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Solid gelatin capsules 4, the capsule body is white, the lid is dark green. Capsule contents: white or almost white powder. The maximum concentration C max , the half-life and the total amount of renal excretion for both naltrexone and 6-beta-naltrexol increase proportionally to the increase in the intended dose of naltrexone from 50 to mg. TS m Ah naltrexone and its active metabolite 6-beta-naltrexol in plasma 1 h, after a single dose of 50 mg With m Ah naltrexone 8. It permeates through gistogematicalkie barriers. Distribution volume l. Other metabolites are 2-hydroxymethoxybeta-naltrexol and 2-hydroxymethoxy-naltrexone. Cytochrome P enzymes do not participate in the metabolism of naltrexone. Naltrexone and its metabolites form conjugates with glucoronidine. Total clearance of 1. Liver failure. The pharmacokinetics of the drug analtrexone does not change in patients with mild or moderate impairment of liver function classes A and B according to child-Pugh , such patients do not need to adjust the dose. Kidney failure. Due to the fact that naltrexone and its primary metabolite are excreted mainly in the urine, prescribing naltrexone to patients with moderate to severe renal insufficiency should be done with caution. The effectiveness of naltrexone in alcoholism and opioid dependence has been confirmed by clinical studies. Naltrexone is a pure opioid receptor antagonist. Competitively binds to opioid receptors of all types and prevents or eliminates the action of both endogenous opioids and exogenous opioid drugs opioid analgesics and their surrogates. The greatest affinity is for the K-and k-receptors. Reduces the effect of opioid analgesics analgesic, antidiarrheal, antitussive ; eliminates side effects of opioids including endogenous , except for symptoms caused by a histamine reaction. In comparison with naloxone, it acts more strongly and slowly. May cause myosis mechanism unknown. Combination with opioids in large doses leads to increased release of histamine with a characteristic clinical picture facial hyperemia, itching, rash. In patients with opioid dependence, it causes an abstinence attack. Naltrexone does not cause disulfiram-like reactions as a result of opioid and ethanol use. In alcoholism, it binds to opioid receptors and blocks the effects of endorphins. Reduces the need for alcohol and prevents relapses within 6 months after a week course of therapy the success of treatment depends on the consent of the patient. Long-term use does not cause tolerance and dependence. With simultaneous long-term use, it prevents the development of physical dependence on morphine, heroin, and other opioids. At a dose of 50 mg, it blocks the pharmacological effects of 25 mg of intravenous heroin for 24 hours, a double dose mg for 48 hours, and mg for 3 days. Competitive blockade of opioid receptors can be overcome by administering a higher dose of opioid analgesic. Patients with opioid dependence, including those being treated with opioid agonists or spastic agonists. The use of opioid analgesics or a positive test for the content of opioids in the urine. Positive test for the presence of opioids in the urine. Acute hepatitis or hepatic insufficiency. Lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance. In experiments on rats taking doses 30 times higher than recommended for people just before pregnancy and during pregnancy and on rabbits taking doses 60 times higher than recommended for people , the presence of a teratogenic effect was established. The use of a pregnancy drug is only possible if the potential benefit of its use increases the potential risk to the fetus. Due to the potential Carcinogenicity and the likelihood of serious adverse events occurring in infants, a decision should be made to discontinue therapy with the drug during breast-feeding or to discontinue breastfeeding during treatment with the drug, depending on the degree of importance of therapy for the mother. Treatment with naltrexone begins after the patient abstains from taking opioids for days in the absence of withdrawal symptoms. Abstinence from the use of opioids is identified by indicators of laboratory tests of urine on the content of opioids. Treatment is started with a negative provocative sample of C0. Description of the naloxone sample: the patient should be given 0. If there is no reaction to the introduction of analoxone for minutes, enter the second dose of the drug 0. The test is considered positive for severe mydriasis, changes in affect from a thankfully sleepy to dysphoric, behavioral disorders, and the appearance of signs of opiate withdrawal. Naloxone test is not performed on patients with withdrawal symptoms and when opioids are detected in the urine. The naloxone test can be repeated after 24 hours. Treatment with naltrexone begins with caution, gradually increasing the dose. The contents of the capsule are dissolved in 50 ml of water. First, assign 25 mg of naltrexone inside contained in 25 ml of the original solution. The doctor should monitor the act of swallowing the drug solution. The day after the initial dose of naltrexone is administered, 50 mg is administered every 24 hours using naltrexone at this dose is sufficient to block the effects of opioids administered parenterally, for example, 25 mg of heroin administered intravenously. Daily intake of 50 mgnaltrexone, the minimum course is 3 months. Treatment should be part of an appropriate program to eliminate alcohol dependence. During the course of treatment, it is necessary to monitor adherence to all components of alcohol treatment that affect a favorable outcome. Medical treatment is recommended to be accompanied by a course of psychotherapy. From the nervous system and sensory organs: very often anxiety, nervousness, unusual fatigue, General weakness,restless sleep, nightmares, headache; often dizziness,blurred visual perception, confusion, hallucinations,depression of the Central nervous system, rarely depression, delirium, ringing and sensation of congestion in the ears, pain and burning sensation in the eyes, photophobia,irritability, drowsiness, disorientation in time and space,migraine, fainting, asthenia, lethargy, anxiety. On the part of the respiratory system: not often cough, hoarseness of the voice, nasal congestion hyperemia of the nasal cavity vessels , difficulty breathing, itching in the nose, rhinorrhea, sneezing, bronchial obstruction, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, nasal bleeding, dry throat, increased separation of mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract infections, sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis VT. From the cardiovascular system: not often chest pain, increased blood pressure, tachycardia, palpitations, non-specific changes on the electrocardiogram, phlebitis. From the genitourinary system: often sexual disorders in men delayed ejaculation, decreased potency , increased or decreased libido, not often discomfort when urinating, frequent urination, edema syndrome swelling of the face, fingers, feet, shins. Allergic reactions: