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Zbiorowiska nieleśne Magurskiego Parku Narodowego (Beskid Niski). (Non-forest communities of the Magura National Park (Beskid Niski Mts.).
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Non-forest communities occupy only 10% of area of the Magura National Park (Beskid Niski Mts., South-Eastern Poland). Twenty seven communities were identified on the basis of the investigation study and numerical classification results. Mainly, they represent semi- natural communities. Man's impact and secondary plant succession shaped the characteristic features of the plant communities. Three new syntaxonomical units were described: Cirsietum rivularis caricetosum hartmanii, Carlino-Dianthetum deltoidis and Centaureetum mollis. The vegetation maps of non-forest parts of the Magura National Park are presented. Some remarks for the maintenance of semi-natural communities and biodiversity in the investigated area are given.
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... Wyjątek stanowi Glycerietum plicatae – zespół w badanym terenie przywiązany do siedlisk naturalnych. Trzcińska-Tacik, Zając, Zając 1973, Mirek 1993 , Dubiel, Stachurska, Gawroński 1999 ). Zwykle opisywane były jedynie fragmentarycznie wykształcone płaty (Kornaś, Medwecka-Kornaś 1967, Denisiuk, Korzeniak 1993(+.2), ...
... Trifolium hybridum 6(+.2), Valeriana sambucifolia 4, Veronica chamaedrys 5. niż zbiorowisko z ponikłem (Kornaś, Medwecka-Kornaś 1967, Loster 1976, Denisiuk, Korzeniak 1993, Mirek 1993, Denisiuk, Korzeniak 1999 , Dubiel, Stachurska, Gawroński 1999 ). Nad Czarnym Dunajcem zbiorowisko to zajmuje głównie płytkie starorzecza, często o dość dużej powierzchni. ...
... Gatunkiem dominującym jest występujący tu łanowo skrzyp bagienny Equisetum fluviatile. Poza nim często pojawiają się inne gatunki szuwarowe (Alisma plantago-aquatica, Sparganium Loster 1976, Denisiuk, Korzeniak 1993, Mirek 1993 , Dubiel, Stachurska, Gawroński 1999 ...
... Moreover, this species can also grow on wet meadows of the order Molinietalia caeruleae W. Koch 1926 and rarely in the Central Europe low peat bogs Caricetalia davalianae Br.-Bl. 1949 [25, 26], both on calcareous deposits. So far, studies focusing on its biology and habitat interactions are scarce [19,27]. ...
This study attempts to determine which of the habitats occupied by Filipendula vulgaris creates better conditions for its growth and development. Selected physiological parameters—PSII activity, chlorophyll content, electrolyte leakage, hydrogen peroxide content as well as biomass, the occurrence of mycorrhiza, and soil characteristics—were investigated. Grassland soils had a higher content of macronutrients and a lower concentration of heavy metals. The degree of colonization of F. vulgaris by AMF (Arum type) oscillated around high values in both types of stands. Plants growing on xerothermic grasslands achieved much better fluorescence parameters than those collected from meadows. Similar results were obtained from the analysis of chlorophyll content. The destabilization degree of cell membranes was significantly higher in plants collected in meadows than in grasslands. Biomass analysis showed higher values of these parameters in grassland plants. In the case of the parameters of fluorescence emission, plants growing on grasslands achieved significantly lower values than plants collected from meadows. The analyses carried out showed that better conditions for growth and physiological activity of F. vulgaris are probably associated with grasslands on a calcareous substrate.
... The majority of populations of Gladiolus imbricatus L. occur in meadows. They were observed particularly in humid lowland meadows , montane hay-meadows [54] [55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62], tall herb meadows [63][64][65][66], as well as flooded meadows [67,68]. Moreover, populations of Gladiolus imbricatus were found in peat bogs [69][70]. ...
The sword lily Gladiolus imbricatus L. is a clonal plant covering Central and Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean, Caucasia and West Siberia. The aforementioned species is included in numerous national Red Books or Lists due to the progressive decrease of stands. The present paper reviews the factors threatening the occurrence and condition of Gladiolus imbricatus populations in natural localities. The largest threat is connected with transformation of meadows and expansion of urban areas.
