8pm Zoom Wednesday | #FutureIreland Sovereignty-ie

8pm Zoom Wednesday | #FutureIreland Sovereignty-ie

How to join us using Zoom | sovereignty.ie

Wednesday 20:00 (8pm Irish Time)


Any time you are online on Wednesday evening, go here:

https://zoom.us/join and put in:

862 9325 0027

When it asks you for a code, enter four zeros: 0000


  1. In order to join the meeting - you will need to register your name and email here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIvfuqqqzsqGNMq5OWThFd1L6xIlACQBRRe
  2. Once you registered - all the 'reminders' about the upcoming meetings will be 'automatically' sent by ZOOM. Direct into your email inbox. (Sometimes, depending on the type of email you use, you'll have an automated 'reminder' marked inside your calendar).
  3. You can unsubscribe from Zoom reminders anytime, inside your email.
    (the footer of the email)
  4. On the day of the meeting: Either use the direct link Zoom has already sent you when you registered. Or use your computer or phone to open this link instead: https://zoom.us/join and follow the instructions (most times you will not even need to install anything, you can just use your ordinary internet browser to open our Meeting and see and hear everyone). The Meetind ID address: 862 9325 0027 and the code to join is zero zero zero zero

Have fun!

*** If you are uncomfortable with any of these steps - email for help to:

sovereignty dot ie at gmail dot com

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