often skin rash, hyperemia of the skin including hyperemia of the face , hyperthermia, itching, increased secretion of the glands, chills. On the part of the musculoskeletal apparatus: very often back pain, joint stiffness, limb pain, spasm,twitching or muscle stiffness; often arthralgia, myalgia; arthritis. Other: dry mouth or thirst, sore throat, increase or loss of body weight, pain in the groin, enlargement of lymph nodes, lymphocytosis; in one case, the development of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura was described against the background of preliminary sensitization to the drug. If any of these side effects are aggravated, or you notice any other side effects that are not listed in the instructions, inform your doctor. According to the literature, a single case of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura was described in a patient who may have been sensitized to naltrexone during previous treatment. Recovery occurred after the withdrawal of the drug and the course of corticosteroid therapy. Reduces the effectiveness of drugs containing opioids antitussive drugs, opioid analgesics, anti-cold drugs. Where possible, alternative drugs should be used. Disulfiram inhibits microsomal oxidation in the liver, as a result of which it can cause an increase in the concentration of drugs in the blood plasma that are metabolized in the liver naltrexone , which increases the risk of intoxication. Lethargy or increased sleepiness may occur when combined with thioridazine. Accelerates the appearance of symptoms of the ootmena syndrome against the background of opioid dependence, characterized by resistance and difficulty in eliminating them. Naltrexone is a moderately safe drug. According to research, even high doses do not cause serious symptoms. If you suspect intoxication, you should prescribe symptomatic treatment. Naltrexone also does not have a local irritant effect. Naltrexone is effective only in combination therapy of addiction. Before use, it is necessary to exclude subclinical hepatic insufficiency, during treatment, it is necessary to periodically monitor the transient increase in the activity of transaminases. Naltrexone has a hepatotoxic effect. Therefore, with long-term use, it is necessary to monitor the function of the liver. The drug begins to be taken only in specialized institutions under the supervision of a doctor. Family members and caregivers should be warned to carefully monitor the occurrence of symptoms of depression or suicidal behavior and immediately report the occurrence of such symptoms to the attending physician. To ensure the effectiveness of treatment, it is necessary to conduct complex therapy, including psychological support. Naltrexone blocks the action of opioids. The blockade can be overcome by increasing opioid doses. A patient who receives naltrexone treatment should be warned that uncontrolled intake of opioids during this period can lead to severe withdrawal syndrome up to the development of a coma. There is a risk of death. Therefore, with long-term use, it is necessary to monitor liver function. Naltrexone should be discontinued at least 48 hours before surgery, which requires the use of opioid analgesics. In case of need for extra analgesia, opioids are prescribed with caution in an increased dose to overcome antagonism , since the respiratory depression will be deeper and longer. To prevent the development of acute withdrawal syndrome, patients must stop taking opioids or drugs containing them at least days in advance, it is mandatory to determine opioids in the urine and conduct a provocative test with naloxone; if these requirements are not met, withdrawal syndrome may occur. Persistent loss of appetite and progressive weight loss require discontinuation of therapy. You may develop eosinophilic pneumonia that is resistant to antibiotic therapy; if you develop progressive dyspnea and hypoxia, you should immediately consult a doctor. Influence on the ability to manage vehicles, work with mechanisms. During treatment, it is necessary to observe caution when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially dangerous activities that require increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions. Name, address of the manufacturer of the medicinal product and address of the place of production of the medicinal product. Information about prescription drugs is for professionals only. The information provided should not be used by patients to make an independent decision on the use of the presented drugs and cannot serve as a substitute for a full-time consultation with a doctor. A description of the active substances of the drug is provided. The scientific information provided is generalized and cannot be used to decide on the possibility of using a specific drug. The appearance of the product may differ from the photos on the site. Naltrexone 50mg caps N10 Prescription drug. Рецептурный препарат. Product is available in pharmacies:. Add to cart. All products in the order are reserved for 24 hours, after that the order is automatically canceled. Auxiliary substance: lactose monohydrate Hard gelatin capsule 4 Capsule lid : iron oxide yellow dye E 1. Positive naloxone test. Opioid withdrawal syndrome. Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. The drug is classified as category C by the degree of toxicity. Treatment of opioid addiction. Phase of introduction to the course of therapy with naltrexone. Supportive therapy with naltrexone. Treatment of alcoholism. As part of combination therapy. From the side of organs of vision: rare conjunctivitis. From the skin: papular rash, sweating, acne, alopecia. Post-approval openprintera According to the literature, a single case of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura was described in a patient who may have been sensitized to naltrexone during previous treatment. Hepatotoxic drugs increase mutually the risk of liver damage. Naltrexone is prescribed only after treatment of withdrawal syndrome. Ineffective in the treatment of cocaine and non-opioid drug dependence. Patients should be warned that: - when seeking medical care, patients are required to inform medical professionals about naltrexone treatment; - in the event of abdominal pain, darkening of the urine, yellowing of the sclera, it is necessary to stop the appointment and consult a doctor; - independent use of heroin and other opioids in small doses will not have the effect of their use, and further increase in the dose of opioid drugs will lead to a fatal outcome respiratory arrest. Influence on the ability to manage vehicles, work with mechanisms During treatment, it is necessary to observe caution when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially dangerous activities that require increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions. Town Pharmacy Catalog Basket 0. All pharmacies 1 Kantemirova Street Ajbolit с 8. Chigiri Social pharmacy с 8. Novotroitskoe Perekrestok pharmacy с 9. Ignatievskoe Tvoyaapteka с 8. Ignatievskoe Social pharmacy с 8.

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