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Nonary Game: Ambidex Edition players

SOIS member


Adult (exact unknown - probably born c. 2000)
Unnamed French mother Unnamed Egyptian father
Alice hitchhiking at the end of 999 .
Alice hitchhiking at the end of 999 .
Clover and Alice with Marcopolis Neko drawn by Kinu Nishimura.
Sigma chooses rock and Alice chooses paper.
Sigma chooses scissors and Alice chooses rock.
"I can't trust anyone now. Never again..."
Alice screaming at Sigma to let her kill herself.
Alice screaming at Sigma to let her kill herself.
Alice's suicide during Clover's ending.
Alice's reaction to Sigma asking her to put a cucumber in her breasts and bite it.

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Alice is a focused and intelligent woman in Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward . Alice is a mysterious woman who claims she was abducted and forced to play the Nonary Game: Ambidex Edition .

Despite the similar naming and ethnicity, Alice asserts that she is unrelated to the supposed Egyptian mummy of the same name . Alice claims the theory that all the water in her body is ICE-9, a special sort of water with the ability to preserve organic material, is bogus. [1]

Alice is a tan-skinned woman of mixed ethnicity (French-Egyptian). She has straight dark hair falling just below her shoulders which obscures her round earrings. She wears blue eye shadow, pink lip gloss, and blue nail polish.

She wears an exquisite golden necklace resembling an infinity symbol with an aquamarine gem that is meant to be a scarab which were regarded as holy in Ancient Egypt. She wears a gold bracelet on her right wrist. Her top is a short beige jacket with gold shoulder plates and yellow lines around the front and back. Her jacket only covers her upper arms and back, showing her torso. She has a black skirt with an aquamarine design along the waist that she wears low on her hips. Around her skirt is a thin gold belt with an eagle symbol on her right hip. Her lower legs are bare and she wears tall golden high-heel sandals.

It is mentioned that those employed by Alice's agency wear unique choices of clothing to deter suspicion away from being members. If Alice dressed like a super secret top agent, it would blow her cover.

Like the other players, she wears a bracelet on her left wrist.

Alice is independent and focused, although she can be cold, mocking and strict. She also hides her feelings about things sometimes, and only tells them to people she trusts. She is quite an experienced woman, having worked her way to the top to become a field agent in SOIS, the Special Office of Internal Security . She is also very determined to accomplish her goals and will sacrifice almost anything to achieve them, having spent most of her life trying to find her father, years after his disappearance. She is also vengeful and focused on finding her father's killer. She cares deeply for those she's close to, and always has their best interests in mind.

Alice chooses ally in certain routes, showing she can trust sometimes. However, she is not one to give second chances if she is betrayed. She is not afraid to confront her betrayer, look at them directly in the eye, and slap them on the face with enough force to send a clear message. She explicitly avoids anyone who betrayed her in the first round. The only exception she has to this is Clover , who she considers her best friend.

She may have a "survival of the fittest" attitude, as she almost/does kills Sigma Klim in one route, betraying him and Luna when he had only 1 BP , claiming her self-defense is worth more than his life. [2] However, she is not cold-hearted and feels remorse about almost killing him and as she later explains, she only voted betray out of fear and panic. Despite her composed attitude, Alice admits she was so terrified of being abducted and put in the Nonary Game, perhaps more than everyone else. She may have been subconsciously fighting her fear by masking it with her demeanor, fooling even herself in the process. She also wants to pair with Quark because he is unconscious and will default to ally. [3] In one route, she even attempts suicide to escape the fear of playing the Nonary Game, showing her desperation to escape. [4] However, she was infected with Radical-6 during her suicide attempt, though it is possible the disease overlapped with her strong desire to escape.

Alice also seems somewhat hypocritical, flip-flopping on her opinions to suit her needs. For example, if she allies Sigma and he betrays her, she mentions the Prisoner's Dilemma and is furious at him for choosing betray. If she betrays Sigma and he allies her, she says that only an idiot would choose ally in this situation. [5] In another scenario, she proposes a "people with lowest BP should have the say". [6] However, when she has higher BP, she disagrees with this. [7] It is unknown what Alice's true feelings are about these scenarios, leading to ambiguity of her character. However, it suggests she is morally inconsistent and will play situations to her advantage.