A phytosociological study of the West Carpathian mesic hay meadows and pastures (order Arrhenatheretalia elatioris) was performed and is the first unified investigation into the vegetation diversity in the area, which is situated in three countries (Slovakia, Czech Republic and Poland). Because of the differences in the current classification systems used in different countries it was not possible to make a single selection of the Arrhenatheretalia relevés from the databases, so a data set containing relevés originally assigned to three orders encompassing this vegetation in hay meadows and pastures in the area (Arrhenatheretalia elatioris, Molinietalia and Nardetalia strictae) was established. This data set was classified using cluster analysis. Only the cluster corresponding to the order Arrhenatheretalia elatioris at the level of three clusters was further classified in the same way as the whole data set. The ecological interpretation of the classification was based on altitude, Ellenberg indicator values and geological bedrock. The clusters were also compared with the syntaxonomical assignment of the relevés by their authors. The classification at the level of 12 clusters reflected the most widespread vegetation types of mesic meadows and pastures recorded in the area. The vegetation of extensive pastures, corresponding to the association Anthoxantho odorati-Agrostietum tenuis, seemed to be more similar in floristic composition to the mesic meadows of Arrhenatherion elatioris than to the intensive pastures of Cynosurion cristati, where it was traditionally classified, which has important conservation consequences because of the different position of these units in conservation systems such as Natura 2000. Higher altitude meadows were divided into four vegetation types including meadows corresponding to the association Gladiolo imbricati-Agrostietum capillaris, which is a frequent community in the Polish Carpathians that does not occur in the other regions. Montane meadows currently classified in Polygono bistortae-Trisetion flavescentis were less clearly distinguished, probably because of their patchy distribution in the West Carpathians. The differences in vegetation diversity of meadows and pastures between particular countries were confirmed, with Gladiolo imbricati-Agrostietum capillaris occurring predominantly in the northern part of the West Carpathians and Anthoxantho odorati-Agrostietum tenuis virtually absent here. The ecological determinants of variation in montane meadows are discussed.
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Dyadic sets are finite partially ordered sets together with an equivalence relation on the inequalities. With each dyadic set S we associate the additive k-category matS of representations of S, whose objects are matrices with a subdivision into vertical blocks A s , s∈S, of size m×d s such that the numbers of columns d s and d s * coincide whenever the inequalities (s,s) and (s * ,s * ) are ... [Show full abstract] equivalent. The objects of matS admit a unique decomposition into indecomposables, which are characterized by local endomorphism algebras. Our objective is to describe the indecomposable representations of S in the case where S is finitely represented, i.e., where matS contains only finitely many isoclasses of indecomposables. The classification is well known for partially ordered sets (which we consider as dyadic sets whose equivalence classes have cardinality 1). The solution of the general problem uses a reduction to this special case. To each dyadic set S a poset C(S) is attached, which is finite and finitely represented iff S is finitely represented. When |C(S)|<∞, we construct a map θ:matC(S)→matS preserving the isoclasses. In general not all indecomposables of matS can be described by means of θ. In the two parts of “Representations of dyadic sets” [for Part I see above], we determine the missing isoclasses of indecomposables for finitely represented dyadic sets.
In recent years, biodiversity has become an issue of broad academic interest, and its assessment and maintenance are now recognized as an important area of ecological research. While the concept of biodiversity encompasses, first and foremost, the total number of species co-occurring in a locality, it has increasingly been realized that information on the relative abundances of co-occurring ... [Show full abstract] species is also required for a better understanding of the patterns and dynamics of biodiversity. In many areas of ecological research, "abundance" constitutes a key variable that characterizes populations and communities. The relative abundances of species in natural communities reflect evolutionary and contemporary processes occurring on different spatiotemporal scales. The idea of niche apportionment has been developed to provide an integrated conceptual framework for the study of species abundance patterns in communities. This article reviews a number of important issues surrounding the concept of niche apportionment, including some aspects that have received very little or no consideration in previous ecological literature. The main emphasis here is on possible evolutionary implications and backgrounds. Further, as a universal factor which affects species abundance in one way or another, body size is highlighted and its relationship with abundance ("density-body-size relation") is considered, referring in particular to a recent comprehensive analysis of freshwater benthic data. Consideration of this and other studies has led to the formulation of the biomass equivalence rule, that suggests the independence of the biomass measure of abundance from body size, which strengthens the logical basis of niche apportionment models. It is suggested that, compared with Hubbell's neutral theory of biodiversity, niche apportionment with the biomass equivalence rule represents a conceptually more sound and widely applicable approach to elucidating species abundance patterns.
Aquatic vegetation plays an important role in the maintenance of wetland biodiversity and ecological function. As the complex spectral characteristics and growth environment, the temporal and spatial distribution of aquatic vegetation is affected by many factors. According to aquatic vegetation's ecological characteristics, this paper analyzes the selection and extraction of optimal feature ... [Show full abstract] images that benefits aquatic vegetation classification. Next, classification knowledge mining and classifier building based on these feature images are discussed. Finally, this paper proposes a new aquatic vegetation information extraction method by remote sensing techniques.
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