways. The drug arrives in submarines, attached to ship hulls, hidden in hollowed-out pineapples or impregnated in textiles. Once the cargo has arrived at the port of destination, other gangs break open the container and secure the material, either at the port or after customs clearance outside. Transporters then take over the drug shipment and send it on its way to the countries of destination, including Switzerland. This is often as simple as it sounds. Twelve million freight containers arrive in Antwerp every year, including , from South America, many of them with perishable goods that need to be transported quickly. Also included are bribes of tens of thousands of euros to get port employees or customs officers to look the other way at the right moment, point to a specific container or reveal its digital pickup code. This is why Belgium is now upgrading. A hundred new jobs will be created at the port and 14 additional scanners procured. However the plan and recent successes have a downside: The more drug dealers are disturbed, the more they fight back, against each other and against the state. Attacks and shootings have been on the rise in Belgium for years. During their investigations, the police have come across torture chambers run by local gangs, and the former Belgian justice minister had to hide in a safe house for weeks for fear of being kidnapped. It is a spiral of violence whose latest twist is particularly cynical. His name should not appear in the media to ensure his security — the reason for this is written in matrix form on a board behind him. It shows the different hierarchies in the drug business, with runners at the bottom, small and large distributors further up, then importers, and finally, outlined in red, organized crime. This is the one the experienced police officer and his colleagues have in their sights and that partners from the Netherlands and Belgium are urgently warning him about. Not that the investigator needed the tip. This became apparent when the Belgian drug dealer Flor Bressers was arrested in Zurich two years ago. He had used a fake identity and continued to manage his business. Investigators have accused him of importing tons of cocaine into Europe and delivering large quantities of it to Switzerland. He invested and spent his winnings in the country; his girlfriend alone spent 2. Bressers operated at a level primarily targeted by federal police — as a broker. These are the professionals in organized crime who organize the cocaine business in the name of or on behalf of large criminal groups and for commission, in principle like a completely normal economic activity. Gone are the days when a cartel or mafia controlled the trade from cultivation to sale on the street. Today, the cocaine trade functions along a supply chain based on the division of labor that includes many links — the producers and local buyers in South America, the cartels that prepare the drugs for export by the ton, then the brokers who organize the transport. These in turn hire gangs that control European ports, as well as transporters and buyers for the major cities. And they have contact with lawyers, accountants and bankers who help to launder the profits. Anyone who can contribute to this supply chain will be in business. And the criminal groups behind them, such as the Italian 'Ndrangheta or Albanian mafia, work together across families, ethnic groups and national borders — better than the police. This became apparent three years ago when European investigators succeeded in cracking the encrypted communication service Sky ECC, which was used for international drug trafficking. Around 3, user profiles were active in the Swiss mobile network over the short or long term, and over 40 investigations are currently underway in Switzerland based on this case alone. The origin of the suspects resembles an elimination round for the European Football Championship: Serbs, Albanians, Germans, Turks, Swiss, Dutch and many more — all united on the same chat platform. The routes by which cocaine reaches Switzerland are just as diverse — from the ports on the Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean, often via car couriers or in trucks. It is also transported via passenger airplane, hidden in airfreight or in the stomachs of swallowers who transport up to a kilo in finger cots. You smoke and immediately become euphoric, creative and fully focused. Frank name changed comes out of a tent where addicts can trade small amounts of heroin and cocaine with each other undisturbed. Frank tells us how he got here: At first it was just joints, then freebasing for the kick, later heroin to come down for his job at the bank, until it just didn't work anymore. Frank has been an addict for 25 years now. At the moment he has his addiction at least somewhat under control, he says, thanks to the heroin program and the contact centers. One can tell that he wasn't always like this. That morning he is there to freebase. He registers at the consumption room. Soon, a member of the staff calls him. He is allowed inside and now has 30 minutes to boil and smoke his cocaine at one of the small tables. Frank can't imagine that he will ever get off the drug. It never ends,» he says. In a way, Frank is the last link in the supply chain of the international drug trade, which causes suffering for many people at the beginning and end, a small livelihood for many in between and obscene profits for a few in the middle. Frank is far removed from these profiteers, both socially and physically. The cocaine he procures on the streets of Zurich is not distributed there by criminal organizations, nor is there a Zurich cocaine king. In fact, to exaggerate somewhat, dealing has become a popular sport. It is mainly driven by local criminals who order the drugs via middlemen in the Netherlands or Belgium. They receive them in return for advance payment and immediately pass them on to their distributors in Zurich. From there, it immediately seeps down through intricate networks. What is currently arriving is described by Stefan Nebl, the city police's deputy head of the narcotics group, as an «epic oversupply. However, no matter how much cocaine the police seize in Belgium, Bern or Zurich, nothing changes on the street. Despite all the successes and records, supply remains high and prices stable at a low level. At best, when a broker like Bressers is arrested, the engine stutters briefly before continuing at the same pace, even in Switzerland. What Switzerland experienced in with regard to cocaine and especially crack was unusual, he says. The fact that strong and quickly addictive crack is in fashion is nothing new, he adds. But suddenly consumption has become openly visible, and not just in hot spots like Geneva or Zurich, but also in smaller towns like Chur, Solothurn, Brugg or Lugano. It is often used by known addicts, such as Frank in Zurich's Kreis 4 district. However, there are also indications that new groups are turning to crack cocaine use, such as young men with migration backgrounds, he says. The federal government has also noticed. In November, the Federal Office of Public Health convened experts from cantons, cities and specialist bodies for an exchange. Nevertheless, the country's proven addiction and drug policy with its four pillars of prevention, therapy, harm reduction and repression are still effective, she says. They could help to prevent open drug scenes with their misery and violence and improve the precarious situation of users, she adds. Now it is important to support the newly affected cities with good examples of implementation, so that they too can create protected spaces for consumption. And we will certainly have to keep an eye on the situation in the summer, she says. Nobody knows for sure, but the forecast is for even more of the white powder. Europol expects the flood of cocaine to increase further. And this is despite the fact that the EU has already identified drug trafficking as one of its greatest security threats and launched a broad-based action plan against it last fall. The police in Bern and Zurich will try to help their European colleagues, and otherwise disrupt the business of small and large traders in their own country — at least to the extent that security and public order are maintained. However, Rhyner and his colleagues have long since abandoned the illusion of stopping the illegal drug trade with these measures. They must be satisfied with being able to say: «If you deal in Zurich for five years, you run a high risk of being arrested. The problem though is that the next person will immediately take their place. Global reporting from Switzerland. Independent since The NZZ is one of the preeminent news sources in the German-speaking world, with a tradition of independent, high-quality journalism reaching back over years. With an industry-leading network of foreign correspondents and a team of expert editors in Zurich, we offer fact-based analyses, in-depth investigations and top-notch reporting: a global view with a fresh perspective. Sign up for our free newsletter or follow us on Twitter , Facebook or WhatsApp. Inside Europe. Daniel Friedli January 25, 12 min. A special razor blade and a small «vacuum cleaner» for preparing and sniffing cocaine. Goran Basic. Banana on the outside, cocaine on the inside: drugs found at the port of Antwerp. One gram of cocaine, for sale for around francs. International View. Seda Motie, Roland Shaw September 13, 3 min. Inside USA. Andreas Mink, New York September 10, 9 min.

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