Alice is intelligent and very skilled (almost inhumanely) at mathematics, especially memorizing prime factors and working with large numbers in her mind. An example is when she calculates that "78153 61098 83809 42419 90551" is "198449351" to the third power using prime factor decomposition. This skill assists Sigma and Alice while decoding the large series of numbers in Alice END, and also helps Sigma figure out who set the antimatter bombs . She passes it off as being "better at math than most people" and claims it's "simple mental arithmetic", which Sigma calls her out for. [8] She also seems to have much general knowledge, especially in science as seen when discussing the bombs as they are first discovered. [9]

Although it may be just part of her facade to keep her true identity and profession secretive, Alice seems quite proud and pleased in her own appearance. In one of the routes, she lists off her best features one by one. She also makes narcissistic conceited comments about how beautiful and good-looking she is, like "Can I really be blamed if people think I'm an Egyptian queen?" [10] and "Does this beauty look like something infected with an awful disease?" [11] Furthermore, in the post-Round 1 conversations in the Cyan route, Alice claims her interests are to wear "lots of gorgeous clothes, eat tons of delicious food and fall in love", apart from avenging the death of her murdered father. [12]

Alice's mother being informed by an officer about her partner's disappearance.
Alice is the daughter of a French woman and an Egyptian man. When she was three years old, her family moved to the United States. Her father was a researcher in the genetics and cloning field and was recruited by an American lab, which was the reason they moved. Alice's life was good until her father was mysteriously kidnapped when she was nine years old and was raised by her mother. However, she did not learn that her father was kidnapped and his lab was attacked by terrorists until she was older. Although Alice's mother was devastated and cried, she raised Alice as a single mother, a difficult task since all of their relatives were a trans-Atlantic flight away. Alice also deeply missed her father.

Alice in the Special Office of Internal Security.
Alice earned a full ride scholarship in high school and went to a university, studying for several years. She also became extremely skilled at mathematics, able to mentally calculate complex equations. After graduating, she took a job in the Department of Defense and was hired by the SOIS, hoping they would have the resources to help her locate her father. She was tasked with finding Free the Soul and the Myrmidons , the organization that kidnapped her father.

After Alice received a tip from someone that some Myrmidons were hiding in a building in the Nevada Desert, she went to investigate the building: Building Q . She was dressed in ancient Egyptian clothing to deter suspicion away from being an SOIS member. However, her car broke down.

Alice in the Nevada Desert at the end of 999 .
Luckily, she was found by a passing car driven by Clover, accompanied by Junpei Tenmyouji , Hazuki Kashiwabara , Seven , Light Field , and a restrained Gentarou Hongou , who had just escaped from Building Q. Alice brought the people in the car to a SOIS facility for questioning, but ultimately released all of them, except for Hongou, whom she put in jail.

Several months passed and SOIS decided to find the original players of the First Nonary Game . All of the First Nonary Game participants were recruited, except Akane and Aoi . Clover and her brother Light were recruited under Alice and worked for her, although Alice had to contact Seven and ask him to motivate Clover and Light in order for this. They trained them to become Espers , due to their abilities to access the morphogenetic field , which they needed to fight Free the Soul.

A scared Clover kidnapped by Free the Soul.
Clover was sent to a Free the Soul base, but it turned out to be fake and she was captured. Upon arriving to the false base, Alice rescued Clover. However, off to the side was a corpse, heavily covered in bruises. It was Alice's father, who was beaten to death. According to Clover, his last words was "I love you... Alice." and he had carved them on his chest. These words fueled Alice's desire to avenge her father and end Free the Soul. When Alice visited the morgue, she broke down and cried seeing her father's corpse.

After saving Clover, Alice learned the real location of Free the Soul's headquarters from her father's carvings which were latitude and longitude: a chemical factory disguised as an abandoned building in Los Angeles, California. Alice planned to attack them on December 25, 2028, but on December 22, Alice and Clover were attacked by a person in a gas mask and knocked out with a large amount of Soporil . Both Alice and Clover were immediately put in Treatment Pods .

On April 14, 2029, the Moon shuttle arrived on the Moon with Sigma, Alice, Clover, and Phi on board. They all went to Rhizome 9 . Phi, Alice and Clover were still in Treatment Pods, and were stored away for 45 years.

