Zean Cabangis

Zean Cabangis

Dicecream Magazine

🔳Zean Cabangis is a Filipino visual artist.

Zean Cabangis, trained as a painter, uses acrylic and emulsion transfer as his medium. The use of transfer technique allows him to reproduce multiple photographic images and create a sensation of accumulated layers. 

The subject matter of his work consists of reconstructed memories, film scenes as well as objects and scenes from everyday life. Cabangis’ work is embedded in his personal experiences and explores the processes of remembering and forgetting.

Cabangis enjoys creating artwork, and his father's being both a painter and art professor were important factors in his choosing to become an artist. He took basic art classes such as electives during his elementary and high school days and attended an art workshop at UP before taking the talent tests of the University of the Philippines.

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