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ASCII was the first character encoding standard also called character set. ASCII defined different alphanumeric characters that could be used on the internet: ANSI Windows was the original Windows character set, with support for different character codes. This is to let the robots. We advise that you use robots. Shows whether or not your site which is compatible with desktop computers, is also compatible with tablet computers and mobile devices. This shows how your site was found on search engines, which words were used to find your website. Google ranks sites on a scale of The higher the rank, the better and more beneficial this site is considered for Google. Google, along with being the worlds largest search engine also provides many other great services. One of these provided services is Analytic. With a tiny code added to your site, Analytic allows you to track all user data on your site. A few of its free services are: Real time user data User data in general User data by location Traffic sources Audience view A retrospective view of all user entries and data Desktop, Tablet and Mobile entries to your site User Acquisition User Behavior And many more statistics and content. Открывайте сайты, заблокированные Роскомнадзором, просто, бесплатно и без установки дополнительного ПО. Page Speed is the speed at which your site responds to commands input. It is more important and beneficial for your site to have this at a lower value. Hosting Country - City: United States - San Francisco. LatLng lat, lon ,zoom: You can see a more detailed view from the map. Statistics regarding the size and concentration of HTML coding used. Shows the size of the HTML used on your site. This is the size of the HTML on your site once it has been compressed. This is the size of the pure text on your site, after HTML has been removed. This shows what type of coding was used in the design of your site. This shows the version od coding you used in the design of your site. Is your sites rank among the other sites in the world. Is your sites rank among the other sites in your country. We recommend to use google analytic for see statistics. By sharing the content of your site on the above platform, your site becomes part of social media and you can drive more traffic to your site. This shows the information regarding the date that you bought your domain name and its expiry date. You can find your old site designs from this site. Country Traffic Share Change Avg.

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