When the Nonary Game: Ambidex Edition begins, Alice wakes up alone in one of the AB Rooms . She discovers that she is a red solo. After solving the puzzle, she escapes from the AB Room and finds no one around in Warehouse A . Soon after that, she meets Luna , Tenmyouji , Dio , Quark , Sigma, and Phi. After investigating each others bracelets, Alice figures out that someone is still in the AB Room on the furthest left. Dio says there may not be anyone in there, but Sigma isn't so sure. Dio then asks him how he knows.

Alice waking up Clover in Warehouse A.
The hatch on the AB Room opens and K jumps from the roof of the elevator, carrying an unconscious Clover. Alice asks K what he did to her and he answers that he found her in the AB Room unconscious. K then says that he cannot remember who he is. Luna realizes that he has amnesia. Despite Dio thinking K is lying, everyone believes that he is in the same boat as everyone else. Eventually Clover wakes up, and asks Alice what is occurring. She tells her that they are trapped in a Nonary Game, which causes Clover to panic. Alice tells Clover everything will be okay.

When Zero III appears, he explains that solos must go through a Chromatic Door with a pair depending on which door they choose, meaning Alice can go with any pair. After Zero finishes his explanation, Luna begs Sigma to choose a door, saying it will decide who goes into each door.

On this route, Alice goes with Sigma and Phi to the Crew Quarters . After investigating that area, Alice betrays Sigma and Phi in the AB Game. She says that she would gain more by choosing betray and called him "tender-brained" for picking ally. If the player chose to betray Alice previously, Sigma remembers her choosing ally in another timeline and confronts her about it. Otherwise, Sigma is merely annoyed by Alice's selfishness. Alice's betrayal of Sigma and Phi brings her BP to 6. After Zero III explains how the bracelets change after each round, Alice discovers that she is a yellow solo. After the nine participants split up, Alice heads to the Infirmary to speak with Dio and Tenmyouji.

When Sigma stops by, she reveals that her father was murdered and that she wants to punish her father's killer. She thinks it might have something to do with the Nonary Game. Soon after, Bomb 3 is discovered in the Crew Quarters. Alice explains how they need the password input device to deactivate the bomb. K points out that there might be other bombs. Dio suggests moving the bombs and begins to do so. Alice then yells at Dio for almost killing everyone. Phi suggests keeping away from it because it might explode at any time. Soon the Chromatic Doors on Floor B open. Alice goes with Sigma and Luna despite Sigma's protest.

Luna and Alice in the beautiful garden.
They find themselves in the B. Garden , which Luna says might be an indoor garden for plant research. They solve the puzzles there and escape. Next, Sigma, Alice, and Luna meet up with Phi, Dio, and Tenmyouji. The second group takes the first group back to the room they searched: the Treatment Center . While discussing cold sleep, Tenmyouji suggests that Alice would not need to freeze her body since it is composed of Ice-9 rather than normal water. Alice tells Tenmyouji that Clover, the one who first told him about that story, was just joking around. She mentions that people do however confuse her for the mummy All-ice that was supposedly found on the Titanic when it sank. Alice recalls one time when somebody asked if she was the mummy, to which she joked that she might be, but perhaps has amnesia. The conversation concludes with Alice explaining how the mummy eventually vanished, but that the entire story is an urban legend. Tenmyouji remains convinced Alice is the mummy.

The group heads back to Warehouse A. When they arrive, K explains that Quark collapsed while his group was searching their room and that Clover is looking after him. Everyone rushes to the infirmary where Luna scans Quark with the ADAM and states that he has Radical-6 and that they need to find the cure, Axelavir .

Alice feeling suicidal with a scalpel she took from Quark.
Quark awakens suddenly. He immediately attempts suicide due to the effects of the disease. During the struggle, Alice takes the scalpel from Quark, but soon starts to succumb to the effects of Radical-6 as well. She tells the others that they will all die regardless of the circumstances, claiming that Radical-6 will destroy humanity. She then says that she would rather die there and runs off.

Alice found by Phi in the B. Garden.
Everyone searches for her around the facility. At some point Alice loses the scapel. Alice lat
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