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To all my friends, I really enjoy chatting with all of you here. I like hearing your intrests. I have not been on here long. All of you have been very nice and we disagree and things and that is fine. However you are going to come across one that likes to be rude,and use bad language. This is my third attempt to create a blog, maybe this time I can finally get it right, lol. If I have said it once, I have said it a thousand times, I am a complete…. So many changes in the last month. So much to think and ponder. Dealing with some issues personal and physically. But glad to have a place to express my feelings to the friends I have met here. Trying to push the troubling things o…. Dumping ground for stories from my kinky life, fantasies, erotica, etc.! I accidentally deleted my old blog. I,m a guy that grew up with enemas and liked them from age 4. I like to have fun with both men and women that like enemas, I have written some of the stories of things that I did over the yeas and I have put a spin on some of them I hope all enejoy them, I enjoyed writting them. As long as I can remember, I have always had a pleasant experience with enemas. And although my interest and taking enemas has periodically waxed and waned throughout my life, the interest is back late in my life. This blog tells of my experiences and often is the result of my responding to thought cues from others here. In a Zity chat room recently, a member here encouraged me to cast aside my doubts about the value or legitimacy of a blog and actually just start writing one. So here goes. Thanks to that member. You know who you are. I have always been very cautious, and I still am, but I am doing something out of character for me. Tomorrow I am getting on an airplane and flying to meet a fellow zity member. I have never done anything like this. Blogs List By date. Nurse Phillips. Playing around Just me talking about playing or anything else. Friends To all my friends, I really enjoy chatting with all of you here. The Life of a Nurse This is my third attempt to create a blog, maybe this time I can finally get it right, lol. The Megz This is my life Pornographic Musings Dumping ground for stories from my kinky life, fantasies, erotica, etc.! Re-booting Just re-booting I hope if you come across my blog, you will find interesting or at least like something here. Have a great time, enjoy and be yourself here. I rea…. Enema Runner. Dr Kinky. Exciting things I do occasionally My daily blog entries about different real life experiences or stuff I try out. Random musings of a middle-aged ex-pat In a Zity chat room recently, a member here encouraged me to cast aside my doubts about the value or legitimacy of a blog and actually just start writing one. Group physical The only group exam I ever had was when I was a seventh grader for sports. The problem with having a good and active brain, is that you almost never run out of ideas Musings of a wet girl Just a place to put down some of my thoughts, experiences , dreams and fantasies. Jumping in with both feet I have always been very cautious, and I still am, but I am doing something out of character for me. I am the girl that saved her virginity for 'the right one' un….

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